Hi Lez, had a chat with Ganesh and the shack is going up in the same place. To the right of him is Sudahs shack then Ryans, 2 others and then an open stretch of sand that had shacks there 2 years ago (these were removed to allow the workers on the ship to leave there equipment).
I will get in touch with him again to see if any other shacks are to be moved.
This is a funny one for you - one of our friends who was with us 2 years ago (female....sorry girls!) was listening to us talk about the removal and when we said it may have to brought off via the beach, she honestly thought that they would pick it up and put it on the back of a waggon !!
Thanks for getting me worried !! (not), when you out there anyway ? are we going to get sat in a bar and have a few bevvies ?