Thankd for the tip on the shoes, why didn't I think of that.
I just have a few things to get now so maybe pop into primark again soon.
Some really nice flip flops too, I can't stand the thing inbetween my toes though unfortunately

I bought pink linen trousers for £6 and I got a pair of flip flops for 98p

I'm dying to get to Primark. Unfortunately, I don't drive and our nearest one is quite a way away. I'm going to have to rely on hubby to take me and TBH he isn't the most patient of shoppers. Once I get to Primark, you can say goodbye to at least an hour. Maybe I'll have to wait until the half term hols (week after next) and Helen T and I'll go on the bus
I'm going to have to rely on hubby to take me and TBH he isn't the most patient of shoppers.
What you need to do is find him a suitable nearby 'man creche'. They come disguised as such things as 'Internet Cafe' and 'HMV DVD and Games shop' or any coffee shop with a sign up saying 'Free Wi-Fi' so that they don't realise that they've been parked in the creche. If you're lucky he'll enjoy himself so much that by the time you're ready to go home, he's the one who has to be dragged away kicking and screaming because he's having such a good time.


Unfortunately I don't think there is any suitable man creche which would occupy any fella for the amount of time I spend in Primark!

i have the added problem that i can't leave my OH anywhere on his own due to a mental health problem. i have to rush around the shop before he gets bored and wanders off. i do have one day to myself when someone else looks after him though so i make the most of it. bought some great linen mix shorts in primark this week, only 3 pound
To be fair to him, he has often accompanied me to clothes shops and hasn't uttered a word of complaint but I just feel rushed as I know he's so bored. He's offered to take me next Saturday unless something props up and he has to work. I need him to come with me really because he could do with a pair of linen trousers for hols. There is a dress code where we're going this year so I want to buy him something that's acceptable but not expensive as he probably won't wear them again (apart from holidays) Has anybody seen any men's linens in Primark-full length preferably. He did get a pair there a few years ago so I'm hoping they still sell them.

Preferably when they have a 20% discount day.
Doe - hubby's just told me he fancied a pair of swim shorts in Tesco when he was shopping this week. I asked to see them & he looked blank at me & said he didn't buy them - just fancied them

Got harem pants in every colour - they are THE most comfiest things on the planet!! Got everything else too for me and the kids!! £200+ later and we are all ready for the off!!
Shame its 11 weeks away

Does anyone get their summer holiday stuff from Primark if so does the quality last so you can use on another holiday? was thinking of buying a few holiday bits but usually pay more.
Hi Mari - there's a huge thread here somewhere about Primark, so the mods will probably combine the pots. I've bought quite a few bits & bobs for holidays from Primark over the years ranging from clothes, to shoes, to bags. They're not the best quality, but usually last me more than one holiday. Last summer I bought 4 t shirts for work for £2.19 each. They'e still going strong, and have kept their shape well. I have had a couple of things that have stretched or shrunk after a couple of washes - but at those prices I it doesn't bother me.
I'm not sure whether this will be of interest to you Mari
I often buy my holiday stuff from Primark. I can get 3 bikinis for the price of 1 in a more expensive shop and they last a few years. A lot of things only get worn on holiday and then put away for another year so they are fine for that.
We all had a bit of a laugh though but I must admit, I did feel sorry for the older, unattractive one and that was ME

Merged to existing topic.
how far back can does the database allow us to search ? I typed Primark in the search box and couldn't find the original topic that you've now merged this with.

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