Hi just been looking at our booking and then remembered we had a letter a few weeks ago saying there was a flight change.
Should have been on TCX377K ,23 July Man to DLM flying at 1.55pm , the letter said from memory that it had now changed to 20.50. Have put letter somewhere safe and cant find it at the moment.
Has anyone else been affected by this or do you think a couple of flights have been merged together because on seat guru it now looks like its on a 767. Even though that flight time was greyed out, dont know what that means.
23 July is last day of term in Stockport so will be a busy flight day i imagine.
i'll ring the co-op on Monday as we also paid 3 x £85 flight supplement so not sure if we're due a bit of a refund as its now a night flight which are usually cheaper. We boooked it last August so something on flight times said 1.55pm TBC.
Also is a 767 slightly more generous leg room wise.
ta Bev