i bought the small aquapac and i must admit the digital camera looks enormous in it!!
all i've got to do now is pluck up the courage to submerge it in water.........i might get hubby to do this when he gets home!! medot.xx
Hope you have more luck...
i'll be honest with you we are going to take it to our local fitness centre and try out the pack. i really don't want to be disappointed this time with the quality of our photos. if it doesn't work i'll sulk like mad until hubby buys me a camera like the one that everest has got!! medot.xx
As long as can accept that you will get a few duff shots you'll be fine. The key is to make sure that the lens of your camera is as close to the aquapack as you can you'll get some great shots. The beauty of an uderwater digital camera outweights the duff shots in my opinion
I think someone mentioned a while back that they couldn't see the back screen on the back of their digital camera.....I never bother looking and just point and shoot.
Have used these packs for a year now and still get some warped shots like the first photo, but then when you get it right like the few below below they are crystal clear

did you bother ordering any more of those desiccant sachets? i'm not sure how often you are supposed to change them

No I haven't come to think of it. Now you mention it maybe I'll get some more for our next trip to be on the safeside. Have always used them in dry heat countries (as opposed to humid heat) so maybe I've jus got away with it. The wrost thing I find is if I got a bit of sun lotion transferred onto my camera from my hands it can get in the aquapack, but I just use a dry cloth/tissue to wipe it.
I've got one for my camcorder too and never put more sachets in that.

To cut a long story, we ended up at the Kodak shop opposite The Hard Rock cafe. The lovely man there (possibly called Big Blue) sorted out my camera within 24 hours and charged me about £18 to replace all the rubber seals and threw in a Kodak Ultra film too. At that exact moment I loved Big Blue very deeply and told him so too!!!
Just returned from Sharm and I have to say the Aqua Pack I bought was invaluable! I spent many hours snorkelling around the reef snapping those beautiful little (and not so little!) fish. Here a few of the better shots I managed to get:
So sorry, Wanadoo obviously didn't like my piccy's so wouldn't host them - oops! Second attempt...

They take some getting used to but Aqua packs are definately worth investing in!!!!
Edited by
2005-09-19 13:17:31
great photos ...yet again.
its a shame when people put photos on that site that they don't put their user name. there are some really good photos on there and i'd like to thank the person for putting them on. love the one of the "happy fish" medot.xx
Couple of recent pics...
A beauty of a shot... that baracuda was pretty far away, but was a whopper ( and gets bigger every time I tell the story ) - as a comparison that is a large unicorn fish much closer to the camera in the bottom left hand cirner of the pic.

A shot of a beauty... taken yesterday morning at sunrise. Not telling you who it is.

Well it's definately not a self portrait!
at last. thanks for the pictures guardianangel. i have got one of the aqua pacs. i have to say the photos you have taken are better than the ones we took last year with a throw away underwater camera. if we can get a few good photos i'll be happy. thanks for sharing them. medot.xx
The Aqua Packs do take some practice to get used to, but by the end of the holiday it had become second nature. Although I did get some funny looks of the Russians - emerging from the water with my digital camera in an over sized plastic bag!
A good tip is to try and take phot's close to the water surface - there's more light and shots tend to come out a lot clearer! I look forward to seeing your pics on your return!
Claire x
Wow GuardianF,
Just can't wait to get to Nuwieba at Xmas to try it out... I was quite disapointed with a lot of the pictures I got from my cheap underwater film camera I used last year...
I also got my sachets from E-bay. I used about 5 whilst on holiday. Tried to dry them out myself one day and left them on the patio thinking the sun would help - it helped a little too much - the silica gel got burnt to the table oops

Think I'll stick to the instructions in future!
each time ive been to the red sea Ive always taken dsiposable underwater cameras with me, and the quality of picture has always been suprisingly good. However, this year I was considering buying a reusable underwater camera and wondered if anyone had any suggestions on a good one?
Im not looking to break the bank!, but it would be nice to carry just one camera instead of a few.
Also if anyone has any pictures that theyve taken with their underwater camera and wouldnt mind showing them to me I would be grateful, just so I can get an idea of the quality.
Thanks in advance for any help!

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