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Discussions regarding holidays in Rhodes.
hi miss p we are getting married at the lindian village in the gardens as that is where we are staying, i already have one bridesmaid dress at the moment it is full length but we are having it taken up to knee lenght im still to order a second dress for my best friend as i didnt know wheter she could make it or not, its sooooo exciting
hi did the bridesmaid dress hunt go?...any luck?? :?
yeah it went realy well thankyou, i am off to pay for them tommorow, both girls looked lovely in them xx hows all your wedding plans going?
oh good..sounds like everything is coming together. im quite organised but not doing any more wedding stuff till after xmas mega busy at work now..not having a day off now till xmas day!!!!!!!! already feel like im drowning in holly and spruce...yikes!!!gonna sort out evening invites in new year then just got to get hubby to be a suit!god....if i carry on like this i might even get to sit back and relax..would be nice!! might not be logged on much now so speak soon and have a fab xmas. miss p :D
i know what you mean im not off till xmas day either, i still have to organise the documents in feb and sort out rings suits and an evening venue, just as one thing gets sorted another pops up so stressfull and to top it all off i have fallen out with my friend of 10 yrs
hi girls, well i bought my dress...yippeee!! i love it. it was the one i looked at before. its all floaty chiffon, perfect for the beach.. i love it so much!
we fly out on the 10th may , not too long now for us all girls.
i met my lovely wedding planner a couple of weeks ago, karen from lindos weddings, shes so fab. i got really excited when i saw all the bride piccies that she brought. her and her hubbie laurence are great, im so chuffed they are going to be our witnesses.
so sorry to hear about your falling out with your friend smanfs, weddings seem to have a habit of bringing the worst (or true sides) out in people dont they. sending you big hugs.
happy christmas girlies, big love and yuletide merryment to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
glad you got your dress hun its so exciting im even wishing xmas away, happy xmas to you all xx
hi girls...just a say happy xmas to you all...lets hope we can all have a fab wedding plans are all on hold till new year!!!!!!!!!!!!!gonna have a fab,fun time...hope you all have a good one too!!! xx :D
HAPPY NEW YEAR GIRLIES!! well how exciting....we are all getting wed THIS YEAR! cant believe it how exciting!!!!!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxx
yes..happy new year to you to...i know..cant believe 7 months and 4 days i will no longer be a miss..but a mrs....a wife...i will havea husband!!! aarrrrgggggggggg! how weird...when people ask when is the wedding i still keep saying next year!!better get my head in gear now..still got the invites to sort out and a suit for my hubby to be!!!god..cant wait now.. :yikes
iv got 5months and 7days! oh my god im nervous now as iv got so much to do. iv got to book the resteraunt for our party when home, send invites for party. get full birth certificates, decide on hair, lose weight.....oh my goodness. get rings, what else? xxxxxx
congratulations to everybody who has either just got married or who are just about to get married!
I am just wondering if anybody has had an early evening (about 7.15pm) wedding at St. Pauls Bay in August and if so what were your photos like?
We have been offered 2 times - 5pm or 7.15pm. We picked the 7.15pm slot as it would be cooler and we could then go straight for a meal, but I am scard that the photos won't look as nice. Aparently sunset is 7.54pm. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
As a back up plan, I guess if it was dull - we could always get dressed up again the day after and get more photos when it is nice and bright!!!
Hi guys
Partner and myself are marrying in Lindos this year,just have a BIG question if anyone has been in this predicament?
Were sorting out documents required for wedding and belived that my partner would have to get a copy of her full birth certificate,bare in mind she is adopted and has certificate for that.Our local registar office have informed us that the adoption certificate will suffice and a birth certificate wont be required.Just wondered if any of you had been in this situation or maybe know answer anyhow?Much obliged.
hi all..just a few things about your questions...i bet 7.15 is a fabulous time to get the photos will be stunning at that time of day...we get married at st pauls bay in august to.(12th)at 5.45 pm..i am kinda hoping it wont be to hot and hope that it isnt really really bright..the sunset will be amazing on your pictures...also about the birth certificate question..cannot give much advise on this as it isnt something we have had to do...we have booked with a tour operator and i was so bamboozled by all the legal stuff that i just rang the weddings team. they have a legal dept so could answer any queries i had...which was alot!!!!all i would say is if you have booked with a tour op then ring them and im sure they can help you..or if you have booked with a wedding company online bet they will help as much as they can...its mind boggling all this "stuff" isnt it. i thought it would be easy...but no..v.very stressful( a good way to help loose some weight though)!!hope this helps any :!: :) xx
hi sandra..youre not gonna believe this...i have only just read the reply you have sent to me...about my enquirey about your daughters wedding at st pauls bay!!!! i am so bad am i...i wouldnt mind but i frequently log on here as i find it really helps me...i am so glad that everything went sounnds fantastic...i might just check out hellas when we get to pefkos as we havnt made any decisions yet...but it really helps when you can get advise from people that have "worried" about similar things.!!i would love to hear from your daughter....god so excited now...again , my apologies for the longest response in history!! miss p :roll:
Thank you miss p for your help. We originally asked for the time that you get married - I hope it is perfect for you. Shouldn't be as hot. I have looked at the sunset times for the day we get married and it says 19.56, so hopefully it won't be too bad. I remember last year we went out each night between 7 & 8pm and I commented on the sky every time looking like a water painting, so hopefully that is what we get (touch wood!). I know the sunset won't be visable from st pauls bay but hopefully it will still be nice and colourful or if it does go dark, then hopefully there will be some lights etc to make the most of the photos.
Have you got everything sorted yet and are there many of you going? There is only the 2 of us going and then when back in England we will have a party.
We are actually doing it through the WORLD FAMOUS Lindos weddings.
We were in agreement with Karen that we probably would need a full birth certificate,but i guess i should just take the registry office employee to her word,guess it's just a rare situation we find ourselves in.
Oh well,roll on August,and any other months the rest of you may be having your big day.
hi all again happy new yeaar. i know what everyone is saying about documents im so lost although in my wedding pack i did get something to do with documents its a corrier service which once you have got the relevent documents sorted and certified by a solicitor you send them off with this company and they get everything done for you. although there is a slight fee but i shall be doing this soon. i to have alot to arrange ie rings suits partys hair makeup nails bridesmaid stuff it all seems to much to do now and to little time lol. hope everyone else is getting on ok with there things to xx
hi again..klin...i think we both have very good wedding times know matter what happens we will be on a gorgeous island...mid summer...fantastic weather(hopefully)..getting married and it will be perfect...oh i am getting so excited now. as far as preperations go i am sorting out invites this month,got an appointment with solicitor at end of jan to sign docs...then will post them back to travel the dress,got the to hire a dj for hotel party on return...and oh...let me see...about another 30 or so things on my not as organised as i about are you getting on with everything???? :roll:
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