If the money has been taken by Moneysupermarket.com, then I think your initial contact would need to be with them. Hopefully your bank statement may provide a reference number which would help them trace the transaction.

I've recently got back from Tunisia where I was involved in an accident resulting in 4 days in hospital. My insurers were AXA, through my Co-op Bank Visa Card and I have to say that they succeeded in making a difficult situation extremely stressful. To cut a long story short I insisted on going back to my hotel to pick up my insurance documents and passport and ring the company before going to hospital. Having promised and failed to ring me back I rang again and they said they couldn't find any evidence I was insured. They then put me through to the bank who assured me I was. My phone bill, and that of my daughter who was trying to liaise with them from the UK has been absoluteluy colossal. When I was allowed out of the hospital after four days my passport was retained as they said they had not been assured the bill would be met. Eventually things were sorted out and AXA arranged wheelchair assistance at both airports and a car from Gatwick to my home. Last night I had a phone call from AXA from a lady who apologised for the problems I'd had. This evening I had a phone call from the hospital in Sousse saying that they had been in touch with AXA and I needed to pay them (the hospital) the excess. I said I would take this up with AXA myself which they accepted (or rather I put the phone down rather than get into a lengthy discussion). I then rang my daughter who said the hospital had already rung her regarding this. Now there is no way they would have had my daughter's phone number unless AXA had given it to them, and the only reason AXA had it was because she had rung them herself so many times trying to sort out the mess. AXA obviously had my phone number also as they rung me last night. Believe me this is going to run and run as I'm not a happy bunny.
If you continue to have problems with them then follow their Complaints Procedure all the way to reporting them to the Ombudsman if necessary.

Thanks for cheering me up Luci.:roll: Actually I am grateful for the tip-off as it's important to know what I might be dealing with. Being a big company and arranged through my Visa card, I had every reason to expect they would be OK. I know insurers try to avoid paying out whenever possible, which is why I'm sceptical about them, but have always made sure I had travel insurance in case of situations like this.
Going to Tunisia on Wednesday. Took out travel insurance for Europe as I thought for insurance purposes Tunisia was covered as Europe. My insurance says all countries bordering the Med. are covered, exceptions are Lybia, Algeria, Lebanon and Israel. Now, I have noticed they have a list of places covered and Tunisia comes under Africa which means Rest of the World Insurance. With Tunisia bordering the Med I'm not sure we are now covered. Tried phoning today, but being Saturday there is no reply. Will phone again on Monday but if anyone can put me out of my misery over the weekend I'd be very grateful. Not being really mean but I notice the difference in the two insurances is £70!!
Hi Digby, You would need to check with your insurance company as though most have always treated Tunisia as part of Europe for insurance purposes it seems that some companies don't. Could you check on their website to set your mind at rest?
Hi, Aslemma. Have done that and now think we are not covered,. Have checked loads of companies today, all of which treat Tunisia as Europe, Trust me to choose the only one in the country that does not. Will check by phone tomorrow but think I have boobed here. Hubby not too happy with my choice of ins. After what happened to you on holiday, I must see to this before we go.
Hope you get it sorted Digby. It shouldn't cost a lot extra to get covered for Tunisia, particularly as you are only going for a couple of weeks. I've always had annual insurance, originally with Insure & Go, and they seemed very good, as well as cheap, though fortunately I never had to make a claim.
Hopefully, Aslemma, I can get it changed. I got it with Travelcover, and thought it all sounded good. Being O.A.Ps it could be quite a bit dearer but will not take any chances. I had looked at Insure and Go today and wished I had gone for that. Will let you know how I get on tomorrow.
All insurers hike up the prices when we get older unfortunately but I prefer the term "more mature" rather than OAPs for people like us.
We now have cover with LLoyds TSB.
Trouble is you never know how good an insurance company is until you have to claim and then it is too late to do much about it.
I have now called Travelcover. Although their website states Rest of the World Insurance for Tunisia, the gentleman that I spoke to has assured me that Europe insurance definately covers Tunisia. I am so relieved. Now, I will give them a plug. For 2 O.A.Ps for 2 weeks with excellent cover, e.g Medical cover 10 million, we only paid a total of £29. That is good compared to what others charge. Thank you all for your help and that includes those who sent p.m.s. Now to get packed!
That's great news Digby. I have never come across a company who didn't include Tunisia in Europe but you did need to check. I'll have a look at Travelcover for the future. as it looks as though I might have a fight on my hands with AXA this year.
Aslemma. Although we are insured with Travelcover, if anything goes wrong, guess what? We then have to contact Axa. Cannot win can you?

question 2..if i have been discharged from hospital with minor health problem do i still have to declare at the time of holiday...
3...will the ECHI be card valid in tunisia
Q1, look back [and page 1 of this thread ] for recomendations
I took an annual joint travel insurance out in June this year.I told them I was asthmatic,what medication I was on,also high blood pressure,controlled,no problem,cost us £68,but while holidaying in Turkey in June I became ill,pneumonia I think!,managed to get home without seeing a doctor over there and went to see my GP,X rayed,not good !then a scan,refurred to a consultant,expected the worst!actually went through hell,turned out a small part of my lung had collapsed,I was told that it was probably due to a bad chest infection and another scan was required 3 months later,I notified my insurance company because I was going to Turkey again in September,anyway they wouldnt insure me for that,so I had to take a chance and go on holiday not covered for that,anyway Ive had the all clear now and everything has gone back to normal and discharged from hospital,but I will still have to inform who I insure with for next year.Will have to see if they bang insurance up next year just because of this.
Have just insured with them (annual) and just wondered if claiming...i hope i don't have to...was a long or difficult process.

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