Kali Spera Quakersyard
I hope you are well.
The local buses here are the best in every way.
1 they are all brand new buses.
2 they are all air conditioned.
3 they are so cheap.(from Analipsi to Heraklio 2euro 20 cents)
Heraklion to Chani along the west it is only 11 euros.
4 there is a bus going in each direction every 15 mins so no long waits.
The only thing a wee bit negative is that from your hotel to the bus stop
I would say it will be about a 15 min walk.
OH also a wee word of warning they will not let anyone on the bus without
shirt or top on. with the buses being new they do not want to get suntan oil
on the seats ( In the winter & it rains they wont even let us bring our umbarellas on we have to them in the boot)
You can go all over the island on the local bus they are great.
Oh by the way Quakersyard you be carefull when you go oot to catch ma HAGGIS you know they kind o savage little divels ( I hope a SCOTS man is going to give you some lessons before you go oot to shot one)
Remember I can still tell the diffrence between a fresh one & one you put in
your trolly going round TESCOS HA.HA
My home town is the good old HONEST TOWN of MUSSELBURGH (do not say a word I have heard it all before) HA.HA.
And yes Gieorgo & I would love to meet with your wife & yourself when you come in september.
As for cafeclub if I am thinking of the right guy he might be to busy to go on
PC as I am sure he has his wee cafe open just now for the men working on your hotel as it is right next to his place.(when I pass it is always busy).
Hope this helps

PS If I do not hear from you for a while I will know the HAGGIS won as they have taken down many a SCOTS man BEWARE.