Ok it was 'Artists Impressions'
Ok we booked a 'New Build'
Ok we knew it was all British BUT I might add not from the Brochure OR from First Choice but from HERE from people who had already been!!!!
Everything, they stated was 'Subject to Change' (a clause everyone likes to use to cover themselves, fair comment) but when the brochure we booked from said on a "Glorious sandy beachfront Location" I did expect a 'little' bit more than dirty brown 'sand', weeds and debris...and didn't expect to endanger the lives of my children (not to mention myself) because I nearly let them go into a sea that was unsafe with NO warnings what so ever of a strong current and deep shleving a metre in!!!

Hi Barnio. UUF361.He or she ahd a go at me as well because i said they could of give us more food , i meant better quality and bigger portions,(strak, fish, and the kerbabs), lets hope the new restarant manager and chefs make a etter job next year, but from what i was told by the old reatarant manager FC did not give them a big enough budget to give usequality 4 star food we should of had, i think we all shoild of been given a 10% refunf due to the poor food quality as we was told is was four star , but got 2-3 star food, plus they have had food problems in all their new built HV, so what does that tell you about FC
I have been to many a Hotel and there has always been a few little 'niggles' but never anything to put a dampner on things so to speak, and it could have been the case at the PP had the problems that were there been addressed properly and quickly... because things were left and we in turn were left without the holiday we booked more and more things became apparent as the holiday went on....
and No we haven't claimed and compensation before any one thinks that is the reason for our discontent, we have even bothered geting in touch with First Choice because we would just get fobbed off with the usual

I do hope that they sort the problems out for next year for all those who have booked to go there... I for one would not trust FC again and would not give them anymore of my hard earned cash

Bellingham & katy's clan, thanks for the support, thought for one moment when I read uuf's comment that I was going mad!! I too booked from the brochure last May and was told by the call centre that the place was complete then and that it only had a few" finishing touches" to go. A few weeks later, my wife was surfing the net and came upon these pages and the worry started then. We too enjoyed what we could of the holiday, we had some problems (never before have I had to watch Jonathan Creek on BBC choice in my room on holiday before as a form of entertainment)but we didn't complain on our return either. FC had been useless in their customer service prior to departure so I was not going to hold my breath and claim on my return. I'm just happy in the knowledge that FC will never get any of my hard earned money again either. I actually laugh now when I see the adverts for FC long haul currently on the telly. None of our headphones worked on the plane either outbound or inbound and I've never been so cramped on a flight in my life before. First Choice wouldn't even be my last choice!
Briar - I no longer in the US, I did until March this year but that is not particularly relevant.
The brochures I saw, and I looked in about 4 of them nowhere stated a glorious golden sandy beach, perhaps I got only second or third edition brochures.
When I got there, in September, the beach was not the best I have ever seen, nor by any means was it the worst. IMO, some (not all b4 someone else accuses me of something) people have been looking for something to complain about and the beach is an easy target as nothing can be done about it.
FYI, Turkey is not long haul, but mid haul I would expect so the current crop of TV adverts do not relate in any way to flights to Turkey.
I actually know people who have used the new FC long haul flights and said they were indeed every bit as good as it being touted on the TV.
Bellingham - you should know better than to blast a personal attack on someone given the problems on this forum in the past - I did not have a go at you! And bigger portions - the main restaurant is self service so in my experience I was able to help myself to a bigger portion.
manager said to me and my husband FC did not supply them a big enough budget to give us the 4 star food we should of had, they have done this before to another hotel we went to and the hotel manager said exatly the same to us, but we did complain and we got a 75% refund that was back in 1997, but FC are not very good a giving people compensation what is due to them, like a said eveyone who went to the PP or PT should have been given a 10% refund due to all the problems(food, entertainment and mozzies), if they did not want to give people compensation they should have sorted the food problem out from the start of the season like everyother TO does.

Briar - I no longer in the US, I did until March this year but that is not particularly relevant
I just wondered where you had booked what brochure ? Website etc as it may have been different descriptions I wondered if you were in US and Friends booked here or something like that
Anyway now that everybody has had the chance to input perhaps we can all get back to continue the discussions on the Hotel
A bit of dyslexia crept in on me when reading that Nette as I could have swore you wrote now that everybody has had the chance to INSULT

I was there for a week in October. Found the pools freezing and the food awful. As for the mozzies! I was told by one of the reps that they could only spray once every 2 weeks as it was a conservation area. I went with my 15 year old son who I was expected to share a bed with! I was told by the rep that she had share a bed with her brother. It was not on. He had to sleeep on the sofa bed. Would not travel with First Choice again.
I and many others said on quite a few occassions when this place was first mentioned that it was not in a tourist area and there was definitely nothing around it and would also be full of mosquito's as it was near a swamp.
Also the beach was mentioned as in it wasn't really a beach and may be a wee bit dangerous.
I of course definitely sympathise with everyone who had a bad holiday and my main concern is that it will not put people off visiting TURKEY again in the future and also hope people who don't know TURKEY will not slag it off to their friends and also put them off visiting this beautiful country.
You may notice I did capitalise TURKEY and the reason for that is going to an all inclusive purposely built place like that is not what TURKEY is about and maybe in a few years time and there is a proper town with proper facilities built up there with a thriving Turkish community then it may be better but until then afaiac you may as well be in an all inclusive complex in Spain whcih will take a lot less time to get there.
We had a dismal Holiday in the PP this year but on our return we have always said that whilst we would definately go back to Turkey we would never go back to the PP and would never go AI again either

