Hi Guys & thanks for the warm welcome back
I am of course gutted to be back home as I would far rather be in Cala Millor or Cala Bona right now but alas, my numbers didn't come up so I'm not! Boo Hoo!
Right folks you wanted to know how my holiday went so here goes"¦"¦
As you know we left on 5 Aug with Excel (actually a Finnair Aircraft with Flyjet cabin crew) - we departed 20 mins late but actually arrived 15 mins earlier than expected (good tail wind I think). No problems at all with aircraft or crew - in-flight entertainment was 'Over the Hedge' and watching our altitude, speed and exactly where we were flying over - great fun!
On arrival at Palma we had the dreaded airbridge into the terminal and had to do the 'walk' to baggage reclaim - there were about 8 families ourselves included who were missing one suitcase and it took 1 hr 15 mins after flight had landed before they finally turned up by which time everyone else was long gone! Have to admit I was starting to panic.
No problems with our transfer either way - as you know we had originally booked with Clarkline and were let down at the 11th hour and booked hastily booked with Janerbus. They were at designated meeting point waiting for us and for the return journey arrived 10 mins before pick-up time so that we actually left on time once we'd loaded up. Both journey's we had a 15 seater mini bus and on return journey driver had thoughtfully brought 2 booster seats for the twins to use.
The new motorway is a vast improvement and cut down our transfer from the usual hour to approx 50 mins both ways and missing Manacor out is a bonus.
First port of call when we arrived was to go and see Eileen & Pedro at Supermarket C'an Pedro (next to Tom's Bar) to the side of the Hotel Temi on back road (Na Llambies) and then to the harbour as I was dying to see all the changes and what can I say but WOW!
It was a shock to see Seans Crazy Corner no longer (go to Eileen & Pedro's as they do cheap booze) - now sells Teddies in personalised jumpers but loved the pedestrianised bit - far safer when you have kids tho' you still have to watch out for those ruddy scooters, Go Karts and big bikes! Loved the new lighting, the posh non-rickety benches, the stainless steel railings, wood cladded walls surrounding the harbour and the wheelchair ramp to Bar Thalassa/Tourist Info. They've done fantastically well with it all and it's a vast improvement to how it was originally.
Eateries we used this year - CHEERS (of course), Beachboys where I met Tippi's bro and daughter, Smugglers, London Inn and kids ate 2 lunches in Burger King. The Caledonian Carvery HAS changed hands and is now part carvery & part Tapas Bar - not sure how that will work out but just didn't fancy it so gave it a miss. We were going to have lunch at Smithy's but service whilst ordering drinks was absolutely diabolical (surly slow waitress) so finished our drinks and went to pay and nearly fainted when charged €10 for 3 cans of soft drinks and 2 small cartons of Ribena! Absolute rip off!!!!
Following Martin's recommendation we were thinking about trying Weatherspoons (opposite CHEERS) however we changed our mind after seeing what I can only describe as thuggish behaviour of the bar owner who, whilst Kev at CHEERS was telling a joke to a packed out bar, came 'charging' over complaining that his customers could hear him - as they are opposite each other it's not that surprising but his outburst was totally unnecessary and rather unpleasant! Don't know who this bloke thinks he is but with an attitude like that he doesn't deserve custom and it's little wonder he doesn't get as much business as CHEERS!!!!!
Weather-wise - well as you know we didn't have the best of the weather whilst out there -fair to say that we had the worst weather we've ever had out there (several rain showers, a couple of downpours, a few thunder storms and general cloud cover! Apparently the weather changed the Thursday before we landed the Saturday and up to that point they'd had a mega heatwave with temps soaring to a whopping 112 degrees several days!
Glad I missed that to be honest and apart from the rain it was just pleasant - still warm but not overly so and night times we could sleep in relative comfort and thankfully as you can still tan thru' cloud I've got a nice tan - not mega brown but I certainly look like I've been away!
We didn't do much - mainly pool and beach - think we'll do beach more next year as we could relax more as it was so safe for the kids (no jellyfish detected anywhere). We had a trip on the Aquarama Cat from Cala Bona to Sa Coma (delighted they now have a proper wooden walkway rather than just rocks as it was before). We walked along into S'ilot - never knew it was so close to Sa Coma to be honest - I thought it was further along the coast. We ate out at the Britannia Bar and then caught the Badia Train back to Cala Millor - think the driver felt sorry for us - he said "You have big family, no"? and I said "Oh yes" and he only charged us €4 (1 adult & 1 child instead of 2 adult & 3 child tickets)! Bless him!
We used Pireo (opposite what was Crazy Corner) for all our money changing and got €1.44 to the £ which was better than UK - think we got €1.41 at M&S.
Improvements I'd like to see out there are the rocky areas between Cala Bona & Cala Millor being kept free from rubbish - in parts it was covered with plastic bottles, cans etc. They could employ someone to go along it once a week to clear up and it would make a huge difference. I'd like to see the dog mess issue addressed too - altho' not as bad as last year we never saw a single dog owner scoop their pooches poop! Playing 'Dodge the Turd' is not my favourite pastime - didn't step in any as we were very vigilant but it was apparent others were not so lucky! Not nice!
We came back Saturday (19th) - once checked in we went upstairs and it's all changed - not sure if it was a direct result of the security scares but once checked-in now you go upstairs and have to go thru' security (at far right of terminal) before you have access to cafes, shops & Aldeasa Duty Free. No bottled water/drinks allowed other than that no restrictions - have to say when it all kicked off I was worried about getting camcorder, camera and Gameboys back home but we managed fine in the event tho' my heart went out to anyone caught up in the midst of it all!
Coming home we were delayed just over an hour but landed just 15/20 mins late into Newcastle and we were home by 10.15pm with the first load of clothes in the washing machine - poor thing doesn't know what's hit it.
Think that's it guys - if you've got to the end of that little lot without falling asleep all credit to you
If there's anything you think I may have forgotten or anything you want to know just give me a shout!
Off to stick more stuff in the washing machine - catch up later!
PS - Have a a great holiday Stumpy and get packing!!!!!!