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Discussions regarding holidays in Rhodes.
god you are organised! We are getting married on Saturday 16th August. I have found my dress, but it is in America, so I'm going to get it specially made here, showing a dress maker the photos of it and maybe making 1 or 2 tweeks! I've got my shoes too.
It's only going to be the 2 of us in Rhodes, so we don't really need to sort anything else out for there, but we will have to start looking for function rooms for when we get home!
As for invites for when we return, I am designing them myself and leaving a space for a wedding photo, then I'll make them when we come home and send them out then, because it is a secret that we are getting married, so we can't send them out any sooner!
Have you been to lindos before?
  • Edited by klin 2008-01-22 07:20:48
oh my god...what a secret!!!!!how are you managing not to tell anyone...???i thinks its fab though. originally it was just going to be me,h2b and our little boy....well you know how it escalates!!!! now and sis in law and their son,...sister her boyfriend and 3 laws to be!!.....sister and 2 kids......poss my mum and dad( my mum wont fly so might not make it) possibility of 3 couples...all this and we wanted something small..and fuss...infact...wish we had kept it secret!!!!no..really looking forward to it though. aahh we fly back on 16th when you get married.. :yipee
I'm sure your wedding will be amazing, its still quite small for you, which is similar to how you wanted. It is killing me keeping this a secret, but in a way good because it would be all I'd talk about otherwise! I am hoping that we can tell my parents before we go. I know they won't mind because they have often said to get married abroad. My mum or his mum don't fly either, so they wouldn't have made it anyway. My mates will go mad, but I'm sure that they will understand, because they know I like my space and the thought of all our friends and family with me on my honeymoon would have filled me with dread! So this way, nobody will be tempted to book a sneeky flight over and surprise us.
  • Edited by klin 2008-01-22 07:16:42
I'm hoping to get married in Lindos next year. Was wondering if people had booked direct with the hotel or with a travel operator? I've been speaking to First Choice who seemed quite helpful but couldn't take bookings until April. Also they seemed unclear how long had be out there before the wedding if anyone knows this?
I've booked through the hotel itself. We wanted 3 weeks, so just thought it would be easier and cheaper to do it independently. Godd luck!
hi (klin)...the certificate of no impediment thingy!!!!! do you know when you have to organise it?from what my wedding info says to apply for it 3months to the date that you fly back..(does that make sense) you have to make an appointment with the registry office on th exact date 3 months before?????or do you go before then??oh i dont know?? very confused. :que
Yes, it is confusing, but your wedding co-ordinator will go through everything with you.
  • Edited by klin 2008-01-22 07:18:19
hi jendux..we booked through the travel agents that you mentioned...we booked our holiday then we had the wedding package attatched to it but we couldnt pay for it straight away as the prices hadnt been released..we paid £229.00 for the main package... you do get a wedding co-ordinator to help you with any problems that you might hae...although we have contacted the first choice wedding team if we have had any queries/probs...but to be honest apart from not understanding the legal bumf everyting has gone smoothly!!we have chosen st pauls bay,lindos looks gorgeous . :wave:
thanks for the info klin...has helped me kinda getting it now!!! :think
Reply the way..we have been told we have to be in rhodes for 7 days before we get married.
you need to contact your local registary office (the one you were named in) and they will print you off a new certificate it costs around £10 i think as mysel;f and my partner had to get new ones
o brill, thank u.
klin x
  • Edited by klin 2008-01-22 07:11:15
I wish I could do it again ! i got married on 27 Aug last year

Used Lindos Weddings and they are wonderful, infact 2 of my wedding party are getting married there using Lindos weddings as they were so impressed!

Have a great time everyone and do not worry about a thing

Julie x
hi klin.yeah im sure it is the full one. it has both parents details other half had to get one too...we got it from our local registry office..i think also the cost is about £10.hope this helps. :-P
Miss P it's lol63 i have just replied to another of your posts,just wanted to tell you about a restaurant called Annixis it is in Pefkos just passed the Finas apts not far from pefkos beach apts,we regularly go there for meals the food is to die for it is run by the Trimmis family they are so nice and friendly,last time we were there a wedding reception was being held there they had musicians and greek dancers on it was absolutely lovely,just depends how many guests you are having as it isn't a massive place,but traditionally greek with amazing views over Pefkos and it's sunset.Would deffinately seek this out ope this helps :cheers
Great thanks for your help. A friend of mine went to a wedding in Rhodes in Sep & found out this week that was Lindos too! Her friend got married in St Pauls Bay which she said was beautiful too.

Just wondering if you've booked the wedding through the hotel who you sorted flights with? Also for anyone who's booked thro a travel agents were the able to help you with planning the reception or are you waiting until out there to arrange it with the wedding coordinator? The guy I spoke to today in the travel agents seemed a bit clueless to any of my questions!
ooo I'm so excited I could pop! I've just ordered my dress which is being handmade. I found my dress on the internet in America, but it wasn't quite perfect, so I found the most lovely shop near to where I live and went in to have a chat with the prints outs and told the lady exactly how I'd like the dress and she gave me a fab quote, so its ordered! Hows everybody else getting on with dresses? xkx
  • Edited by klin 2008-01-22 07:10:16
we have decided sort out our hotel reception on arrivel ..we are staying in pefkos and i have emailed a few restaurants for menus and prices but not booking till we get there as i want to view them first..our wedding co-ordinator has also emailed us a list of hotels that she recommends.....hope this helps you jendux. :D ......hi klin..its fab ...can you believe it...we are getting married this year!!!i just cant believe it...well im not suprised really..its taken us nearl 10 years!!!!my dress is sorted...its here..all boxed up and ready to put on!!!!
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