Good Afternoon from the SUNNY Balcny
Gooday each and every one what a lovely day,

never mind Tunis Bristol is basking in 18c.

On the Balcony it must be nearer 22c because of the windows etc..

(Pass the Pimms - no I don't want cucumber if I did I'd have ordered a salad - one can not get room service anymore can one ? ) Well I can dream

(just saw Luci and Van in a leotard

must get out more).
Good on you andylou The more the merrier, but to join the protest one must first of all join the club, the fee is £50 and I'm the treasurer (before TonyW jumps in)

The island cruise could be setting up soon so you should be one of the first to jump on.
mal thats why I had to get new socks yetsterday,
I've been off
you needent know about the rest of the clothing.
muncher; what this about Shadows have you joined as Ray Wood Has how many musicians do we hav ein this HT site. perhaps we could start a revival (a bit like the WooooooooooooooAhhhhhhhhhh baldy on the Melody) With all thoes forgien johnies and the inability to make either coffee or tea we should lauch a take over. (you are right I do not have clue waht the hell I'm going on about.
So I'll cut my losses - going to join the unemployed single mums in Primark
Bye Bye