Egypt Discussion Forum

Discussions regarding holidays in Egypt.
grand azure
1176 Posts
Hi Diana and WendyWu,

Welcome to the site.
Sorry can't really help with your questions about wheres best to get a room or facilities for your 16 year old. (would watch the staff though I saw them on numerous occasions trying to chat up kids much younger than 16 especially on the water slides). Everyone seams to be able to upgrade upon arrival, but maybe it will be different in Ausguts with it being our main school holidays.

Hope you both have a good trip.
Hi Wendywu
have not posted on this topic for quite a while but have been closely watching the comments and reviews which have to say the least been a bit mixed.
we are travelling on 13th August from Gatwick and have 3 children boy aged 11 and 8 year old twins, one of each. all looking forward to it despite some of the adverse comments.
we too are taking my parents. (don't think they would like to be referred to as elderly) and am a bit concerned about the likely temperature. knew it was going to be hot but some of the temp's mentioned appear that it will be like sitting in an oven for a fortnight in August !! anyone been in August? any comments?
If your daughter is worried about getting bored has she considered doing her diving licence. fantastic in the red sea and will keep her occupied for 3 or 4 days.
have been A I for the last 5 years with the kids and none of them have yet moaned about being bored anyway.
probably meet you at one of the bars. fingers crossed it is as good as some of the more positive reports.
Hi Grandslam,

Let us know what the temp in August is like. We loved the temp in June, just perfect at 40C. Low humidity so it never felt that hot and a lovely breeze especially in the morning.
Have a great trip.
hi grangslam and nicloaw

I must say that my parents are very active for mid 70s. Have not told my dad quite how hot it will be. having said that we had it 43 in kos last year and found it fine. you can always sit in the shade with a cool drink. as long as you have air con at night its ok.

my daughter would love to do her diving but was told when we were in jamaica that she could not as she had had a perforated ear drum , i dont know if this is true?

looking forward to my holiday, and having done all inclusive before am on a serious diet!
:?: right so you obviosuly cannot abbreviate, i have to write air conditioning.
Hi Wendy

I got back 2 weeks ago. Although it was hot is was not a humid heat like it is here. Not much for kids of any age to do really in a evening.

As for starting the diet before you get there, u will find that the Egypt Belly usually takes care of that :lol:

Am sure you will all have a great time. We enjoyed it apart from the stomach problems. Am waiting on soem test results whcih should hopefully give some light as to what it is that makes you ill out there. Will let you all know as soon as i do.


would contact your doctor and local padi centre to confirm re the perforated eardrum. If your daughter gets the all clear it will be well worth it as one of the best diving areas in the world.
Did my licence a few years ago and have been hooked ever since. my eldest boy may also give it a go this year.
as for the temperature, suppose we will just have to wait and see. not much we can do about it now anyway! have heard it can get over 50 on occasions in august !!
then again at least it won't be two weeks of rain. then the kids do get bored !
see you there.
Would be good Ellieadore to find out what your test results come back as. Everyone in Egypt no matter where they stay seams to come down with a version of the tummy bug at some point.

Over the teenagers andwhat to do we had a 13 yr old girl and 15 yr old boy who seem to spend most of there nights and some times the day in the pool room playing pool and just generally hanging out with other kids there age.
Daytime had trouble getting them up so dinner time then siesta for them.
Welcome back today to skully, Kaz and Spongebob hope you had the same fantastic time as I had !!

