Victor 1 glad to here the "Gaffer" has recovered,your right it is a nasty bug,but as I said earlier, I hope you have put pen to paper.All growing holiday destinations seem to go thru these hygiene problems,Salou many years ago,Tunisia,Turkey and most recently the Dom Rep have all had
bugs like this,keep the pressure on the tour operators,a lot of us only have two weeks holiday abroad per year and you or your loved ones should not have to put up with what your wife went thru.
Recently I have read alot of negatives about the Conrade which concerns me as we are going out next week.
Do you think its because we are now into 'High Season' and the service is now 2nd rate compared with the earlier part of the year?
According to people who went pre A/I In May 2005 the hotel was just used as a base,cracking beach location for snorkling and diving for the day,and night times spent in Naama bay for food and entertainment,the introduction of A/I was brought in to keep people in the hotel{so said Howard the DJ}Unfortunatly they havent quite got the food,drinks,entertainment or hygiene right yet.My advice is to take extra spending money and use the place like a B&B,great place in the day,but go out at night to avoid dissapointment.
im sorry to here some people has had a bad time at the conrad but i have got to say myself and family had a fab time at the hotel, i thought the food was great, i never had to tip once to get extra food, alcohol or better service from staff,never got over charged for the mini bar and the room was good and clean and staff at the hotel were very frendly.
Overall we had a fab holiday and would be more than happy to go back.
Thanks for your re-assurance post - but the 'mud' seems to be sticking..
The one thing that bugs me most about all the issues raised is the FC Rep in the Conrad !! Im NOT condoining her before we meet, but we have all met Rep's that really dont give a dam - and that is a cardinal sin - through their actions at the hotels I think it can and does make the difference of making a holiday unforgettable or not as the case may be !! I dont think anyone is looking for them to look after us 24 hours a day, far from it but a smile, kind word and to action any queries is essential - sadly most of reps think they are the one's on holiday - as I said this is just a 'general' opinion of Tour reps...
Sorry if ive gone a bit off topic Briar ...
Hi all, Whilst l agree with most of the bad comments, we thought the problem mainly was the reps. Dozens of people have tummy problems at the conrad. We met many of them. The reps put it down to heat and coming in tothe air con. rooms. Too much drink. Eating too much. Anything but the truth. Bad hygene..The more they lied the more we got fed up being treated like mugs. What do you expect when sparrows are flying round the food. Flies and not washing glasses properly. Not a washer in sight. They wash the salads with what?????? Anyway what do you expect. The place is prepared and cleaned by Men..You ladies will know that if you want something really clean you can trust the females to get it right more often than not. I am not being sexist but normally its up too them to keep the children safe from bacterial infections. And this apples especially in the kitchen and preparation areas.
starting to think if i have done the right thing, as i want it to be specil for me and her .
cheers lee ( should i change propertys?
Leecockle, you're correct! Your rooms are currently being built. Some of them right next to the disco. Should make for a good nights sleep. Perhaps you can ask them to play some Marvin Gaye...might set the mood for you.
Leocockle, you can watch over the wall and see your room being built. Who sold that room too you??????
I would not be too worried at this stage, yes all us with holidays still to come are a 'little' concerned, but overall the reports from the Conrad are very complementry - I think we all understand some of the rooms are tired and the food 'could' be better - however Your room next year I imagine will be one of the NEW ones... The Conrad has only been A.I from May this year and it can only improve on the smaller issues... I know we should not judge a holiday by its cost - but this is one of if not the cheapest A.I in Sharm ?? Keep your eyes peeled for for reports and updates before you even think of changing !!!

It'll have a seaview all right...just remember to take your binoculars. Oh, and a stepladder!
i booked first choice payed 746 each with extra leg room and extra prem room with jacuzzi. sounds nice. and for the ppl that complain alot. just chill its only money.

Templar is right about the binoculars - the new rooms are quite a way from the beach and are next door to the "disco" - which i have to add plays italian music mostly.
If you decide not to change propertys then i would suggest that you think about a suite there instead of the new jacuzzi rooms - we saw inside one and it is much nicer - wrought iron bed and different furnishings, two rooms - 1 living area and 1 bedroom, separate kitchen area and there is a toilet and sink separate from bathroom ( didnt manage to see inside the bathroom ). There are floor to ceiling windows in both the living room and the bedroom. Just make sure you have one on a high floor not ground as the view is better.
Personally if i wanted a special romantic holiday i wouldnt choose buffet all inclusive unless there were a la carte restaurants that we could use aswell as waiter service makes a difference. It makes a change when you have to dress for dinner and at the conrad you certainly dont have to.
thanks for comments. i lprobably leave it.and have the jacuzzi rooms. as it will be fresh. il complain over there if theres major noise from disco. but this is romantic to us, and want things all payed for this time. but thank you for you comments.

the shops in the hotel are similar to the shops in naama bay but much more pricey!! they have a photo developing shop and a few shops that sell gifts and pictures and a jewellery shop. Also perfume ( not brand perfume - egyptian bottles )and t shirt.
so did you enjoy the hotel. yvonne. and is that disco loud, i know its not busy as of other reports. il be taking about 700 for myself spending, get a few gifts and hopefully by an ring something for my partner.
i think you should read my review on the previous page !!
maybe by next year they will get the drinks and food right
the disco does finish about 1am depending on how many people are using it - there are not more than a few kids in it at night as the music they play is mostly italian but sometimes they get a group of italians in there for a while. Ive been told there is a bus which will take you into naama bay to the main discos pacha and bus stop where they have foam partys and the works! try finding pacha disco sharm el shiekh on the net. And yes it is noisy !!!
as for the spending money - it is very cheap to eat out in naama bay - thankfully!!
Thanks again. we wont be going clubbing though. just shopping, get some good stuff. and good perfume etc. but tell you one thing my auntie works for first choice as sales consultant, and if that rep plays silly buggers with me and charlotte on our holiday il have a few words to say to her.
I have been reading these reviews since i came back from the Conrad on 28 July, i'm sorry for all the people that have experenced a bad time, but i am finding it hard to believe we are talking about the same hotel here, to murdo and leecockle i say don't worry at all, i had a fab holiday, went with friends 4 adults and 2 ,11 yr olds and we all had a great time, yes the music is load around the pool , but has anyone asked for it to be turned down, myself i stayed at the beach for the whole time and that is just great, again yes the Italian had there exersies for an hour both morning and afternoon, but that was about it , we also all got egypt tummies but i think it is down to the change in food , weather and all the drinks both soft drinks and beer etc, we nearly all eat and drink more than we would at home on a holiday and to go from our weather to 45%+
i feel it is almost to be expected, the local parmacy is well aware of this and has the right medicine for everyone, i know it is not nice but i have been on A/I before as well as S/C holidays to many many places and sometimes we have had bad tums sometimes not , luck of the draw, i feel if you go with the thought that you are going to have a bad time you will, the rooms in my opinion are fine, spacious ok a little tired but perfectly clean, when you think how many people pass through a place over a year is it any wonder that some things get a bit tired, i would go back tomorrow as we all loved it as did many others that do not use this site, i hope all that are still to go have a great time , it will be what you make of it , and again these that have been and not had a good time i am sorry , but i feel it is a small amount of people that have been unlucky.
Anyway i have said my bit so i will finish
All enjoy

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