Hi Everyone
Looks like the express have finally got their act together. despite a number of almost bookings when the other lot were handling things, I have now spoken to the cruise store and made my booking with a very helpful young man (who is going on the same cruise as I booked) all sorted out within 30 minutes. My first choice was not available but there were plenty to choose from. So finally I have my cruise around the Med on the Island Star on 20th May this year, have a cabin of my own (no sharing) it is an outside cabin on a high up deck (deck 9) - the only problem is it has a resticted view (lifeboats get in the way!) but what can you expect for £35!
The £35 is simply for the fuel charge, the Express have waivered the £10 charge we were originally due to pay. Things are a little restrictive if you are not prepared to be flexible, from memory the latest date was 15th July and that was already full when I called yesterday. From the Express's point of view it looks like all will be resolved by mid July - except for the odd few who are not happy with this latest offer.
My letter was number 359 so I expect there will be quite a few Express cruisers on each cruise. A point to note I was told I will get an invoice from Island Cruise Lines for £700+ but to ignore it as the money will not be due by myself. Looks like the Express have had an expensive lesson - but as someone who has benefitted from it I am certainly not complaining.
Good luck to everyone about to cruise - I for one cannot wait.