It's on mine! In the 'Your Holiday Details' section, towards the bottom of the box with the heading 'Pre-Bookable Seats'.
You must have a different booking confirmation to mine! The first page on mine reads as:
Customer details
Booking confirmation
Price breakdown
Passenger details
Accommodation details
On the second page there is a section "Reserved Seating" which reads "thank you for reserving your seats. We'll contact you two months before your departure date with details of how to choose your actual seat numbers at no extra charge"
Can't find anything stating a release date!
Maybe they're started to send out different booking confirmations, depending on who you booked with

Unless it's because we're 'Thomson Premier Collection', but I would have thought premium customers get the same. Just try accessing the online reservation system from 90 days before you travel. It was 60 days for me, but it does vary depending when the flight is uploaded on to the system.
Mine is the same as yours Darren. Maybe they are different if you book through an agent or online?
Thanks Darren ... will do.
Hi Sunaddict,
I think I'm going to make myself look stupid now LOL! A thought just crossed my mind ... although I booked the holiday through Thomson, the holiday is actually from the First Choice brouchure???
Thomson and First Choice merged in autumn 2008 so they are one in the same. Although the First Choice brand still exists on the high street, it's under the Thomson umbrella.
I would imagine the confirmations are different as they are trading as separate companies.
Maybe they're started to send out different booking confirmations, depending on who you booked with This is what's on mine:
Unless it's because we're 'Thomson Premier Collection', but I would have thought premium customers get the same. Just try accessing the online reservation system from 90 days before you travel. It was 60 days for me, but it does vary depending when the flight is uploaded on to the system.
You have a (very) slim chance of getting upgraded to preimum, if you have selected your pre-bookable seats do you forgo any chance of this?
Are you thinking of free upgrades? You've no chance of a free upgrade regardless. Premium seating is normally in high demand and seats are sold well in advance of flights. If any seats become available close to the departure date, some passengers may get phone calls offering the chance to upgrade at the going rate or a slifht discount. If they aren't sold, the same will happen at check-in. If they still aren't sold, the seats will remain empty.
If I'm a 767-300/ER
Hi once again what time will the check in desk open if our flight is 11.05 GLA-LRM
About 4 hours before your flight is due to depart although the recommended check-in time for long haul flights is 3 hours before. There's no point getting there any earlier than that.
I am going to Turkey on the 15th June 2010, I have received my confirmation, and it is exactly like yours.I think were the confusion with yours, and Darren's confirmation lies, is with the fact Darren's is within the 60 days, and that is why he has been notified on his confirmation that he can book his prefered seat numbers, he can now do this either by phone or online, where as you are still 178 days away, and cannot book your seats online until 2nd May (90 days) or the 1st June (60 days) by phone. Hope you can understand, as I am not the best letter writer in the world. Either way hope you both have a great holiday.
The Preacher.

Thank you Dazbo, yes I was thinking of freebies
I've had my confirmation since last October, it's nothing recent (nearly 6 months before travelling). I just think they're sending out different booking confirmations depending on which part of Thomson you've booked with.
Haven't heard of anyone getting upgraded for free, although friends of ours went to Cuba last year and decided not to upgrade because of the cost, but a couple of weeks before the flight they got a call from Thomas Cook offering them an upgrade to premium for a third of the original price.
Post about halfway down by fire_trust, about getting free upgrade.
I would go for them offering me it at a cheaper rate
Post about halfway down by fire_trust, about getting free upgrade.
I would go for them offering me it at a cheaper rate

That wasn't a free upgrade as such. With the sounds of it, there was a booking / seating issue in the economy cabin. In all my years of flying, I've only been offered one free upgrade, and that was because I was a frequent flier with that airline and had privilege card status. It doesn't (extremely rarely) happen on charter airlines.

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