Spain - Costa Blanca Discussion Forum

Discussions regarding holidays in the Costa Blanca.
But Benidorm is the only resort I have liked so much that I would ever contemplate living there

Thats exactkley how I feel David. Without trying to go :offtop, (sorry Sanji :oops: ). are there any threads on this forum, maybe in the ExPats board that has any advice on moving to Benidorm? I am seriously considering moving to Benidorm as I love the place so much. I will be 46 at the end of this month and I've decided now is the time to plan for the next chapter in my life, and I'd really like that chapter to open in Benidorm......anyway, back to Sanji's question....I just feel at home there when ever I go and whatever it is that makes me feel compelled to keep on returing, it has got me under its spell.

I also agree with the second statement
"Benidorm has something for everyone"
We do have a few Costa Blanca Ex-Pat members, but unfortunately they are enjoying life so much that they don't often have time to visit us. A search of the Ex-Pats forum should produce some results, or you could just post your specific questions there in the hope of attracting some feedback.

David :wave
Defo agree with David the Benidorm is so NOT like Blackpool - its amazing. (not that im slating blackpool of course)

Too many people have the misconception that it is full of lager louts and it isnt at all. I just love it. yes i go mostly for the bars with my friends but there is something for everyone unlike a lot of Greek/Spanish resorts.

Only 3 more days till im back again for 3 nights - can not wait :D
I think most people are put of by the tower blocks, as well as the misconception that Beni is littered with larger louts.

I agree with David in that you should not judge a book by its cover and that image you get of Beni as you arrive in resort, of all the high rise buildings should not blur your vision. All it takes is a little bit of exploring and there is so much to discover. I often find that two weeks is simply not enough time to pack in everything I want to do while I am there.

Don't forget, as well as the resort of Beni itself, there is so much on its doorstep. All the little beautiful villages - Alphas del Pi, Guadalest, Polop to name just a few. Then you can visit Valencia and Alicante if thats your cup of tea. Then there is the Cactus Gardens, the Waterfalls made famous in the Timitae advert, the Animal sanctuary, Benidorm Palace....the Theme Parks, the list is endless. Beni has so much to offer everyone from kids to senior citizens.

I've never been to Blackpool myself and I'm sure Blackpool has a lot to offer, but I do not believe you can compare Benidorm to it.
even Mr Sanji can`t give me an answer.

He'd never get a word in chuck!!! :lol: :lol:

I agree with others that one of the main reasons for Beni's success is its pure size!. You can immerse yourself in the entirety of the place, or concentrate on smaller specific areas as your taste dictates. The thing is that Benidorm gives you that Choice. Whatever your taste is, you will have a choice of areas, venues, cuisine, etc etc. Whatever you like, you will not be restricted to ONE of anything, you will always have a selection.

As BHIC says, many people are put off by the Tower Block image of Beni, both before they arrive, and on approach to the resort. However I found that after the first couple of days, you actually dont really notice them anymore, because you get drawn in by the Reality and Atmosphere of the place. Chimney confirms that this was her experience too!

Its probably like 3 resorts in one really, and if theres areas/places you dont care for, then move on, theres plenty more to discover. With oodles more on your doorstep too! Benidorm always makes me feel like a Big Kid in a Huge Chocolate Factory. ....Thats perhaps why I'm always on a diet when I get Home!! :lol:
Benidorm always makes me feel like a Big Kid in a Huge Chocolate Factory

I'm not a lover of chocolate :lol: , but I must say I could not have summed it up any better. I might add that I feel like a child in a fairground impatient to go on all the rides and look at all the attractions.

Whatever people may say about our beloved Benidorm, to us that love to go there year in year out, once, twice or more times every year, we are all attracted to the magnetism that Beni has to offer.

I bet we are all sad when we are at the airport awaiting our flight back to the UK, I know I am. I have often thought about doing a 'Shirley Valentine' ( you will need to have seen the film to know what I mean here) and turning back and walking out of the airport to get back to Beni.......who knows one day I might just do that.
Tell you what we also like about Beni, its seeing familiar faces.

