I phoned Ryanair customer services (10p a minute and not £1 a minute as some would be happy to trumpet) and explained the problem, although they wouldn't make any changes as I didnt book the flight or was a named passenger they would make the change 'fee free' if the booker / passenger would phone them directly.
I sense this commonsense approach was due to it being a spelling mistake rather than a name change. If they do it without making a charge I guess it won't make the news - as it would be seen as good customer service ! and we know Ryanair never give good service. As a monthly traveller with them, I like many others, know this isn't completely true.
I have just booked my first flights since all the check in rules changed. The flights are for my father in law who likes to take a suitcase despite my pleadings !
So before the changes.....£5.00 ew for the flights, £10.00 ew for the bags, £5.00 ew check in (because of bags) and £3.00 ew for priority = £46.00
Now - £5.00 ew for flights, £10 ew for bags and £3.00 ew for priority = £36.00
As the flights are 'special offer' then the £5.00 online check in fee is waived

Thanks goes to Mr O'Leary from my father in law......

Hya I have booked 2 flights to Dublin from Manchester for this coming friday, I just booked on-line check-in no bags - I now need to take a suitcase can I book this online?? thanks
I have booked priority boarding, can you reserve seats at check-in or is it just first come first served on the plane.
Also, is there any in-flight entertainment like movies?
Thanks for that Darren I will give it a go
Can anyone tell me if you get a meal on the flight and if there is a charge for this or is it purely just snacks they sell?
can you reserve seats at check-in or is it just first come first served on the plane.
first come
is there any in-flight entertainment like movies?
none take an mp3 or portable dvd player [ and enough batteries is around 4 1/2 hrs flight]
Ryanair are a no frills / low cost airline. You get a place on the aircraft for your money and that's about it, hence cheap fares! Seating isn't allocated so you just board the aircraft and sit where you want. Priority boarding is a way of making extra money and goes part way of alleviating the mad dash to the aircraft. As Wizard mentions, everything is chargable on a Ryanair flight. Cabin crew will come round selling snacks and drinks and there's no IFE. Refer to our What Aircraft? thread for more details.
I've just overheard on BBC news that O'Leary has raised subject of the £1 charge to use the toilet again.......He reckons he can get another 6 seats on the planes by removing some toilets as they won't be used that much.
Take whatever MOL say's with a bucket of salt. He's a wind un merchant with strong views to get his airline in the media. Why pay for advertising when you can use the media of publicise you for free.
Ryanair are having another of their sales at present but it finishes tomorrow. I've just booked a return flight to Billund, Denmark at a total cost of £30 - free flights and the rest charges of course but still quite a decent price.
The report today was probably on the BBC which continually take every opportunity at having a dig at Ryanair.
From an overall cost point of view, Ryanair are no worse (and probably better) than others - its just that you don't hear about the others. Michael O'Learys 'up front', 'in your face' management style clearly is not for everyone.
With Ryanair - if you know the rules and stick to them you don't have a problem.
ps must go - on the 0925 from EMA to VLC in the morning !!!
Regards, Chris
ryanair should off IFE on maybe pay per tv show basis.
Ryanair to send text flight confirmations
Ryanair is to provide flight booking confirmations by mobile phone text message at a cost of £1.
Passengers will no longer have to print out confirmation emails as their itinerary can be sent to their mobile within 24 hours of booking, according to the airline.
A spokesman said: "This service will allow passengers the convenience of having their confirmation number delivered directly to their mobile phone.
"This will make travelling with Ryanair even easier as passengers will no longer have to print out their confirmation email, but simply refer to their mobile phone for their flight details."
With permission from Travelmole
Ryanair is to provide flight booking confirmations by mobile phone text message at a cost of £1.
Passengers will no longer have to print out confirmation emails as their itinerary can be sent to their mobile within 24 hours of booking, according to the airline.
A spokesman said: "This service will allow passengers the convenience of having their confirmation number delivered directly to their mobile phone.
"This will make travelling with Ryanair even easier as passengers will no longer have to print out their confirmation email, but simply refer to their mobile phone for their flight details."
With permission from Travelmole
She texted me her passport number, but Polish passport numbers have 2 letters at the beginning which I didn't notice ( it appears some thing like AS 5555555) so I only entered (using the previous example) 5555555.
I don't think I can change the passport number by phone because I am not the passenger, and she cannot phone them from poland because she doesn't have a credit card (I think they will take every opportunity to charge a fee).
Is the adsence of the letters at the beginning a problem? I told her to check at the Ryanair desk, does anyone know if ryanair are likely to charge her the 40 euros to reissue the passport with the correct number? The other details are correct.
How very considerate of Ryanair to think of another way of getting some extra cash from us for the convenience of having confirmation sent to our mobiles. Who the heck needs that? We don't need to print out confirmation now, only save the e-mail and make a note of the details elsewhere in case we lose it. We have to check-in on line at a cost of £5 e/w and for this all we need is the booking number.
Seacow - although you probably won't be able to change the passport number yourself you should be able to phone Ryanair and ask if there will be a problem. My son phoned them a couple of days ago regarding his flight to Spain and much to our surprise he got through immediately and spoke to a very helpful lady and it was all done and dusted in a couple of minutes. I have never had to phone them and I know many people seem to have had problems doing so, but you may be as lucky as my son was.
Got a great deal with Ryanair going to Dublin for the day from Leeds and Bradford in July,£1 each way and no taxes,not been before so looking forward my first trip to Ireland.
Just got back from my week away flying with Ryanair. If anybody has got any doubts flying with them dont. I was so worried after reading the horror stories concerning them but I would fly again with them in a jiffy, especially, at the price I got this flight for.
Flight on time, staff courteous and used priority booking. Worked for me.
Hi, can you help? I recently booked a Ryanair ticket for my wife and in my haste put down her married name. What I realise is that in her Italian passport it still has her maiden name on the main info page. However it does have her married name on another page. I just tried to change this via the Ryanair website and it says that it costs £100 to change this. Which is crazy. Any advice. Thanks Stevie

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