This is Aurela airlines. they are operating 2 x 757s on TCX behalf this Summer. TCX were due to receive 2 x sky service aircraft from Canada, but as they went bust, Aurela are being used. Lithuanian airline, using their pilots, but TCX cabin crew.
Only 1 x 757 flying at present, the 2nd one is coming to LGW in July.
The smell etc has been noted, the aircraft aren't actually that old, the smell is due to the filter system, it has not had special filters fitted which TCX a/c have had ( a big job).
Shame you had a bad flight
I have got my tickets to fly to Antalya on the 30th with a departure time of 16:30 from Bristol. Checked the departures yesterday to see if it was on time and it stated the flight is scehduled for 14:30. Does anyone know if the times have changed and I am yet to find out?
Times quoted on your tickets are correct unless otherwise advised. What are your flight numbers?
TCX884 I've just checked BRS website and the time is correct with the tickets! Thanks for looking anyway!
Is anyone able to confirm type of plane we'll be on ?
Might be pushing my luck, but anyone got any idea of films offered as entertainment ?
Please quote flight numbers when requesting aircraft information in order for us to ensure we have the right flight. GLA-POP-GLA (TCX035K/L) are operated by an Airbus A330-200. You'll find further aircraft information, including a link to TCX's inflight magazine (May edition) where the current IFE is listed on pages 116-121, on our What Aircraft? guide (link below).
Sept 27th Outbound Flight - TCX77K Gatwick to Montego Bay
Oct 11th Inbound flight - TCX77L Montego bay to gatwick
We booked premium seats - do you feel it's worth it?
Thanks for your help in advance
Your flights are operated by an Airbus A330-200. You'll find further aircraft information on our What Aircraft? guide (link below). Only you can decide if the premium upgrade is worth the money. Personally, I'd rather put the money towards a nicer hotel and get the benefit for the duration of my holiday or use it for my diving.
Hi Darren
Hi Dazbo,
It's too early to know for sure, but it's in normally one of the former MYT aircraft. G-MLJL over the last 2 weeks but of course that doesn't necassarily mean that'll be operating on Thursday. I should have a better idea tomorrow afternoon.
Thanks, Darren.. Was hoping it was going to be an ex Thomas Cook aircraft.
hi do you have any idea which a/c will be used on tcx013k departing gatwick tommorrow to puj and which configuration is this a/c in and ife?
Just been reading on another forum on this board that Thomas Cook pre allocate their seats like Thomsons and have been doing for the last 12 months. Is this the case as I was under the impression they allocated on check in?
Flying to Samford from Manchester on the 5th June - I believe we should be flying on A330.
We are in the premium cabin and are about to book the specific seats. Do the seats in the back row of Premium recline? The window seats have a toilet behind them (I think) and I would prefer to be able to recline without disturbing anyone behind me
TCX013K is operated by an Airbus A330-200, Configured 3-3-3. IFE is seatback throught the aircraft
More information on our what aircraft? thread (link in my signature)
As far as I know, seats aren't pre-allocted like Thomson are doing. That's not my experience. The only pre-allocated seats are those that have pre-booked or selected their seats.
I thought you weren't flying until 2nd June? We don't mind providing aircraft information, but only on flights you are actually taking. Please refer to your previous posts.
Hi Darren
both my outbound and in bound flights with T.C. last week were pre allocated [similar to Thomson] check in said they were not able to change them

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