Hi Bouncy Blonde
I work as a manager in a First Choice Travelshop. It is true some managers will charge a handling fee to cover instore costs. Basically although we are part of First Choice, we still get paid a commission from the Holiday Department to the Travelshops, this runs at about 13%. Typically the internet is about 7% cheaper than instore, so shops will match the price but then only make 6%. Not really enough to cover costs, especially if it was a cheapish holiday. So a managers argument would be, "why did you not book it on the Internet and go for the cheaper cost and why are you booking it instore? If you want to book it in my shop, then thats fine, thanks very much but im sorry I would have to charge you an additional fee for doing so."
I personally dont charge internet pricematch customers, at the end of the day the Internet is here to stay although some customers do prefer a personal service. What I do though is try and ensure the customers buy their currency from me, they book a car, or airport parking or hotel to make up for the Internet discount - surely theres nothing wrong with that.
WIth regards the service you received instore, thats obviously down to the individual staff member and not reflective of First Choice in general. We're not all bad employees you know and to be fair, First Choice are getting better nowadays than the tinpot company they were ten years ago. However there will always be complaints and the usual "im never booking with them again" scenario!!
To finish. Last year we had a major problem with a hotel we featured. Many people who booked on the net ended up coming into the shops to make us sort out their problems they had with this hotel, as they couldnt get through on the phone. We could have referred these customers back to the call centre in a "huh you didnt book with me so why should we help you?" situation - but we didn't, we treated internet customers the same.
But if you did book at home, and you did have a problem and spent 2 or 3 hours trying to get through to the call centre, what would you do - is that extra £10 a head you paid then money well spent???
Im sure you will have a good time and im sorry you had a bad service at the shop you booked at - like I said , not all First Choice staff are like that, most of us are good at what we do and proud to be working for such a company - I just hope they remain and dont become "Thomsonfied!"
Have a good holiday!!