Sorry for the delay in writing this reveiw but i have had some problems logging on.
Befor i booked the csm i checked reviews and thought that we had made a good chioce.
My Partner and i arrived at the CSM At 6.30am on 15/12/06 and was shown to a room just behind the pool.
being our first time in goa, not sure what to expect we unpacked and got some sleep.
On waking just 3 hours after. we saw the room we were in had black patches on the wall, this was damp.
We had no hot water and reported this each day for 3 days.
Our bedding was damp and nothing was done about it.
I complained to the rep (first choice) who spoke to management who in turn done nothing.
on day 4 being so fed up with the situation i went to reception and demaned they move us rooms.
The room we were moved in to was larger and better than befor, we had hot water!
The food at the hotel was crap, breakfast at 7.30am was cold every day.
The food that was put out for eveing dinner at 7.30pm was still sitting in trays, kept warm by a small gas light at 10pm the same night.
The food was recylced for the following day.
Our borochor stated we would have differnt theme nights.that didn't happen.
the entertainment that should of been on 4 times a week didn't happen either.
People who had stayed at the CSM for many years were very disapointed, stating that the new management had spoilt a wonderfull hotel with a great repataion.
Chrismas night gala meal!!what a farce.
We were told to sit down at 7.30pm. food was also put out at 7.30pm, but the waiters were still putting tables around the pool at this time.
The food was opened up at 8.30pm and people had to Q around the pool/ tables to self serve themselfs.
so the food was inediable by this time.
Any complaints to the manager was met by if you don't like it eat some where else, so people did just that.
The bar across the road Lazy Days must of made his fortune.
he was busy day and night.
The pool that i thought would be cleaned daily. was dirty.I saw the pool cleaner clean the scum from the side of the pool by wiping it off with his hands.
I heard whilst i was there that the CSM do not really want english people at the hotel, because we complain,and don't like to spend money.
Well all i can say is i would never go back to the CSM even if it was for free.
May i add in all the years i have travelled i have never felt the need to complain about any hotel. but the CSM Beggers belief.
You never know the CSM may of listened to peoples complaints and sorted things out.
Would like to know what others think on return.