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Ryanair to introduce new compensation levy

Ryanair is to introduce a new £2/€2 per passenger levy on all bookings from Monday 4 April, to help defray the cost of compensation for delays or cancellations which the airline is liable for under EU261 legislation .... click here for more details.

David :wave
What will ryanair do next

Im guessing if the spanish courts get there way, with the boarding pass fee of £40, and deem it unfair, ryanair are likely to do away with this fee all together, as the result could mean passengers take ryanair to the uk courts

And in its it place; if you turn up at the airport with no boarding card, insted of having a choice to pay £40, you wont have this option any more, you in turn will be asked to buy a new ticket, and it may cost you £300
I don't see the £2 levy as a bad move. The EU regs are unfair on airlines, when it comes to paying out for things that aren't their fault.
Just because no other airline hasn't come out and said they are doing this, my money is on that they have already done it but putting extra on the base price, and just not been transparent about it.
More accurately, the other airlines saw the rules and decided to build the costs into the fares as part of the business plan - which used to be known as good business management. But Ryanair thought that by shouting a lot and stalling they could bully their way out of it - but failed. So now instead of admitting they got it wrong they give it a name and make it look like someones elses fault, although insurance would have been a better word. What next, a levy for fuel they forgot to allow for? A levy for wearing the tyres out when you land? True it would be better if insurance companies would actually insure the sort of thing that is likely to happen on holiday but that's even less likely than OLeary saying he was wrong!
......... perhaps a levy to pay royalty fees for the trumpeters who recorded the arrival fanfare? :tup
What next ?? Sorry Steve & Alsacienne, you are both wrong with your guesses !!

What's next on the Ryanair agenda is child free (not free child) flights !! Kids are to be banned from some Ryanair flights. Or are they ?

The media went wild earlier today when Ryanair issued a press release announcing that it would respond to customer feedback which suggested that passengers would prefer not to have to endure other people's children (or other people's little monsters as Ryanair put it). The ban on kids would be put in place on high frequency routes later this year. However, realising that tomorrow is April Fools Day, the media began to wonder if they had been duped into publishing another Ryanair marketing stunt 24 hours prematurely. Trying to give the impression that they hadn't really fallen for the story after all, many media groups began pulling the story to try and save embarrassment. But I think it is fair to say at this stage that many of them still don't really know whether it is a genuine press release or an April Fools joke.


David :wave
I don't see the £2 levy as a bad move. The EU regs are unfair on airlines, when it comes to paying out for things that aren't their fault.
Just because no other airline hasn't come out and said they are doing this, my money is on that they have already done it but putting extra on the base price, and just not been transparent about it.

Ryanair expect to carry 73 million passengers in 2011, so the 2 euros levy will generate £150 million euros.?
I bet Ryanair never paid that amount out to the stranded passengers?.

Ryanair doesn't have a business model like the other airlines and the Spanish/French are getting tired of being "blackmailed".


Ryanair to cut Alicante flights after row over airbridges

Ryanair is to cut its flights from Alicante after a row with the airport about using airbridges.

It is slashing flights from October after the airport ordered it to use airbridges and pay over €2 million for what Ryanair calls "unnecessary facilities".

Ryanair, which has been operating at the airport for five years, said it has submitted a formal complaint about "monopoly abuse" by AENA Alicante to both the Spanish Government and the European Commission.

It is cutting the number of aircraft at the airport from 11 to two, halving its routes to 31 and cutting flights from over 600 to less than 200 weekly flights.

Bournemouth and Cork flights will be cancelled altogether while other routes from the UK will be scaled back.

Ryanair's Michael O'Leary said: "Alicante Airport has opened up a new terminal building which was not needed, and to pay for it Alicante expects efficient airlines like Ryanair to now use the same inefficient and high cost airbridges that other high fare flag carrier airlines prefer to use.

"We hope even at this late stage that AENA Alicante will recognise the stupidity of trying to force up Ryanair's handling costs by €2m p.a., which will now cost AENA Alicante more than €30m p.a. in lost aeronautical and commercial revenues."

