It is a hard question to answer, as to whether the PT being closed will spoil your holiday.
I suppose in theory, what you dont know about you will not miss.
However, as people have already said, the slides at the Tropical are better, as in faster and longer, even though there are only 2. Most of the kids wanted to go there every day to go on them, as opposed to the ones at the Palace.
As people have already said, there is no where much to go of an evening, so taking away the walk across to the Tropical, to check out their entertainment, which was always different to that at the Palace, also takes away that element of choice.
I personally did not like the Tropical, particularly the bar, as it was small, very crowded, and took ages to get served. But, I did like to have the choice of walking over there of an evening, and the massage huts etc, were lovely to look at, if you fancied an evening stroll around the complex, as we often did.
I think I may have gone stir crazy if confined to the Palace 24/7, and for 2 weeks.
My advice would be, get out and about, do some trips, otherwise you will become very bored at night time.
You will be stuck with only 1 set of entertainment now, instead of 2, so if it isnt your cup of tea, its tough!!!
Hoepfully they will improve the entertainment for this year, as this was my worst gripe about the place.
Saying all that, we had a great holiday, as it suited our family, who like to laze by the pools all day, and chill out in the evenings. The pools were the best I have ever seen in any holiday complex, by a long way