hey blondiescot, no offence intended I was just saying how turkey is now dearer than many other countrys for one thing and that friendly banter with waiters is all it is, friendly banter

I'm not talking about familys, thats different,

what I mean is that waiters and barmen and shopkeepers in turkey are friendly to holidaymakers as its all part of the business. be nice to holidaymakers and they eat in your restaraunt, bar or buy from your shop. I am friendly with a few turks but i dont kid myself and believe they see me as a real friend, i am a tourist thats all. I grant you that turks know how to turn on the old charm and they call everyone there friend, but come on, they do it to everyone
the girls or elderly ladys who get swept off their feet by waiters enjoy the attention, then soon as they go home the waiters say the same things to the next busload of women

i dont know why women go all funny over foriegn waiters anyway they dont do it over here. it must be coz theyre on holiday or something but i think its good for some of these lasses to have a bit of banter on holidays and the waiters know that the women prob get not much flattery at home from fellas, thats why the waiters pull out all stops with the ordinary lasses or the older ladys, they know it will make their days

I have seen some right stunners and eye candy on holiday in turkey and the waiters dont flirt with them like they do the others.