Hi Jen 123
The times you have from the BRS website seem a bit odd I must admit. If you are refering to times for now, we are still in the winter season.
I have just checked on my system at work and the times i have for the summer including August are:-
Outbound Saturday dep BRS 0600 arr Alicante 0925
Return Saturday dep Alicante 1025 arr BRS 1150
These could change, normally this would happen when the summer season gets underway in May and if that should happen then the chances of it changing again after that are very unlikely. Check the website or pop into a local agent as if you were to book a new holiday and get them to verify the times.
Have a good holiday!
Can anyone tell me if First Choice price match with other online companies?
I have found the price on first choice website to be £183 more expensive then Airtours online. I went into Thomas Cook yesterday and they are willing to price match but would prefer to book First Choice if this was possible.
Thank you

I have had a price match a couple of times with FC so I think you should get a price match OK.
Did you price Eclipse the sister company to First Choice ? they might be cheaper than FC but the product is identical to FC in every way.
Thank you for your reply. I have tried Eclipse and they are £20 cheaper.
I think I will pop into First Choice tomorrow and see what they can do.
Thank you.
For the last two days I have been trying to access my holiday details on the first choice website myholiday.travel.co.uk just wanted to check my details plus make sure the payment I have recently made has gone through but everytime I try it ,it says an error has occured!!
Just wondered if any one else is having this problem or is it just me!
Our holiday was fine until the last day............
9.20am arrived - the time our coach was supposed to be picking us up from our accommodation to transfer us to the airport for our return flight.
At about 9.30am a First Choice Rep arrived took the people from our flight to one side.
She advised us we would not be going to the airport as our flight was delayed indefinitely and had not even left the UK. As always it was a 'technical fault'. She advised us she would be back at 2pm to update us.
2pm arrived and went so did 2.30 and 3pm.
Numerous other First Choice Reps were coming and going collecting and dropping off other passengers but not one of them could give us any information as to what was going on-the only response we got was 'we don't know'.
After being left with no information until about 4pm, i asked another rep who had just been to the airport and was advised that someone would be there about 5pm to pick us up for the airport and that our flight wasn't departing until 10pm.
The First Rep who should have returned to us at 2pm but obviously couldn't be bothered then turned up at about 4.30 and advised us of the same details we had already discovered for ourselves.
Overall First Choice Customer Service and communication was non existent, the only time you're likely to need a rep is when you have a problem and this was when First Choice basically weren't interested.
I will not be travelling First Choice again!!!!!!!!
I would never depend on a rep. In your situation I would have asked the hotel reception for the airport number or asked them to find out from the airport what time your flight was due to leave.
Why did you not just call the emergency phone number that is posted on the Rep`s notice board?? That way you would have got through to their office and they could have advised you what was happening with your flight
how do i email first choice i have tried twice on there website and i get an error message im not calling some premium rate call centre?
customer dot services (at) firstchoice dot co dot uk
several times in the past.
Obviously no spaces in there.
Didn't want to put the proper email address in case spammers scrape it, which would then render it useless.
hi, i have just looked on fc website and it says that the dreamliner is due to enter service in may 08 we are travelling to the dom rep bavaro in may 08 what are our chances of being on this new plane ?
You may be able to get some info on that from the experts in our Airlines & Airports forum ...
Secondly - as a brand new concept - it is going to need a lot of "proving" flights - and I doubt the airline would be happy for it to be too far from major maintenance bases for the first few months . I suspect that, in a perfect world, they would rather be using it initially on short hop flights in and around Europe before they take it transatlantic and it is likely to be a gradual introduction to other routes as crew training (flight deck, cabin crew and engineering) and aircraft certification dictates. I would expect it to be used firstly on routes like Sanford,Orlando in preference to island bases such as the DR (or worse, somewhere like the Maldives where engineering support is already a nightmare with their established aircraft)
Plus there is the alliance/meger with TUI to consider, and I suspect that there may be issues with that in selecting/training flight deck & cabin crew for the new fleet as those kind of things are usually dealt with on a seniority basis. Traditionally in airline mergers it has been the amalgamation of the crews of 2 different airlines that has been the most contentious issue. With the merger still currently in the hands of European ruling, that MAY have some impact as they will be needing to start getting crews through training in the not too distant future. TUI incidentally are also on the order books for the 787.
The aircraft itself is actually rather similar to your standard First Choice transatlantic aircraft from the inside - it's the mechanics of the thing that is so impressive. From what I gather, it's hugely fuel efficient and is supposed to be able to make Hawaii from the UK non-stop!!
Thanks Steve Ive just emailed them
I saw something about it a few years ago and first choice where the first british airline to order it a few years ago.
There's some really impressive pictures of it inside and out on Boeing's web site if you want to look into it further.
I wasn't really that interested in the Airbus as its just to big, and the thought of getting that many people out of a plane in an emergency would be difficult.Never mind trying to count people!
When Gordon Brown was sat in the cock pit of the Airbus when it was in England last year, we was expecting him to press a button to see what it did and collapse the landing gear or something.
The Boeing 787, aka 'Dreamliner' hasn't gone in to full production as yet. The first one is just a pile of bits at the moment and will be used as a test bed. Fuselage sections were delivered to the assembly line on 11th May. The first few examples will go through extensive trials on the ground and in the air before receiving the type certificate of air worthyness. Boeing are still saying the first ones will go in to service in 2008 and First Choice are the launch customer who want them by May 2008. I can't see it myself although Boeing have a good track record of delivering their promises unlike Airbus unfortunately.
Better to be late than rush through an unworthy plane which will fall apart!
Dont forget to post your pictures when you see it in service Dazbo
Don't worry, I'll be there when the first one arrives along with many others I suspect. I'll be on the inaugral revenue flight if I have my way!
According to my inside source , FCA aren't expecting revenue passenger flights on the 787 until Feb 09!!!
I've looked in to it and your sources are spot on. According to Boeing, they are on schedule for delivering the first 787's who are going to Air Nippon and should be in service by May 2008. First Choice are the european launch customer and are set to receive there first two aircraft in 2009 with the remaining 10 between 2010 and 2013.

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