Off to Goa in FEB 2012 and thinking of returning again in NOV/DEC 2012
what is the chance of getting a one year visa!!!
Hi aarond,
Last February I decided to try for the 1 year visa, having been told by the staff at Edinburgh VFS that, after six previous 6M visas, this would likely be approved.
And it WAS! In Feb 2011 I got my 12 month visa which doesn't expire till Feb 2012.
So my last use of it will be in January 2012, however now I'm getting nervous that maybe the airline checkin staff will reject me because there's only just enough time left on the visa to cover my holiday period. Though other HTers have assured me I'll be OK.
Might be worth asking if the "six previous visas" thing is a general rule, or just the way Edinburgh operates before you cough up the extra fee. Apparently if they actually issue a shorter period visa than applied for, they do not refund the difference in cash.....