Flights over the last couple of months have no bearing on punctuality of future flights. Flights prior to November were under the summer schedule. Flights from this week are under the winter schedule.
The flights schedules were/are as follows:
Summer 2009: Dep LGW Tues 09:15, Arr CUN 13:55, Boeing 767-300/ER, Flight No: TOM074
Summer 2009: Dep CUN Tues 15:45, Arr LGW Weds 07:25, Boeing 767-300/ER, Flight No: TOM075
Winter 2009: Dep LGW Tues 09:15, Arr CUN 14:10, Boeing 767-300/ER, Flight No: TOM074
Winter 2009: Dep CUN Tues 16:20, Arr LGW Weds 07:45, Boeing 767-300/ER, Flight No: TOM075
Yesterdays TOM074 was operated by G-PJLO and operated on-time. It looks like there was a technical problem in CUN that's lead to a delay on the TOM075, now estimated in LGW at 0605 in the morning.