Sorry about that.
Ye the 23rd August, it is the flight number you specified..ow well then that good, didn't want to have to arrive any earlier than I am since I got to drive down from Aberdeen.
Thanks for the welcome.
Had issue last night with trying to book extra luagage yesterday for the inbound flight and had to phone them to get the extra baggage, does that happen often we were being able to book for both ways or outbound but not for the inbound flight which is on the 6th September. This was online by the way.
How are GlobeSpan for the flight we flying premium economy any chance of free upgrades lol or how much is it to upgrade anyway?
Hope they are on time got my Car to pick up at 3 orlando time. Anyone know any good sites where I can swat up on the high way code for Florida.
minority wrote:any chance of free upgrades lol
In a word, no! Unless you are frequent flyer with them or crew / family or crew, there's more chance of it stopping raining here today than a free upgrade!
Refer to Flyglobespans website for all the information you require.
Can anyone advise what the seat configuration on this flight is and are there any seat that would be better for seeing the inflight entertainment as I have read that some seats are really bad We are traveling with 3 kids to any advise appreciated
Hi we're booked on GSM725 Glasgow to Sanford on Oct 9th,and are now on a 757 plane.We had prebooked extra leg room seats,and have now been given row 9 the emergency exit row.Does anyone know the seat pitch for these seats,and does this mean the row in front of us can't recline their seats ?
Welcome onboard

Your seats are positioned on the row where you embark / disembark the aircraft (L/R 2 door). There aren't any official figures quoted for seat pitch on the extra legroom rows, but it's big! At least 60-70". Regardless of whether those infront can recline or not, it won't encroach in to your space. The only downside to them is they are slightly narrower becasue the tray-table is stowed in the arm rest and they are fixed.
Wow - Thanks Darren.The notice we were given told us we would be at the front of the economy section,but i thought maybe a bulkhead would be in our faces,separating us from buisness class - with not a lot of room.

Flyglobespan have just called as our return flight (Overnight flight 29th-30th September) has now been changed to a 747, so they were looking for volunteers to fly back on 26th instead - compensation being an upgrade to Business Class but no partial refund. We turned this down as, although it wouldve been good to have 40kg baggage allowance, we still have 3 days paid for at our hotel and things planned etc.
We were assured our return flight would be fine, as if no-one volunteers, they will be changing the flights for the people who booked last, and since we booked in January we should be fine. But obviously im still worried.
We have paid for Premium Seats - anyone know if will we still get these on a 747? We've also paid for extra luggage allowance and im worried a smaller plane will mean they cannot honor this extra weight? Am i just being paranoid?
The B747 (Jumbo Jet) is larger than the aircraft in Globespan's normal fleet so luggage should not be an issue. As to the configuration of the aircraft, it depends on whose it is, but I would think it extremely unlikely that anybody would be operating a B747 in all-economy configuration (even the Japenese!).
Given that it is a larger aircraft, I am surprised that they would be seeking volunteers to be bumped - are you sure they did not sa a 737?
woopsie i meant 757!!!
Well i called Flyglobespan earlier today and they have assured me we will still get our premium seats we have chosen on the way back, so will have to wait and see!
Glasgow airport is rife with rumours that Flyglobespan isn't doing to well and staff are worried about their jobs. These rumours are coming from Flyglobespan staff who are all concerned after Zoom going bust. Does anyone know anything about this? Flyglobespans flights for next summer are really cheap but Im extremly apprehensive to book anything with them
There was an article in the Sunday Herald in which the boss of Flyglobespan sought to reassure customers about the financial viability of the company ... please click here.

I think I am going to hold fire, thats Zoom, Futura and Seguro holidays all goin under in the past 2 weeks.
While no Airline is "economically safe" at the moment I may add Globespan have learned from previous mistakes like last year and are actually performing very well at the moment and with the cost of fuel dropping (slowly) I wouldnt have any concerns flying with them. They have just announced new routes to Lanzarote , Gran Canaria & Egypt from my airport in Aberdeen and have plans to station a 737-700 here which previously was unheard of due to high costs in Aberdeen. I work very closely with most of the major airlines in the UK & worldwide and the feedback I am receiving from them is that a lot of them could learn from Globespan's planning & operational business.

Ive been reading loads of reviews regarding the globespan flights, apparently bad for delays, changing flight times and shockingly planes aswell, I thought that perhaps some folks were just grumpy sods and complained about everything, I pre booked our seats and inflight meals etc, looking dead forward to the holiday, were are due to fly to Sanford from Glasgow on Tuesday 30th sept at 9am........ now Iam dreading what else will go wrong! just received E-Mail today stating that we are now stopping in Bangor Maine to refuel as they have changed our outbound flight to a 757 (GSM725A), im now fearing the dreaded e-mail or phonecall to say that the departure times have been changed aswell and then have a terrible time getting home again, we are on the 8th october return flight. When we booked the holiday we were told of the stop of at Belfast and that doesnt bother us at all, and we were contacted 2 weeks ago to say that our inbound flight from sanford had been changed to the 757, that also didnt bother us as we would have had our much needed holiday by then and wouldnt care less

There is 9 of us in our party which includes 2 kids under 9yrs of age, ive heard the entertainment is pretty poor. they have put us in row 16 and 17 for return flight but havent updated my flight details for the outbound journey so have no idea where we will be seated and we are a very tall family and specifically pre booked the legroom seats!..... ooooh im dreading this space, ps where bouts on plane is rows 16 and 17???? pls help xxxx

Yes, I've been worried about all the rumours of them going bust, and after the XL case it is quite scary, but reading this forum has put my mind at ease as these rumours have been going about for a long time, and as of yet Globespan are still going strong. I have been looking into this and reading a lot about the company and from what I can gather they seem to be in a reasonably good position at the moment, and have taken measures to help during the fuel crisis, and the quiet winter months by wining a contract with the MOD. Surely the MOD wont let them go out of business, lol.
Also can I just add to people that have booked flights direct to Sandford, Florida on the website that we are covered by ATOL. I have checked and checked my booking and In the small print I have an ATOL number. I also contacted the CAA who confirmed this for me. I hope I dont have to use it tho. A lot of Travel agents are telling people to watch out for Globespan, however if a company like Globespan go bust then that can only be to there advantage. I think its more a case of touting for business.
Anyway, I'm sure Globespan will continue to get good and bad reviews, everyones idea of good service is different. I just compare them to other companies that I've flown with and they all have good and bad points. I hope everyone flying with Globespan has as good as an experience as I've had. Happy Holidays to all.
If you book a sheduled flight directly with an airline you will not be covered by ATOL, even if that airline has an ATOL number.
Yes, we did check directly with Globespan, and the CAA as mentioned above, all flights booked direct with Globespan on the internet to USA are covered by atol. European flights are not covered if booked directly with Globespan.

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