Hello Hitower, just posted this message in the Goa forum and thought it might be of interest to you
We booked 2 flights to Goa last Friday 3 July with the above company. Date of travel isnt until next March. We got the flights for a fantastic price so decided to book early.
We were told we would have a confirmation email "within a few hours" and the money would be deducted from the credit card. 8 days have passed and no money has come from the account and theres been no confirmation email.
I phoned Tickets to India on Wednesday night (left it a few days to give them the benefit of the doubt), the operator told me our booking would be processed "within 1 to 2 hours" - nothing happened - called back on Thursday evening and asked for a manager, got put thru to another department and the operator confirmed all our details and assured me the booking would be processed on Friday (at the latest) and we would have a confirmation email by Saturday.
As I type no confirmation email has been received and the money hasnt come out of the credit card. We phoned back again and the operator said that our booking was lying in a backlog of work to be processed BUT since we had booked online last Friday the price of the flights had gone up by £300 .
We told them that wasnt our fault re their backlog and the online price they advertised should be honoured. We asked for a manager but got told he was at a meeting then the operator put the phone down
Tickets to India, up until yesterday were still advertising flights for the same time in March and only today are offering the same cheap prices for November as well.
Ive tried to call back but cant get thru to them. I dont know where their call centre is based but no one speaks understandable English and they put you on hold for 10-15 minutes at a time even although youre calling from a 0871 number.
Book direct with the airline , pay by credit card and you are covered if the airline goes belly up. I think Tickets to India would offer little support if they can't even sort out a booking in the first place.
But can they offer a flight at a certain price and then say because of a "backlog" processing the bookings that the price has gone up?

I would agree with DaveWales, you've recieved appalling service from them. I would ask one final time that they sort your flight by a certain day and that they honor the price you paid or you want to cancel with a full refund. To suggest the flights will now cost you an extra £300 when you purchased them at the original price and the increase is no fault to yourself just isn't on.
Unless we get it for the cheap price, then I wouldnt use them anyway, I would rather pay the correct price and book with another company or book direct with the airline.
We have pointed out to them that its not our fault they have a backlog and didnt process our booking last Friday.
We are going to leave it til Monday and see if the money comes off the card for the lower price and if it doesnt then we will cancel on Monday.
Sorry to hear about your troubles with this lot, Someone recommended them, on the Goa forum I think, and said they were cheaper than Southall Travel, who we often use, I'd taken a note to try them out the next time I was looking for flights, by the sound of your experience I've had a lucky escape. If You dont get E tickets very quickly, at the original price, I'd have nothing more to do with them, they are beginning to sound like a load of cowboys. Alan
However, I just thought it was worth bringing this to everyone's attention so they wont go thru the same as us.
Will let you know what the outcome is in a day or two.
Have you checked out Qatar ?
Tickets to India were advertising at £455 for 2 people return, an astionishing price I know but now they are saying they made a mistake and its £300 more. The £400 and odd price has been on and off their site all week, and yesterday it was even down to £422 for two people.
Its not online today for that price but they are advertising some flights in November for £400 and odds return for 2.
So what exactly are they up to and whats going on

PS. All the above flights I am quoting are Heathrow - Doha - Goa.
I'm no expert on these things but it sounds like they should be reported to Trading Standards if they stated that as a price, on the other hand if it says "from £4**" it give them a get out but maybe only if they can demonstrate that they have sold tickets at the lower price.
I am only quoting to you ie £400 and odds, just for quickness and convenience because the low prices were all varied, but thats not what it says on Tickets to India website, it gives the EXACT price.
So if you put your dates in and then follow it right thru to the booking page it comes up with £422 as the total price, for some November dates.
So the booking acknowledgement that we have says on it
It doesnt say "prices from" anywhere on their site. Sorry for wording it badly.
Good luck.
I doubt they even know what Trading Standards is

Will let you know what happens.
I phoned Trading Standards this morning and explained the situation to them.
They said until we have the confirmation email from the company and the money is deducted from the credit card then there is no legally binding contract in place.
However he then went on to say that if we have the printed email with the price on it and they are saying it wasnt processed because of their backlog, then they cant do that.
He also said they shouldnt still be advertising the flights for the same price if the price doesnt exist.
He said there is a case to be answered. Its false advertising and giving out misleading information.
Trading Standards will now look into things, theyve given me a case number and I should hear back from them within the next 3 to 5 days. They are going to contact Tickets to India/Acetrip direct.
Also he said if they attempt to take the money PLUS the £300 extra then they would definitely be breaking the law.
Gemma, please keep us informed, and good luck.
hi gema 33 hope it all works out for you. feel sorry for you, does not give much confidence in this firm.
Thanks Gemma for letting us know about this company. We're in the process of searching for Goa flights for Dec and Tickets to India is one of the sites I've been looking at.....obviously they have just come off our list!! I hope you get your situation sorted. I'm only guessing, but, many travel sites have wording buried in their T&C's to the effect that your contract with them begins when they have emailed you with a final price and debited your card.
Anyway Ive not posted again because I am waiting to hear back from Tickets to India. They never returned any of my calls or emails so I sent them a 5 page complaint letter last Thursday (and forward copy to Trading Standards along with confirmation of price quoted to us) Tickets to India emailed a reply on Friday, filled with feebles excuses but they said they will try and come to some "arrangement" for us I am hoping I will hear back from them tomorrow, so will post as soon as I hear anything.
Well, perhaps they might come up with the goods in the end, but, No one needs that kind if hassle when booking tickets. I would be surprised if companies can 'hang on' to your credit card details and then bill you when they feel like it, but as trading standards have said, the ball seems to be in their court to send an email and debit your card - then your contract with them begins. This doesn't seem to be fair, as, I guess you would now like to move on to another company and get your flights sorted. Perhaps someone with a knowledge of credit card transactions can shed some light??
They have other numbers listed, but I haven't checked them
EDIT: That link is not working, but, just put their name in the alternative number search

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