Pippy - We are flying from Luton mid July.
Caroline G - The entertainment in the evenings is rather low-key. It depends what you like. It was Christmas so we had a few special things on but normally I think there are singers on and local dancing and stuff like that. There are a few different bars and restaurants at the hotel as you will know. There is table tennis and tennis courts etc. We tended to go to naama bay for a stroll along the front, shop, eat and then come back for a few drinks and spend the night looking for our room! (There are a lot of them - we didn't get hammered!) Hope this answers your question. ??
Medot - I have been meaning to write a review on here since I got back and will get round to it soon! I'm a wee bit shy!
About the jetty - I was a little bit apprehensive at first as I like to just paddle in to the sea until I get more confident (watched too many Jaws films). It is deep out at the jetty but there are 2 ladders that you can climb down or you'll find you just jump in! The water is beautifully clear and you can see lots of lovely fish! Don't know if that answers your question, but yes it's deep - but not that deep - how deep is deep?! - the reef is all around you.
And while we are on the subject of 'Jaws', from that very jetty we were '
lucky' enough to see to little sharks and a dolphin! It was awesome but a wee bit scary as we were supposed to be going snorkelling. I sent my partner in first for a good ten minutes to be sure that they had gone!
Anyway, try not to worry all! Have fun!