With permission from Travelmole
are they also saying that Alicante is such an unpopular place that no other airline would think of filling the gap they leave? We had these tantrums at Manchester, Ryanair stormed out in well publicised huff, easyjet moved in and expanded, Ryanair quietly bring back routes despite what they'd said (still waiting for press release explaining U-turn.........).
Rumour has it that FR are sneaking back into Basel to run a Basel to Palermo service ........... SIGH.
I usually book flights for my sister who lives near alicante to gatwick and when i'm looking for prices and ok flight times then easyjet are about the best , although i got her a monarch flight and even added on a meal and it was cheaper than ryanair, i still fail to see the business logic in handing over your trade to other competitors just because your cost base has gone up a bit. Easyjet , monarch etc must think great , we'll stick on a few more planes and pick up some easy trade .

On Sanji's point that the levy will generate 150 million euros/£ this will just cover the amount that Ryanair had to pay out in 2010 for compensating "customers" . Due to events like the Icelandic ash cloud and snow in UK the airline lost £88.5 million , surely that leaves a bit over to splash out on an airbridge and protect £30 million of trade from your rivals??

I know airlines are introducing many add-ons these days but to introduce a charge for NOT flying with them takes some beating.
we came back from valencia to tenerife last night and the gate staff were using a hand luggage 'cage' to check the size as is pretty normal now.

What I havent seen before but this one had been adapted to also check the weight, it had a LED to display the weight etc. It looked like a bit of a home diy job to see if it worked rather than something more professionally done. It didn't work !

Typically most folk try and squeeze as much in the hand luggage as possible and last night the first case to be checked was placed into the cage, it went in but because it was held in by the sides of the cage it wouldn't register a true weight. They gave up with weighing and just checked size.

I have a question about hand lugguage, and camera/waist bags

Think when I am going on holiday, I want to keep my 15 kg suitcase allowance just for my clothes and nothing else

If I was to use a camera/waist bag for other items, mp3 player, juice, camera, charging cables, would this be classed as a second bag, it would be one way to get round the 10 kg allowance, with out having to place things into my bag, which in theory could put me over my allowance

Some of the camera waist bags can hold quite alot of things
If they see it, they would probably class it as a second bag. Everything you carry on to the aircraft, including anything you buy in the airport, has to be in one carry on bag weighing no more than 10kg and measuring no more than 55cm x 40cm x 20cm.
interesting point re waist bags

In feb coming back from valencia a friends hand luggage was very full so he filled his fleece jacket pockets with freshly picked valencian oranges, they really did stick out for everyone to see but he sailed through with no problem. Once through the gate checkin and while waiting to board he emptied his oranges into his hand luggage. The things you do for quality fruit !!!

Last week a guy had no room at all in his hand luggage and he put a pack of 200 cigs in the body of the jacket - obviously no room in the pockets, tied the jacket around his waist so the cigs didnt fall out and he got on without a problem.

look forward to future feedback.

Regards, chris
  • Edited by TFS1 2011-04-07 07:43:17
I mean, some of the cargo trousers have very big pockets, and they can also hold alot

Did this last year, had my 4 bottles of juice in the side pockets, and some sweet on my front pockets
I think you're idea of cargo trousers (and maybe a coat with a lot of pockets!) would stand more chance. They class a handbag (women or men) as an item of luggage so a camera bag doesn't sound like it would get far. But like the ciggies mentioned above, if it's within your outer layer of clothing which is fastened up they aren't going to ask - unless you've got a rucksack shaped hump!
Some you win, some you lose ....... but remember that Ryanair holds the trump card in that they can stop you from flying if you don't follow their rules, don't pay the excess for that 'extra' piece of baggage and also if you stand up to officious employees .......
Trying to add additional case

Would be very grateful if anyone could answer my query. I may want to add a case to my flight which I booked a few months ago. What would the cost be ? I can see that the cost would be £15 for the case, but would there be other additional fees ?

Many thanks
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