General Holiday Enquiries, Hints and Tips

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SHANTARAM - Gregory David Roberts

" Shantaram is a truly engaging read. It is exceptionally well paced and will take you on a journey that will, at times, leave you breathless and unable to turn the pages quickly enough."

It is an autobio - about an Australian who escapes from prison and makes his way to Bombay then tells the story of his life there. Will tell you no more as it will spoil the read. On Amazon it has loads of reviews one which says if you only ever read one book in your life it should be this one.
It was supposed to be made into a film but due to the writers strike in US it has been delayed.

Mandasue Heller is another favourite - in the vein of Martina Cole ( she writes the forwards for the books)
The Shadow of The Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon.

I couldn't put it down.
I really couldn't get into Shadow of the Wind. That, Cloud Atlas, A Suitable Boy, Lord of the Rings and We Need to Talk About Kevin are some of the very few books I've started and not finished.
About two years ago whilst on holiday I picked up a book 'September' by Rosamunde Pilcher, it was really enjoyable and I have since read all the books she has written the last one I have just finished was 'Winter Solstice',
I have also read all of the Barbara Taylor Bradford books and most of Joanna Trollopes.
I used to read only on holiday but I had a major operation recently and have done more reading and I am enjoying trying several new authors, Catherine Alliot and Katie FForde are two names.
Marlou, I was given "P.S. I love you" today by my friend, so I'm going to save it for my hols. :tup
My brother and sister in law are coming out the last few days of our holidays so any books I've read I'll give them to her.
Our holidays overlapped by a week last year which was FAB - we had a great time together.
We also swapped books when we met up of a night - which must have looked quite strange at times after a few *scoops* :cheers
haymans74, I can understand that, it took me a few chapters to get into it myself, but when I did, it was great.

Just finished another good book, "Walking back to Happiness" by Anne Bennett.

Any tips on what reading materials have been most popular this summer?
The Northern Clemency by Philip Hensher is packed ready for my imminent trip.
I'm away for 2 wks so any suggestions on a lighter read?
TIA. :tup
Has anyone read "The Magic Cottage" by James Herbert? Have read The Secrets Of Crickley Hall, being a first ever read of his and thoroughly enjoyed.
I never really would have considered his books but wa lent it to read and gave it a go. If the one mentioned is very similar then I think I shall go and buy it.
I read Perfect Match by Jodi Picoult while on holiday and it was really good!
I couldn't put it down.

** Edit to remove copyright material. luci HT Mod **

At first I thought I could guess what was going to happen, but no, she foiled me every time!
I've never read any of her books before, but I will now.
  • Edited by luci HT Mod 2008-09-15 13:13:34
    To remove coyright material
just read "wish you were here" by mike gayle
really funny
bought a few more of his books all really good girlie story's
just finished reading
"the wags diary" by alison kervin
its hysterical
just ordered the follow up
two great books I have just read
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas- John Boyne. Haven't seen the film and now I don't think I want to as the book was so good, I think I may be disappointed.
The Kite Runner-Khaled Hosseini. Brilliant but not an easy read. It is good to read when you have plenty time though.
Hi all

What books will you be taking on holiday summer 2009? Ive got angel uncovered katie price, heiresses and the new mike gayle book get them from tescos a ot cheaper!
I need a couple of good reads for myself. Pick up & put down books please, as I'm far too nosey to read in a long stretch round the pool. :D I enjoy most things except autobiographies & horrors. Thanks
I always recomend

"The Beach" - yep I know its an old movie now, but the book, before the movie was dreamt about, was a classic


The Secret History, by Donna Tart
i'm just starting on a collection of jackie collins books at the minute, but on previous holidays i've read the shopaholic series by sophie kinsella, jill mansell books aswell. Oh and cecilia aherne, i've read all of her books, loved them all!
I love The Secret History, haven't read that in years :) I can recommend anything by Carl Hiaasen, they're all hilarious & will have you laughing out loud. Henning Mankell is good too.
I love anything by Una Horne, Maureen Lee or Katie Flynn.
Also I thought The Hornbeam Tree by Susan Lewis was a good read.
Caz - I've just finished reading "missing" by Susan Lewis & that was a good read too.
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