Oh how rude the hols go so quickly! We had a great time although had a few problems. Mainly with Thomas Cook being rubbish but that's another storey!
Firstly I would say do not worry about the weather. The forecasts were all completely wrong. We had great weather over the last 2wks. The temp thingie at point centre ranged from 28 - 37 degrees and I am the brownest I have ever been. We left yesterday 14th June at 2pm and it said 37 on the point centre. We had one huge thunderstorm but it was entertaining rather than anoying.
The beach front is looking great. They have block paved it all so it is a much nicer walk with a pushchair trying to get a ikle princess to sleep. There are a few buildings that still haven't been replaced but they just have boards up, it doesn't look like a building site at all. I did miss the Garden restaurant though! One night we were talking to our friends in a shop and came out at about 1am and the place looked dererlict.... very strange! I have to say I am very greatful to the noise ban at midnight though. Staying at the Grand Azur next to THE most noisiest hotel in the world was a nightmare. It really felt like the balcony doors were open it was so loud, not good when you have a poorly baby girl! I will do a report on the Grand Azur when I am not so tired!
We found the prices had gone up. The cheapest we found an efes was 3.5TL but they were mainly 5TL on the beachfront and 4TL on the backstreets. The cocktails were usually 9 each or 12 buy one get one free. Local spirits 8TL ish. Soft drinks were 3.5TL practically everywhere we went. We got a couple of bottles of Brandy on the plane but when we went to Migros to buy another they had SOLD OUT!! omg no cheaky brandy while getting ready to go out how rude! English brekkies were about 6-7TL if you like that kind of thing. Twister lollies a steal at 1TL, half the price of at home!
The thing I found that was strange was how quiet it was. Most bars were empty most of the time, I don't know how they make a living! Baring in mind we went at May school holiday aswell. There was one bar on the beachfront that had a large efes for 3.75TL and it was rammed! The other bars should take a leaf out of their book.
The best place to eat a kebab is still Tasty Bites just down towards the beach from the point centre, sooo yummy! and very reasonable, large kebab was 10TL and a small one 7TL (chicken was less), so yummy. They did kids meals for 6TL and the chips are a bit pricey at 5TL for takeaway but they are hand cut gorgeous ones and very worth 5TL. You can eat in or takeaway and it's the same price. We always had a good crack with the lads there as they remember us from over the years.
The change centres were offering 2.26TL to the pound but we just used the ATMs all the time. They dish out english or turkish so it's handy as you get a better price for clothes with english pounds.
We were anoyed that the trolley guys tried to rip us off at the airport asking for £2 for a trolley when everyone knows it's £1 grrrrr! He soon gave us it for a quid after we told him tho. Dalaman airport really really tried to have us. They were charging people for being half a kilo over and it's £12 a kilo. I was sure our cases weren't over the weight we were allowed (80kg) as when we went out we had 75kg and had loads that didn't come back with us like a box of wine, a pair of boxed trainers for a turkish friend, 5 bottles of suncream, several shampoos, conditioners, shower gel and all that, 2 big bottles of cordial (turkish cordial is yak), nappies, inflatables etc and we only bought a few things to take home. No way would we be over. Anyway they said we were 4kg over!!! I was not paying so transfered some things to my hand luggage, much to the disaproval of the old bag behind us! The same old bag who kicked off with my just turned 3yr old for wanting a wee on the plane..... obviously not a very nice.... was going to say lady but that's not the word..... bag! Anyway they eventually said we were bang on 80kg so when we got home i weighed the cases and they were 74kg........ so 6kg lighter than they said.... so we weren't 4 over at all! watch them they are bad! There was a lady in the queue next to us who had just weighed her case and it was 18kg but they said it was 21kg and charged her £12, she paid it aswell! Dalaman airport was BOILING so glad i didn't have jeans on or I would have melted. Dalaman prices are still sky high, 10TL for a can of coke etc
We didn't get to do much as my daughter was poorly. The air conditioning on the first night didnt work and i am sure that's what started it as she was red hot. She didn't eat for 5 days and kept being sick. She had a temp of 40 degrees and we called the doc to the hotel. The doc came straight away and gave her an injection. It cost us 200TL..... a very rounded number me thinks but there you go! They wanted her to go to hospital but i didn't think it was right for her. She eventually ate an icecream 5 days later and I cried I was so relieved (silly mummy!). Then the poor lil love got chicken pox.... so we didn't get to go to the waterpark or out of the hotel a great deal. We didn't even get to go on the Mega Dianna boat which is my fave day out in marmaris. We are hoping to go back in sept as we feel we missed out on so much. I didn't see the webcam or the statue or the marina, so rude!
We did get the boat to icmiler tho, 7.5TL each, kids free and a really nice day out. We found icmiler to be lots cheaper, beachfront efes 3-4TL and kebab meal with chips 6TL (although we didn't try them we just saw the signs).
princess Lexie is lots better now bless her! Right best stop waffling.... any queries just ask!
Love Nikki x x x x x
Thank you for a brilliant review Nikki. Glad you still managed to have a good time even though the little one was poorly, nothing worse on holiday eh!
Firstly hope the wee one is much better. Appreciate you taking the time to do the report which I enjoyed reading, it's good to get an accurate assessment of the prices etc. I saw a pic of Club Turquoise the other day and the board said 5ytl for a pint so it's good to know it's on a par with elsewhere. Tastie Bites usually gets a visit from us and I was sorry to hear the Garden didn't open up again. I like the trip through to Icmeler too so thanks for the update on that too.