The Turkish people were the only only ones that stopped this holiday being worse than it already was, they were friendly and welcoming and always had a smile for you (if you treated them with the respect they deserved of course

We booked this holiday in May04 on the recommendation of the TA who we have booked all our holidays with up till now

The only thing i have said is that I would never again go to Turkey in July or August it was just too hot and not comfortable, I was on edge all the time fretting about my children and they got fed up with being 'lotioned up' every 15-20 mins (perhaps over precautiuos but then it was HOT) We saw several children burned raw, the parents should have been ashamed of themselves

That is very well put John and I agree with most of your points. We were first timers to Turkey and can say the day and a half spent on a trip and a market were by far and away the best. The only point I would like to say though is that we booked from a brochure in May and were talked through the resort by a call centre girl from FC. It was only a few weeks later that we stumbled on this site and the rest as they say is history!
Now before any agents on here jump in and have a go I do Know it doesn't mean all of you but hey we all have a crust to earn but (and I am definitely not pushing my own business here) but if you don't know a place intimately then don't pretend to as all it does is give the firm itself a bad name.
If you have a new property coming on the market then at least give the correct information on the surrounding area that it is located in.
There was another new place last year in Marmaris which was really nice (club Alize) but the place never had a problem (other than if you didn't like it crowded then don't go to this type of place) it was a winner from the off with members including me giving weekly reports on how the building was going and what it looked like but the main winner was it was in a populated area and not in the middle of nowhere so everyone would be happy because if they didn't like the catering or facilities there were tons of places to escape to on the doorstep.
It seems there was a captive audience at Pegasos and so much was written about it with sub forums popping up like a chat site but the majority of people were Turkey virgins and no doubt with the damage that has already been done with all the bad press from these people who have justly been dissapointed in their much saved for holiday it will do Turkey as a destination not much good.
Its amazing how the shopping public may forget about 100 brilliant reports of something but always remember 1 bad thing and this is human nature.
Anyway rambled enough on here tonight and it has been quiet of late so its been nice to write a little and if anyone needs any information on Turkey anytime then feel free to drop me a line and if you have booked an area and want reassuring or about to and want a bit of advice then again feel free to get in touch as it may help to have a happy holiday.
I have had the misfortune to go to Turkey 5 times this year alone, although three times for work.
Rude and corrupt people for the most part, poor food all over and poor standards generally in most of the hotels I stayed in. In fact the PP/PT was the only hotel with good standards!
I would not go to Turkey again through choice.

the pools were cold but it didnt stop the kids going in and we saw them checking the pools chemical content every day and they were all cleaned at night.
i think perhaps they could do with a bit more entertainment at night but i can honestly say we never got board.

the little village of saregarme is lovely and the people were very friendly.
the mozzies are a pain but take plenty of cream and use it. there is'nt much they can do about them.
i do feel for those of you that went early on before it was finished and do agree first choice should not send people to unfinished places!
they have got all winter to finish what needs doing and i think they know what needs to be done!
well i'm sure next year will be fab and i will be checking this site when it re-opens in april (i think) to see what people think.

happy hols everyone where ever you go

we did go to the palace early july and to say the least, wouldnt go back. it was in the outskirts of antwhere but it hasnt put us off turkey, far from it. was our first time to turkey but isnt our last.
we have booked DIY for next year as this massive hotel put us of tour operators for life.
we are going a little further down the road to dalyan an doing SC so we can see more of turkey.
and to say the turkish arent nice....... well i didnt meet many that werent, yes they are all after a fast buck but isnt that why we are there? to spend our money and make freinds along the way.
happy holidays to everyone where ever you go, i will also be checking on the palace thread next year and hope it is finaly finnished and running smoothly.
for me there isnt anything they can do about the size of the place, and before anyone says you knew that before you went, well i didnt know when we booked there was to be two hotels, only mentioned one of 600 rooms and even then i though it was a bit big but we would try it, i didnt bargain on it being 1200 rooms.
there lay the problem...........
Hi Pink Flamingo, Yes you are right their was only going to be one hotel, but the germans was after the PT, so the hotel chain Pegasos said FC could have the contract if they could get the builders who where doind the PP to build it and get it open in 2005, but i think FC made a big mistake trying to built two hotel that big in 9 months, plus Turkey did have alsot of rain in April and May, the only thing that i was dissapointed with was with some of the food(steak, fish,mashed potatoe and scambled egg), also the entertainment could have been alot better for the size of the hotel, they had our money and should have give us what we paid for, and not the 2-3star food they supplied us with and rubbish entertainment, my children want to do to the HV in Kos, but we are thinking of going diy, but still doing AI. The only thing FC need to do is to get their customer sevices right, they should of sorted the food budget out when people first stated to complain and not at the end of the season ready for the next year. Good luck with your next holiday i will pm you and tell where we are going next time.
As for the food i have always found it to be as good as anywhere else.
Hotels are exellant. I would go to Turkey before a lot of other places

The beach was never advertised as golden and sandy in any of the FC brochures!
Er... yes it was!
The beach was advertised like that. It was in the brochures and on the website

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