Also what is the general price of a drink there compared to british pounds? I have never been and have no idea of what anything costs over there.
Many thanks
yes they do take euro, but you will get your change in lira!!
last year beer was approx 4 lira a bottle
We have just returned and used lira all the time although thery were happy to accept sterling.
Can you get Lira Travellers Cheques or would you recommend taking Sterling TC's and exchanging them in Turkey for Lira?
I have got 400 Lira so far (mainly for the first couple of days).
I don't like taking too much real money just in case I lose my wallet, at least with TC's they can be replaced.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
i always take sterling cash and use the safety deposit box at the hotel
it is always down to personal preference but you WILL get stumped for the commission and if you don't mind that then take them in sterling - exchange rate into lira is better over there than here
So taking Sterling notes is best, I'd rather not get stumped twice for the commission.
Like I said, I've got 400 Lira at the moment and might get some more before I go if the rates stay pretty good, Maybe 1000 Lira and £500 in Sterling. I guess I'll split it with my wife so even if one of us looses our Wallet / Purse, we should be ok. I'll also take my ATM card for emergencies.
you're paying a commission to get the TC's then you're paying commission again to change them!
again, personally, I only take approx £100 in lira and the rest in sterling - the exchange rate over there is better so you get more for your money!
AND! alot of shops/bars/restaurants change sterling for you so there's no problem in getting it changed - I would avoid the exchange bureaus - have known so many people (me included!) get ripped off by them!!
Agree with your comments re exchange bureaus, we were ripped off too. They advertise a good rate, then deduct loads of commission. I would add that we don't get charged any commission for obtaining TC, our bank is Lloyds, although I think most banks, etc. do charge for this facility.
2.51 today online at post office , its getting better
Todays Turkish bank rate is 2.57
Travel ex is 2.53
Thomson Cook is 2.50
Went to Thomsons to collect my tickets and they matched the 2.50 so ordered there and its only 5 minutes away to collect so for 9 lira less i`ve opted just to collect at Thomsons
I don`t see the exchange rate in the resort being an awful lot more than 2.5
Well heres hoping anyway
we were only getting 2.34 last year - we going for 3 weeks this year so that little bit extra is gonna go a long way!!!
Hi i have just been to Thomas Cook and they are bringing out a Turkish debit card at the end of this month. I was just going to take Turkish Lira but wondered if this would be an option. We are going to Gumbet can anyone tell me if atms are okay there.We are Scottish so getting English notes can be a problem and no doubt they will not take Scottish money.
There are ATM machines dotted around most resorts. I'd just check on charges or any commission before committing to one though and bear in mind is you lose it, you'll need a back-up plan.
if you draw any money out from a barclays atm they are english notes, they'll probably be more that i'm not aware of
also just go into the bank and ask for them, they always have them.
Just a worf of warning that the ATMs in Gumbet are not working at the moment - and haven't been for over a week now. Something to do with the council wanting rent for them!

Hopefully it will keep rising but don't want to take any risks as it's at it;s highest for more than 2 years now.
[edit] Just checked on-line and most of the sellers are now selling for over 2.5 now - good times

M&S 2.541
Has hit nearly 2.65 this morning, with a slight dip this afternoon. Most online are giving you 2.55 at the moment, so a great time to buy but without a significant dip later today, then the currency should still be pretty high into next week.
Co-op travel .................... 2.482 T/lira to £ sterling
Tesco ............................ 2.529 T/lira to £ sterling
Travelex ........................ 2.541 T/lira to £ sterling
Saga .............................. 2.541 T/lira to £ sterling
Post Office ...................... 2.542 T/lira to £ sterling
Been in Co-op travel this afternoon, offered me 2.49 T/lira to £ sterling,
I have a free £5 voucher for currency at the co-op if I change £300
or more.
Online exchange carries a delivery fee,unless you buy a certain amount,
so check this before doing the exchange.
Try "" this gives you the highest rates being given,
& what the delivery charges are.
I have bought quite a bit of T/lira this year online,but I have made sure
I buy an amount that gives me free next day delivery.

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