beachfront will be quiet and the bars will suffer as bar street is now the place to be for those wanting to party. I can see beachfront struggling without the younger ones. My friends out there said Bar street has been jumping since May and beachfront is dead.
We are going to Turkey for the first time in August to Icmeler, so your review of prices etc was very relevant to me. We will probably go on the boat trip from Icmeler to Marmaris. I am really looking forward to the holiday but not looking forward to the airport bit!
Hope you have a better time on your return visit in September
Take care
Just watching the England game on my sofa.... this time last week I was watching England when it was hit hot hot with a nice cool efes followed by a fishbowl of sex on the beach..... vino at home just isn't the same!
I have been looking at holidays already, thinking club aida, club Julian or Cettia!
Love Nikki x x x
thank you for a good report i think that is absolutley shocking what thomas cook are doing with the luggage weight even when you say you were 6 kilos under.i will have my weighing scales in my hand luggage when i go...thanks
Paying for a trolly is a new one for us. Has there always been a charge for airport baggage trollys at Dalaman Airport ?
we have found this...you are over your weight trick common in many airports of late... coming back from Goa they tried the same thing...we slipped the fella a £10 (there were 12 of us and it was a nightmare) and hey ho our bags were suddenly ok... The UK companies really do need to get a grip on this at foreign airports, they need to start checking the accuracy of the scales.
Luckily we had paid the £15 for the extra 5 kgs before we went so were under the 20kg allowance .
It does make me wonder about the accuracy of the airport scales which weighed heavier than our baggage scale.
How long will it be before the passengers are made to stand on the scales.

Dalaman Airport ... facilities, prices, Q&As topic. Many travellers, including myself, always have a set of travel scales in order to weight suitcases for the return journey. That way, there are no surprises or excess charges at check-in. More details on the Luggage Scales - brilliant, topic.
When travelling on certain smaller aircraft types and helicopters, it's already a requirement!
In my experience, scales in Turkish airports are as accurate as anywhere else i've travelled. They are calibrated my cases have always been the weight I expected. This has been discussed frequently on the Jay Trip wrote:How long will it be before the passengers are made to stand on the scales
When travelling on certain smaller aircraft types and helicopters, it's already a requirement!

I always pay for the extra 5kgs even though I never take the 20kgs but just cant stand the hassle at check

Sorry to go

Hi nikki sorry to hear about the little one hope she is better now just wondered if you went down the flume haha it's amazing the facilities at the azur aren't they did u get pampered?!

but hey ho, this is the rule so we will abide by it!
We all loved the flume at the Azur, it was fab and very refreshing as that pool was cooler at the end! The lazy river was lush too, so relaxing! I have priced up next year in a suite this time (a normal room is way too small for a family of 4) but it is coming out at £3700, eeeeeeeeek! Best get saving now then!
If they had better rooms and a better kids club it would be awesome, the food was so good. The chinese corner could tell my local chinese a thing or two and as for the strawberries and cream omg mmmmmmmmm drooooooool! The strawberries here taste nothing like those big juicy yummy ones

I want to fo back! x x x x x
Was the noisy hotel the Sunrise??
When we stayed there a few years back, all the noise came from a Dutch bar next door to that, but it thankfully went off at 1am.
Hope the little one is well again soon.
We also bunged a guy a few quid and our overweight luggage miraculously came in OK.

I am not sure what the hotel was called but our room was over looking their pool and the stage/bar and omg it was soooooooo loud! Thankfully it shut at 12 if it was 1am I would have gone mad.... not that I am an old party pooper or anything, I still like clubing and a few cheeky vinos!
I am well shocked at all these back handers at the airport! I will try that next time if needed, heehee! x x x x x

These seem to be the most strict at charging for excess baggage,but even here in the UK they are really strict.
The bloke in front of us last month was charged £60 and couldnt even put anything in his hand luggage as he had a laptop.
I just dont understand it !! Our wieght was spot on leaving Manchester,we left our towels in storage at the apts along with other things,used up toiletries,coffee etc,we didnt buy anything and yet at Dalaman we was nearly 2 kilos over!!!fortunatly we were not charged.

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