Can anyone tell me how to arrange water and electricity supplies to a new build,our builder left us high and certainly dry,by informing us that they were cutting off the supplies and we would have to sort it out ourselves.They were supposed to take us individually to arrange the supplies with the various companies but didnt,can it be arranged from U.K.
Couch Potato.
You are probably going to have to go to the water and electric places in person to get these sorted when you get there. You will need your Tapu/residency permit as proof of ownership and take the readings with you and if you can find someone to walk you through it all the better. There is a small charge for changing them over to a new owner. I am surprised they arent going to do this, did you have an agent who can help you sort it out or did you buy direct from builder and if so what did your contract say about this?? As an agent I would always make sure these thing are done for my clients and would ask you to follow up this post for the benefit of those that follow you into buying property- its all these little things people need info on. I hope you get it all sorted quickly and without too much stress.
Bryn, is it true that before you connect utilities you need a ruhsat, or living license. This is the final check from the Belediye that all your works are correct and they can pass your new building and list what it house, shop or hotel etc. It is very difficult to do this from the UK. If you had an agent then as Bryn said it should be part of the service. If you had a lawyer acting on your behalf then he should do it, especially if he had power of attourney. I am not in Bodrum area so can't physically help. Is there anyone out there that can?
This should have been provided by builder.
You should always insist that this is provided as you will need it also when you come to sell the property.
Chelsea boy the habitation certificate or "Ferdi iskan" is essential for this and should be provided by the builder as Mibut says. Believe it or not the guy that sold me this place I am living in tried to tell me that it wasnt important so I insisted that it was done before we bought and then he told me hed done it a few days later so I went to the Belediye to check and guess what!! it wasnt done. So he then had to go back and get it done then I had to check it was done I took a few days to go back and check because I knew he was really desperate for the money Just to teach him a lesson.
Sorry to hear about your problems with the water and electric.
We thought we were going to be in a bit of a mess also.
Our complex at Gumsan takes the water off between 11am and 6pm so now everyone is fitting water storage tanks!!
Now they have started to cut off the electric on the odd day too!!!
Ah well!!! trials and tribulations


Don't take the builders lack of action to mean that you cannot do anything.
Hi there Couch Potato. I live in Bodrum and my husband is Turkish. We have just built a house here so my husband has a good idea of water and electric utilities. If we can help, we would certainly be happy to. Just pm me if you feel we could sort anything out for you.

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