The insurance company may have something on their web site if you can't get through to the although I doubt it.
Listening to experts on Sky news who say there will be a lot of casualties with the knock on effects of this. His comment was will Governments step and support the Airlines in the way they did the banks?
There will be no food coming into the Country and this will have an effect on say countries like Africa who send produce here and produce will lie rotting because it cant be moved. We have so much coming in from Spain Cyprus USA S. America in fact all over the world.
Talking of taxi drivers and shops at Airports etc and Hotels also losing revenue and puttins some out of business. This whole situation has far more serious than just us getting to or from holidays.
No consolation and my heart in particular goes out to those stuck abroad and running out of money.
My Granddaughter has not made the Ferry booked for them as they were still 100 miles away, They don't know now when they will get another slot so who knows when they will arrive home.