Caribbean Discussion Forum

Discussions regarding holidays in the Caribbean
We're also off to Cuba soon - on the 6th of April. Went to see the nurse at our local practice and we didn't need to have any vaccinations, although that was mainly because we'd had a whole suite of them for the Gambia 2 years ago, including Polio, Tetanus, HepA and Typhoid. Your surgery should be able to confirm if you need any or not. Malaria tablets are definitely not required though.
Hi, Just like to add my bit.
My husband and I visited Puerto Plata, Dom Rep in 2004. Neither of us had any specific jabs or took any anti malaria tablets. Heard too many stories of nightmares, sickness etc.
We were both fine, eventhough we took a trip up into the mountains where it was quite damp (which was ideal for the mozzies). Had one of the best holidays of our lives.
So today i go to the doctors to enquire about getting my jabs for the dominican republic. After waiting for 20 mins they give me a perscription and make me an appointment to get them next wednesday.

I go to the pharmacy and get me perscription.

I get home and find that i have got the TYPHOID and HEPATITUS vaccines in my possession.

On the back there is a list of warnings, keep chilled etc etc..

so now my vaccines are sitting chillin' beside a can of coke and a chicken kiev in my skanky fridge.

I take it i have to take them back with me next week to get administrated?

- So, Is this common as i thought i would just make an appointment, go to it, get me injections etc and be out
Hi PinguTM,

This is the usual practice for non-routine vaccines. You'll probably find that they'll give you polio, tetanus and diptheria from the practice's own stock. I tend to visit places where I need regular top-ups of different vaccinations and have now got into the routine of phoning the pharmacy to forewarn them of what I need in case they haven't got it in stock and then collect the prescription vaccines on my way to the medical centre for the practice nurse to actually administer them. This means that I know that they've been stored properly right up until alomost the moment they are pumped into me.

Hi, going to cuba-Guardelevca in june, i know i need injections but am not to sure in what ones they actually are, i have heard a few different reports, also would i need to take a course of maleria tablets the week before i go, a friend who is coming with us has been told this.

many thanks
Re injections the best thing is to contact your health centre/GP practice as they can advise you on the basis of what you've already had before. Generally, youneed to ensure that you are up to date with Polio, Diptheria, Tetanus, Typhoid and Hep A.

Mosquitoes can be a problem in Cuba but it is not a malarial area and I;'ve never heard of anyone being advised to take anti-malaria tablets. If you usually have a bad reaction to insect bites it's worth taking a decent insect rellent and also packing some anti-histamine cream and tablets such as Piriton but I would again contact your health centre or GP for advice re malaria rather than just self-administering on the basis of hearsay. Anti-malaria drugs are not without their own problems and should only be taken when really necessary. Also, different ones are recommended for different areas depending on whether the local strain and levels of drug resistance.


mum and I are going to the dom rep in 8 weeks,

We have been to cuba 3 times, and tunisia twice, for which we have been vaccinated against hepA, typhoid, and tetanus.

In the first choice brocure, it says yellow fever is also needed, but in other brocures, it doesn't say anything.

It's pointless seeing out GP because we need a letter from god to get an appointment! Do we need to be vaccinated? Do we need a certificate to enter the country? If we do, have we left it too late? We need to get some malaria tablets anyway, but we're going to the pharmacy for them, as they're said to have less side effects.
I was in the Dominican Republic in October last year and I got vaccinated against tetanus, polio, diptheria, typhoid and hep A.
I didn't hear anything about yellow fever vaccines and no-one I spoke to over there had them done.
I'm going back in 4 weeks and I had a booster hep A injection which now covers me for 25 years.
I took malaria tablets also that I bought at the chemist and didn't have any side effects

hey sam:

Thanks for that.

What malaria tablets did you have? I've heard all malaria tablets have side effects. Also, when did you start taking them?
hi, I took Avloclor 250mg, chloroquine phosphate. These were the ones I was recommended, I suppose it depends on the individual as to whether you get side effects. Some people said they got side effects with the vaccines but I was ok with them also.
I had to take 2 of the malaria tablets once a week on the same day each week starting one week before travel and for 4 weeks after I returned.

Have a great holiday,
Thanks Sam :-) You've been a brilliant help!

Have a great time!
Hi all

We are due to go to the riu bachata in august and have just had our holiday clinic visit. Both myself and my husband had two injections with five vaccines. These were for Typhoid, Hepatitis A, Polio, Diptheria and Tetanus. We have also been given details to take to out pharmacist for anit-malarial tablets which we have to take for 1 week prior to flying whilst away and for four weeks on return. Apparantly the Department of Health now feels this necessary due to reported incidents of visitors to the Dominican Republic suffering from malaria.

As adults this was tolerable but unfortunatly our two daughters aged 10 and 7 years were not so happy and have gone to bed with sore arms tonight. I have to say mine do ache a little. Better safe than sorry though. Well thats how i have eased my concience at putting my children through injections :roll:

Just booked our holiday to the Dominican today. Stupidly, I have spent so much time researching the hotels and resorts that I really hadn't given much thought to the vaccinations until after I had booked. I am travelling with 2 kids aged 14 and 11 and when I mentioned possibilities of injections they looked horrified.

Anyway we are travelling out on the 26/6/06 so I will have to get my act together and organise the injections with the G.P. Can anyone tell me what injections we have to get and how painful are they (feeling guilty about the kids now). Also roughly how much do the G.P. charge for the injections? I see also that the anti-malarial tablets are recommended, do they have many side effects.

The other thing I wanted to ask is about the mosquito repellant, is there any particular brand or type that is more effective for the Domincan and are you better to buy it over there or here?

This is our first trip to the Domincan so as well as being really excited, I am also a bit apprehensive, so any advise would be gratefully received.
Some surgeries charge a fee for vaccinations, others don't. Hopefully yours won't :wink:

Pippy :D
After reading all these posts I think I`ve made an expensive mistake! We are travelling to Mexico in July (Riviera Maya) and as the DOH website reccommends vaccinations I rang the surgery. After speaking to the practice nurse she told me I would have to see the doctor to make sure I could have the vacs because I am on some heavy duty medication. The doctor gave me the clearance to have them and I asked him about anti-malaria tablets. He advised me to take them if there was the slightest risk. Unfortunately I am allergice to Chloroquine so he reccommended Malarone and gave me a private prescription. My husband went to Boots yesterday to get them and had to hand over £61! Now I am not sure I even need them. I know my doctor is being careful, I`m not in the best of health. Does anyone take anti-malaria tablets for Mexico?
Jax - if your Dr thinks you should take them I would follow his advice - whats £61 compared to your health!

We are off in November to the DR and need to look into getting all vaccinations - does any ione know how far in advance you can get caccinated. Getting married in November also and don't want big injection marks on my arms - just in case I take a reaction!
I was in the Riviera Maya (Iberostar Del Mar to be exact) and I took the Malaria tablets as it is better to be safe than sorry. I ended up getting eaten alive with over 20 bits per foot. For the sake of taking a tablet a week for 8 weeks or what ever it was its not a great hassle. It only takes one to give you Malaria, don't risk it if I were you!!
thanks for that advice. I have got them so I will take them. If there are any left I will probably wear them as earrings, they`re obviously made of solid gold!
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