pm me and I can send you more detailed help oh kunta kineh beach is worth a tourist visit
One thing you may be able to help , my boyfriend collects camoflauge and although has some african camo would love some more, is this something he may be able to purchase over there in one of the larger towns?
HI SOOZE,InSerrekunda if its in Africa i reckon someone can source it, Go to the sennegambia junction ,face the stop step chemist(very expensive) turn left 300 yards up the road opposit where taxis park,on your right hand you will see a sign Balmoral apartments,go up that road(sand track) 75 yards their is Dexters cafe,then small cafe owned by black woman.Mami(if you buy anything from her, drinks or food note it down , she rips tourist off big time). Anyone around their knows foddy, FODDY IS WELL KNOWN he will take you to serrekunda or go for you ,trusts me anything from the chemist to unlocking your mobile phone he can do it .I find he usually adds ten dalasi for his bush taxi + 50 -100 dalasi for himself depending on the price of the goods , sometomes he refuses money and settles on a coka cola, if it only a small job remember you try and buy goods the same places as him ,you will pay treble or more, If you can source them,(I remember being offered 200 embassy regal in seerekunda for 3500 dalasi) I nearly fell over laughing at the time they were 2000 dalasi in UK, but someone not used with the currency must have paid him,still I dont smoke. He also does a nice line of african necklaces etc,made by his sis,cheers MAXIE
1. Although not overly scared of bugs are there any to be aware of, for example sitting on balcony late at night is something likely to fly past and bite me!
2. What is the sea like, I heard there are bad undercurrents but again what about creatures in the sea, or should we use beach to sunbath, pool to swim?
3. What type of travel adapter do we need, Europeaon one or another?
4. Do you recommend getting official guide on first day to show us the sights, if so do they try and come along with you everywhere or can you just hire someone for one day?
5. Can you recommend anywhere in Kotu to book trips, fancy the river one, seeing the crocodiles and St James Island.
6. Also what malaria drugs do you recommend?
Any other hints and tips grealy appreciated
1 only wear long sleeves arms and legs at night ,The MOSSIES bite
2 Be careful in the sea ,watch the flags
3 its 3 pin 13 amp plugs as in uk
4 hire a guide or go and ask for foddie up at dexters bar
5 st james isle the crocs the monkey park ,go to serrekunda its an experience ,watch your purse wallet haggle ,pay one quarter asked at most
explore on your own its fun
6 everyone gets ripped of at least once try and keep it to once
7 taxis always try to rip you of
8 TAKE MALARONE for malaria never miss trhem ,its a red zone for malaria,and you want to keep your health
spray your room with BOP and go out . It kills mossies but may make you feel ill if you stay in as soon as you spray,keep windows closed at night, always
go and enjoy yourself maxie
Thank you for your help
Hi, We've decided on Gambia for a break in November, weatherwise would there be much difference in going early or late November. My sister has stayed at Sunset Beach, which she highly recommends, but if we can't get that ,any similar?? Just want clean and on the beach or near if poss.
Sorry I cannot reply but we are going next April to Sunset Beach so anything you have to report on your return will be greatly appreciated, especially best places to eat and drink in Kotu. I hope yu have a good trip.
HI read your article ,any time november is ok rainy season is gone or almost,just book a flight tempretures are pretty constant ,I booked the 11th as it was mid month, go and enjoy, maxie

have a good holiday when it comes. What a great month to have a holiday- I would do the same if I could!
Hi we are going to the Atlantic hotel in Banjul on 24th. Nov.any tips and advise would be very much appreciated. I would like to take some supplies with me e.g. pens, etc, also I have some outgrown football shirts belonging to my son in v.g.c.would they welcomed i don't want to offend anyone.anything else I could take and also how do I make sure the pens etc go to the most needy schools?Thanks, Carol( p.s. read about the bumsters what is REALLY the best way to deal with them?)
2 re bumsters look straight ahead, no matter what ignore them,eventually they will go .I am refering to those people who want something for nothing .I do not regard sellers as bumsters.
3 re your pens give them to children or their parents yourself my advice only
4 Most people who need it will be happy to take your tops
5 RE MOSQUITOES: SEA USE, other help
6 only wear long sleeves arms and legs at night ,The MOSSIES bite
7 Be careful in the sea ,watch the flags
8 GO to st james isle the crocs the monkey park ,go to serrekunda its an experience ,watch your purse wallet haggle ,pay one quarter asked at most
9 everyone gets ripped of at least once try and keep it to once
10 taxis always try to rip you of negotiate hard before getting into one
11 TAKE MALARONE or whatever your doctor recommends for malaria never miss trhem ,its a red zone for malaria,and you want to keep your health
spray your room with BOP and go out . It kills mossies but may make you feel ill if you stay in as soon as you spray,keep windows closed at night, always
go and enjoy yourself maxie .
Thanks for that info, Maxie,very useful
please can anyone tell me the best place to change our money?we're going to Banjul 24th. nov.
HI ,Re your Dalasi,I always change in sennigambia first left at ali babas also the one next to ali baba.They count all your money, I advise you to stand and do the same,I have been short changed at the trust bank on the same street I always avoid this bank.Oh the only credit card you can draw money on at bank is a VISA card,enjoy your hols maxie
Thanks for that,Maxie
I've recently booked a holiday to Egypt, but Gambia had been a contender too. What I was really unsure of was the amount of hassle I've heard you get. Can anyone shed any light on this? I've not ruled out going there in the future, so any honest advice would be really appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
1 l look straight ahead and ignore them
2. continue to do so for a minute or two.then politely inform them they are disturbing you,if they continue INFORM POLITELY AND FIRMLY you will report them to the military that stops it.
3 alternately get a tan ,tell them you have been before and not just of an airplane
4 get your own (BUMSTER) use him for advice occasionally and pay accordingly
5 SELLERS are not bumsters they are hard working ,cold selling to holidaymakers is not easy. most are polite.
6 MOST IMPORTANT the majority of Africans are poor beyond belief they have nothing,except their pride and values and are wonderful people to know and help! don't let the bumsters affect how you would treat them
book up a hol have a good time in a lovely country ,cheers maxie

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