Flight Only / Airline and Airports

Discussions relating to flight only, airlines and airports.

Thanks for the quick response. Does this mean there is no flight out to Tenerife today then? Any idea why that would be?

The young crew
Not sure about that, but I seem to remember someone in a panic last weekend too because her TCX flight was not shown on the Glasgow Airport website just a few hours before departure. I believe live flight information was showing incorrect details.

David :wave
Oh well, we have 6 weeks to watch it and see what happens - hopefully it will be on the Glasgow Airport website from next week!

Thanks for your help :wave:
does anyone know why the thomas cook flight from birmingham was delayed last friday for roughly 3 hours?


there seems to be alot of delays at this airport over the last few days
Travelled with TC on our recent holiday to Tunisia and I must say what a complete mess Glasgow airport Thomas cook check in made. Not only did they seperate people when there were seats together available, they also split up families. My partner and I checked in 5 minutes after check in opened to be told there were no seats together...we asked if the entire aircraft prebooked and the check in agent said no....anyway we were seperated, not that we were really bothered but once we boarded it turns out this had happened all over the aircraft so many people were moving seats. I wonder if TC check in for all flights desks at Glasgow Airport is causing problems??

We boarded in plenty time for our departure when dispatch come on the plane. The check in agents had managed to confuse our planes luggage with another TC flight going to Dalaman. So que a 45 minute delay while bags are tracked down. The pilot was not impressed.

The flight itself was very pleasant and the food was nice enough. However when we started descending and the seat belt sign switched on, the cabin crew didnt do anything to make people sit down. People were still walking about the aircraft. The pilot comes on and says 10 minutes to landing and there were 3 people in the toilet que! Total lack of health and safety and not one cabin crew asked them to sit down!!

Flight home was fine. I would fly again with them but perhaps not sit in an aisle seat incase a stray passenger hits me on landing :)
Similar thing happened to us with Thomas Cook but that was on our return journey ......... we were all split up !!! 5 of us travelled we were 1st to check in ????? my mum had requested a disabled seat and didnt get it instead she was seated in the middle of a row of 3 seats and had great difficulty in sitting there the annoying thing was it looked like they had sat able bodied people in the seats at the front supposedly for the disabled ????

On the outbound journey I had requested that I carry vital medical equipment with me for both my children and that I took it on board with me incase it got damaged in the hold after numerous phone calls to TC I was told not a problem it would all be on the screen at check in.............guess what it wasnt !!! the check in desk clerk said she knew nothing and we were made to stand at check in for nearly half an hour while she asked everyone in manchester airport !!!! finally we were allowed to carry it on board . when we got to zante I rang Thomas cook emergency no in resort who said its clearly on the system and read all the pieces of equipment back to me ????

I have travelled with TC many times before and got to admit this seems to be my worse experience I found the cabin crew to be excellent .
My partner and I were not bothered about being seperated but people who had booked and paid to be sat together were situated at opposite ends of the plane! The cabin crew were excellent when we boarded and made all of us who didn't mind where we sat to stay put and had families, or those who needed help, moved to be together or atleast close and then let everyone else move. With that fiasco followed the baggage going on the wrong plane, the pilot was not a happy man. He came into the cabin and apologised for the incompetence of TC check in.

There was alot of moaning about no IFE and about not being informed. I only knew from this site. I have heard those travelling later on in the season have a note attached to their tickets to advise them but obviously with us going 19days after the change TC couldn't manage to get this information out to everyone.
hi all....about this IFE nolonger available....havent my flight details to hand...flying from manchester ...monday morning flight in the middle of july to gran caneria on a thomascook package....think on an A320...will there be any IFE...

If no IFE ....can we take our own portable DVD players onboard....

It p***** me off when they mess about like this....they were selling people the headphone adapters last year so they could use their own headphones to listen to the music and the sound on the screens...they didnt supply free headphones that fitted.....and now they stop the free IFE and offer people portable IFE to rent......next you will be able to book your flight ....but need to rent a seat to sit on...as they are really scrapping the barrel now for new ways to get more cash out of their passengers.....tweetie

There's no IFE on any of the narrow bodied aircraft regardless of destination. You can take your own DVD player but these can't be used at take off or landing. Portable players will be available for hire by the summer holidays at £7 per flight I believe.

hi folks first post good to be on the forum

i am looking at booking a flight only to bulgaria next year Aug. Does anyone know when TC will release these?

Tweetie pie

Thomson have also been running a portable rental system to replace free IFE its not just a TC problem.
thanks dazbo....think I will invest in a DVD player...got loads of discs they can watch...£7 a time is not on especially as the discs ect they supply might be not that good......and DVD players are quite cheap now.... I usually do my suduko or listen to my mp3 but the OH and one of my lads like to watch the films....tweetie
Tweetie Pie

Just to clarify its basically a PSP with the latest movies and games on as the seat back entertainment on the A330, worth considering (if its available)

More info here: http://www.ifeservices.com/pdf/IFE_Services_PSP_Flyer.pdf Requires Adobe Reader

Welcome onboard :tup
I would just keep checking. If they are operating, they should be available from anythime now as flights are released 12 months in advance with most of S11 released at the end of April.

Tweetie........you........like.....using........full stops ...........don't ya...... ;)
hi mikebravo...yes I suppose I do...got into the habit when I became a HT member....saves worrying about my grammer...an easy way of laying down the facts....saying what I want to say....and not wasting my words...keeping it as short as possible as I have been know to post essays :rofl ....lazy really...but its sort of become part of my HT personality.....tweetie.....ps I am a bit dottie arnt I ;)

flying out tommorrow tcx13k returning 17/06 tcx13L lgw-puj

can you please if possible confirm which a/c will be used

also please can you confirm what configuration this a/c will be in ie SEAT PITCH AND SEAT BACK TV as i have not been

notified of any change of a/c

many thanks in advance

alboy :cheers
If TC want to go down the easyjet/ryanair route for business reasons then good luck to them.

If you haven't been notified of a change, there shouldn't be one. Have a great holiday :cheers :sun2

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