You undoubtably offer good advice on this site which im sure helps a lot of holidays run that touch smoother but please dont get and im (trying not to swear or be rude) obnoxious or arrogant,
If a question bothers you ignore it or let another passanger comment,
Any way i wont comment more on this ill let it get back to a q&a board,
Most users do not realise they have access to the search facility which 9/10 would answer their question it would save a lot of duplication.

I have just had a phone call from First Choice my flight to Goa in November is now a double drop and there are no extra leg room seats avaliable, bearing in mind that I booked my extra leg room seats over a year ago and are now paid in full! Apparently as Manchester are first on the plane the extra leg seats will be filled by the passengers from Manchester. I fly long haul with FC 3 times a year, not anymore.
have you tried sending them an e- mail or phoning them.. tell them you have been using them 2/3 times a year and have paied for extra legroom seat and you are not willing to accept their poor sales in having to merge flights as an excuse not to supply what has been booked for XXXXmonth and if they are not willing to re-instate your legroom seats you want not only a refund for the extra already paied but expect compensation as well [not saying you will get anywhere but they should allocate seats first come first served [purchase date wise]]
I spent over 30 mins on the phone trying to reason with them only to be told there is nothing we can do about it except refund you as there is no extra leg room allocation. I asked them where the leg room had dissapeared to, have you put more seats in, has the emergency exit been removed, is it a different plane, every question I am put on hold and the same answer comes back in the end when I asked them directly have you allocated all extra leg room seats to Manchester passengers the answer came back yes that is the case. I aske to speak to the person who made this choice and was told to ring back on Monday when someone would be able to tell me the same thing. Very poor service not what I expected from FC at all.
In order to take off people must be sat at these emergency exits so cannot be left empty for the 2nd set of passengers boarding in Gatwick.
I know they could move people to then move them back, but this is poor customer service and to have people moving around the plane like musical chairs is unprofessional(not that i am saying this isn't) and inconvenient for all involved.
Can the crew not sit in these seats?
Redstingers wrote:Can the crew not sit in these seats?
Crew don't sit in the over-wing emergency exit rows so passengers are required to sit in those, but I know what you mean. Crew sit at the main exit rows so I can't see why those rows can't be kept free for the hop down to LGW. In the event of an emergency, crew will be opening those doors, not passengers. Rules are rules though.
I am flying Fri 25th September 09 to Cozumel. I think it is too early to know but I wil try anyway! Will I be on a ex First Choice plane or a Thomsonfly one?!
None of the above, It'll be a Thomson Airways aircraft by then!! It depends where you are flying from. Chances are it'll be an ex-FCA aircraft but there will be one ex-Thomsonfly aircraft based in Manchester and one at Gatwick (along with 2x ex-FCA at each of those airports). 2 further ex-FCA aircraft will be used from regional airports.
Thanks Dazbo, I'll be flying from Gatwick. I just wanted to ask as I prefer the 2-3-2 layout rather than Thomson's 2-4-2.
Unfortunately all but three extra legroom seats must be occupied, this isn't a rule for rules sake but for safety. In the event of a problem the main bulk of extra legroom seats/emergency exits have no crew anywhere near them(row20) and should an evacuation occur the passengers that sit in these seats would be required to open them, not the cabin crew(they would be opening doors at row1/11/41) Which is why the crew responsible need to personally speak to each person sitting at row 20.
I am led to believe it will be an ex-FCA aircraft because the ex-TFly aircraft will be operating another route that day, so unless they use the Manchester ex Tfly aircraft you should be on the First Choice one.
Obviously this is all subject to change as its 11 months away.
1. The Manchester passengers are on for longer so get the extra leg room seats.
2. The safety aspect with emergency seats needing to be filled.
3. Extra leg room seats are now allocated at check in on a first come first served basis.
Darren are the Nov/Dec film list out yet.
Hi, We fly out to Mexico, on 3rd Dec Flight no. fca156 &157, Any idea if this is an ex FCA plane or ex Thomson plane?? Also, Dazbo, can you tell me if its an FCA plane which reg it is??
MAN-CUN-MAN (TOM155/6) are operated by an ex-FCA aircraft according to my information. Aircraft get rotated on a regular basis so I can't tell you the registration this far in advance. They're all pretty much the same inside so it doesn't make much of a difference (just the positions of the over-wing emergency exits).

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