Heres one for you Sanji as you go the same time as me, have you ever noticed the family who sit all day on a bench along the prom? they all wear the same colour tops and up until this year it was the Mom, Dad & grown up Son, but this year the Mom was not with them.

And then there's the Spanish man who copies every thing you do, he's really funny when its not you he's copying, you must want to smack him one when he does.

There is also a eldely man with a stick who walks from the old town up to by Mcdonalds every day, he wear shorts on the way up and trousers on the way back!!

And I'm sure everone who as ever been to Beni must know the man with jet black hair and mostache and brightly coloured clothes we call him Pancho Billy!! he's a bit like that Proffesor Winstone guy, didn't see him this year though!!

We have been seeing all these people since we first went in 97, and to us are a part of Beni.

Wish we were there now.

We are miles apart and don`t know each other, but you have just brought a smile to my face, I know exactly who you are talking about with the exception of the family, I can`t bring them to mind this morning. :oops:

The first time I saw the mimic man, I just wondered why everyone was in hysterics around me, and then I nearly wet my pants with laughing at him...he ought to be on the TV in one of these "game for a laugh" type programmes on a saturday night.
I call him Mustafa. :lol: ..tall thin guy with long hair in a ponytail, a beard and "arabic" looking....when he mimics someone pushing a pram, it`s hillarious.
The Winston guy...yep small in height, always very smartly dressed, usually with dark trousers, wearing shoes that you could use as a mirror and the brightest flambouyant tops, plenty of gold and boy does he smell nice when he wafts past you... he has a "western" type black moustache that nearly touches his lower jaw bone...he was there in December because my hubby said something like "he`s been here a few years" as he passed call him Pancho Billy, we call him Don Miquel :rofl
What about the poor soul who is deformed, he walks around on crutches begging, I `m sure something could be done for him, a new hip joint and his legs put in alignment facing the right way...although someone once told me that he is just double jointed, that I`m not sure about, but he is always out and about on Market days begging.
The elderly man.... I know who you mean, but we didn`t see him on the last visit :cry: there`s also a couple with the man in a motorised mobility scooter, and his wife stands on the back behind him on a piece of wood with wheels attached, that has been adapted and hooked on to the scooter...a bit like a skateboard....they come charging up the prom daily...and YOU have to get out of their way. :roll:

Blinkin heck, the world is a small place. :wink:
Besos xxx
And then there's the Spanish man who copies every thing you do, he's really funny when its not you he's copying, you must want to smack him one when he does.

....errr I'm afraid i had'nt seen him before when he did it to me, and mindfull of the dreaded Pea Man antics I told him to "vayase a paseo" (get lost) ...errr or words of that nature! :oops:
Hi Sanji, Glad I made you smile :)

I'm suprised you have never noticed the family, they sit on the same bench everyday, all day and are really tanned (almost orange) and they wear matching bright green/purple/orange t/shirts, I think the mom might have passed away, as she wasn't with them for the 3 weeks we were there. You will have to look out for them next time!!!!!!

I'm glad to know Pancho/Don is still around, can't understand how we missed him!! as you know we stay overlooking the Prom and either see him from our balcony or along the Prom, he walks some miles in a day thats probably why he's so short :lol:
As for the deformed chappie. He really amazes me, have you ever seen him get up steps? I can never work out how he manages it!! and did you see him 3 Kings Night, people were giving him money left right and centre, and I'm not joking now but he really didn't know which way to turn, as people were shouting him from different sides of the street, he must have taken loads!! he had the broadest smile I think I have ever seen

Talking about the Three Kings where's that video you promised us? You will have to put it on soon as we will all want to see the ones from your next visit in April, and your next and your next!!!!!!!!! you lucky ***!!!!!!

there`s also a couple with the man in a motorised mobility scooter, and his wife stands on the back behind him on a piece of wood with wheels attached

I dont know if this is the same one you are referring to Sanji, but I sat on the back of one last time and had a lift up the prom, the chap was asking everyone if they wanted a lift so I jumped on!!!! They were staying for 6 months and had a motor home, I found that out cos silly me asked if he had bought it on the plane with him :oops:

Taggy I can understand you being wary of the 'mimic man' but as far as I know he's harmless, ( hate to think what you will make of that) he just wants a bit of money from the onlookers, its just another form of begging I suppose.