We have just returned yesterday, we had a great holiday. The hotel is fantastic and has great facilities however I feel it is more of a good 4 star than a 5 star due to a few things the do there, e.g a mad goes round the pool all day cleaning the floor with an dirty old towel on the end ! they use old bottles re filled to make some of the drinks round the pool, food in the main restaraunt was often cold. Staff were sometimes rude which you dont expect at a 5 star hotel even thogh we were polite to them.
We did all get ill, all on the same day aswell, even though we never touched, salad, fruit ice etc so I dont know what causes it but everyone we spoke to had it, we spent the day in bed with Dihorea and cramps but went to the chemist in the evening and he gave us tablets which cost aprox 17 english pound and worked by the next morning, imodium etc does nothing !
The air conditioning packed in and started blowing out 30 degree heat during the night, we rang reception about 4 times and eventually got it fixed at 3pm the next day after a sleepless night! this seemed a common problem as quiet a few people had the same thing happen.
The staff are mostly friendly but love the ladies and are always stiring and trying to chat up young girls I wouldnt fancy taking teeneagers there, they can feel quite intimidating when you are walking back to your room etc by yourself even during the day, whistling and making comments in there own langauge under there breath. I wouldnt expect this at a 5* hotel. Dont get me wrong we had a great holiday but little things just spoiled the fantastic hotel and potential that it has to be 5*
We did a snorkelling trip and saw a sea turtle and dolphins that was great. we went to Namma bay twice and eat at Hard Rock that was fab 10 english pound per person for starter main and drinks ! bargain. They do hastle you a bit around the shops but you just need to keep walking and say no thankyou.
Any questions feel free to ask.
Hi Crazyblonde,

Glad you had a good time, and sorry that a few hitches with the hotel spoilt things a little for you. Luckily we never had problems with the air con worked brill for the full two weeks and never experienced cold food. However, I totally agree with the male staff and young girls as we saw them try and chat them up on numerous occassions. This is the same as Dominican Republic although I would say it is worse there as one entertainment guy kept asking me for sex the entire holiday, even though he already had a kid with a girl from London. Anyway thats a different story and country so I will go and maybe post this on the Dom Rep site!
We never had any problems with the air conditioning. The staff were a bit 'familiar' i actually had one grope me as Tim took our picture that he asked for. You can see his hand clearly on my boob which is why i kept on screaming at Tim to take the pic quickly.

Tim did get a little annoyed with how i seemed to get the attention of just about all of the male staff. We used it to our advantage as i always got served quick and he had to wait :lol:
As long as you know how to handle the attention then as you said you can use it to your advantage. Different for a young girl though who doesn't know any better and sees it as having a holiday romance!
Good point Nicola! I think if any of the management saw them flirting they would be sacked though. On the Egyptian night the staff that i had talked to all week kept on saying sorry they could not really talk because their Boss was at the evening.
I think they can find ways of possibly getting the message across and meeting up after work!

But as I said I think this happens in quite a lot of countries, certainly in lots I have been too and not just this hotel, so we shouldn't really say this is a bad hotel because of this, but..............
Hi all

Fourth day now and no upsets, went to the town chemist just in case as rep said 20le for a pack of 12 tabs antisepctic for the stomach, not used any yet. Very hot last night well into the 100's in the day thats why I'm having a break now, last night was eygptian night and was excellent but gosh it was hot, in the 30's at 9pm. Food excellent so far, booked a couple of trips, they are quite expensive though and going diving early next week, and if you like deep snorkling its fantasic and the end of the jetty which is now repaired, a bit of a walk when you get to the end over the coral.
oh also, dont worry about the airport its easy and you DO NOT need a visa if staying in the area, our plane was a bit late and was the only one landed so it was straight forward.

glad your having a great time so far and thanks for finding the time to write to us all back here.

Hope you continue having a great time.
When i was there in May i got an awful lot of attention from the men, i never felt threatened and i even benifited from it. There is a young man who does henna tattoos around the pool. I payed him to do a dolphin on my ankle, it was lovely. About 3 days later he comes back and re does it so it stays dark, he then offered me another one for free!! He did keep asking me out but i told him i was not interested as i had a boyfriend, he went very quite after this but i still got the free hena tattoo!
I must be really ugly as I never noticed any extra attention, but then I did have my kids with me most of the time and I am not blonde. I am really upset now..... hee hee only joking
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