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Discussions regarding holidays in Cyprus
Thanks Judith, think I downloaded that the other day... but the free bit is only a bit.... :cheers
Judith? :rofl
I had a look through the dropdown part and didn't think it was too bad for free, seems enough to get by if that's all you want.
cy the way i learnt was with the shorter I not the long E bear in mind i have learnt to speak by practice not by rote ,i am bound to have picked up the odd slang pronunciation and of course the speed Greeks speak at is dam fast .the other problem is if you ask a computerised translator it will directly translate not necessary take into account ancient/modern/euphemisms and rules of gramma
I know I'm not going to like the answer as I'm sure its going to be one of those tongue twister words...

what is/are "pork chops" ? as in can I have the pork chops please (ordering from the menu)
yasus.....this might be handy cy...especially if you fancy eating greek....but no pork chops

its got pork listed on there Tweetie, but not chops.. thanks bookmarked :cheers
I cant help with pork chops... what i know are

To'hirino is pork


hirinosti s-hara is grilled pork..

there is always the good old standby..... the finger point and say Afto parakalo or if you want a price poso kahni afto

i usually eat the lamb or goat
The pork chops in the livas are near legendary though... :cheers
Pork chop = χορινη μπριζολα (ho'reenee b(v)rizzolah) The m and the p letter together (μπ) is a soft "b"
So chop is like "rissole" - a good way to remember maybe?

And "well done" or "well cooked" is καλοψημένο (kaloh pseemehnoh)

We get some monster ones from our local takeway.... Amou Pizza

Can't get the image on here so you will just have to peep at the link on my twitter account:!/CyprusPictures/status/194092878631419904
whats the Greek for "oh my oh my...I'm on my way... hold the takeaway door open, I'm coming through" :D
This might be a very useful tool for learning Greek (or any other language)

Its google translate, I've been aware of it before but just realised that you can click to listen to the word !

give it a try|el|good%20morning

type word/words/phrases in the left hand side [English] and it appears to re-work it in to Greek on the rightside. If you type good for instance it puts Kalos (καλός) but if you then put the space and type morning it doesn't give you the word for morning "πρωί" ?.. it converts it into kalimera "καλημέρα"... see what you think, let me know if its translating and changing the words/order to how it would be said in Greek rather than just a direct translation.
Google translate is okay for short sentences to get the general gist of what's being said/written but not good for paragraphs or long text.

The spoken words you hear are just pronunciations of each of the individual words and there's no inflection for a question etc so isn't that useful for sentences.

I also tried typing in "the bill" in English which would usually be: το λογαριασμό but it only gave me that if I typed "can I have the bill please" otherwise it gave me a completely different word that isn't generally used in restaurants etc as: το νομοσχέδιο

I wouldn't rely on it to do too much but it's a good way to learn vocabulary.
hi I have this translate thing on my phone...dont know if it does greek...but you use the camera on the phone ....dont know if you need take photo...tell it to translate and it does.....lads shown me how to use it but cant remember...translates signs ect.

Ive loads on my phone...lads computer and electronics technician...supervisor level....and he gets frustrated with me because I only use it for text or phoning...must ask him about this translater...could be useful if I could learn how to use it... yasus tweetie
There's a lovely little book by Brian Church called "Learn Greek in 25 years", culled from his column in the Athens News, where he went to work after "falling in love with a Greek Goddess"
It is very, very funny - and actually quite useful in understanding some weird bits of the language.

More seriously, if you have an Android phone, it's worth downloading the free app "Google Translate".
This allows you to speak any phrase in English into your phone - it will then translate it to whatever your chosen target language is, and when you press a key, it will speak the phrase allowing you to get an idea of pronunciation.
It is also a great fun app to play with, in the bar of an evening with a crowd of like-minded idiots.
One big downside - you do need to be in a WIFI area when using it.
kalenichte... that android can speak to it in english...or type it translate and it says it for you....then you get the other person to reply into it in thier translate ...and it tells you in english what they you can hold a conversation....was great when lad showed me ...but I cant do it....same with the google thing tells you where you are....and tells you how to get somewhere... yasus tweetie
might have to have a look for the app....

I'm still going strong listening over and over to the Earworms App... (Greek part 1).. seems to be getting little bits into my brain... can count to 10 now... and at a push I think I can get to 19... not quite remembered 20 yet..


11 -en-dica
12 tho-thika
13 thecka-tree'ss
14 thecka-tess-a-ra
15 thecka-pen-day
16 thecka-exi
17 thecka-eftA
18 thecka-oc-toe
19 thecka-N-ya
20 E-ko-see (google translate)
en theaka

tho theake

theaka tria

"" tesara






Ikosi [20]

Ikosi enia

ikosi theo


trianda [30]
saranda [40]
peninda [50]
exinda [60]
evthominda [70]
octhonda [80]
eneninda [90] en-enin-da
ekato /ekaton [100]

there you go that will keep you occupied for a few minits

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