Heres one for you Sanji as you go the same time as me, have you ever noticed the family who sit all day on a bench along the prom? they all wear the same colour tops and up until this year it was the Mom, Dad & grown up Son, but this year the Mom was not with them.

You`ve had me racking my grey matter all day :D
Do they sit on a concrete bench opposite/near the "park" that was actually a stream until they cleaned it up, and put some flowers and black/tin sculpures there...where all the feral cats hang out.?
the 'mimic man' but as far as I know he's harmless,

Def harmless, just "busking" and earning enough for his dinners, I have NEVER seen him NOT put his hand on the victims shoulder or shake their hand for being a good sport and say thanks....or he gives them a kindda salute and a wink.
Talking about the Three Kings where's that video you promised us?

There has been a blip in the upload system in the photo gallery when trying to upload videos...I`ve been waiting for someone to mend it for weeks, it keeps saying " error, file does not exist.
Not my fault :wink: I `ll ask if I can put it into a thread with a link.

besos xxx

You`ve had me racking my grey matter all day
Do they sit on a concrete bench opposite/near the "park" that was actually a stream until they cleaned it up, and put some flowers and black/tin sculpures there...where all the feral cats hang out.?

Hi Sanji. They sit on one of the wooden benches not as far down as the "park" someone told me they stay in the Sol Pelicanos(sp) so I presume they walk down from there and sit on the nearest bench!!!.

I will try and jog your memory, do you rememeber a Group named "Sparks" who sang 'This Town Ain't Big Enough For The Both Of Us'? let me know if you do!!!

I will let you off with the video as its not your fault :wink:

I havent been on the Benidorm site so much recently as I am busy planning our May holiday in Malta (with a lot of help from Holiday Truths.
I have really enjoyed reading all the opinions on Benidorm, and dont think I have anything to add as it has all been said.
We have favorite resorts in other Costas and also Majorca but we always return to Benidorm once a year and I think the main reason is the nightlife and the varied walks and short bus rides which we enjoy in the daytime. Another thing is the quality and variety of good hotels which are available.
Well done Sanji for starting off a really good discussion.
I have really enjoyed reading all the opinions on Benidorm, and dont think I have anything to add as it has all been said.

Blimey!!...A Woman with Nothing to add...Now I Have heard it all.. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Joking of Course LS.

Regards Taggy
even Mr Sanji can`t give me an answer.
He'd never get a word in chuck!!!

Blimey!!...A Woman with Nothing to add...Now I Have heard it all..

Who let you out of your cage.?

:rofl :rofl :rofl
Taggy :kiss

Besos xxx
Who let you out of your cage.?

Even Primates have Pals you know!! :pele

Pele's so kind to me! :P ... :lol: :lol: :lol:
Hi Sanji. They sit on one of the wooden benches not as far down as the "park" someone told me they stay in the Sol Pelicanos(sp) so I presume they walk down from there and sit on the nearest bench!!!.

Don`t know them Lizzie...sorry :oops:
I will try and jog your memory, do you rememeber a Group named "Sparks" who sang 'This Town Ain't Big Enough For The Both Of Us'? let me know if you do!!!

Sorry, no again :oops: can you sing it me :rofl

besos xxx
Never mind Sanji. I was just going to say that the Son was a bit like the strange one from that Group, mind you my Hubby reckons he looks more like Hitler when he was young!!!
You will have to keep your eyes peeled when you next go, as they might live there!!!

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