Spain - Costa Blanca Discussion Forum

Discussions regarding holidays in the Costa Blanca.
Who Me? Wouldn't dream of it. :lol:

Sue :) :)
I remember this them :arrow:

However, even though that town ain't big enough for the both of them, Benidorm is big enough for all of us :!: :wink: :lol: :) :D :wave :ghug :glynis :yipee :hyper
Hee Hee! Ta for that BHIC had a good laugh looking on there! I did'nt realise they were still performing, I can see a Wheeltappers gig looming...that would be brill!....That Chap looks even weirder now than he did that possible? :yikes Would love to see this family in their co-ordinated gear...pity I dont visit at Crimbo!

Regards - Taggy.
hi all ...why as no one in a postion to do so sorted out the potato men they are a pest. but seemed to flourish at will....johndoe
A Good Question JohnDoe.....Answers Anyone?
They are only a pest if you decide to ...
A, Stand and watch them
B, Take part in their activities.

Stand and watch them, then you stand a good chance of having your wallet lifted.
Play their game and you will never ever win or walk away winning.
They let you win the first game to get you interested and kid yourself that you are on a lucky roll......pigs may fly.!!!!!

They operate by having look-outs, who do exactly that..look out for the police coming.
There are people who pose as holiday-makers standing at strategic points from the gambling table all looking in every direction for the police and as quick as jack robbins they shut down the table in seconds and disappear into the crowds. :evil:
There may be as many as 12 people involved in the racket...4/5 around the table, lifting wallets and egging the punter on...even pretending to be a winning holidaymaker and who will become violent if you try to walk away with your winnings, when they change the rules and say the game was the best of 3 for example.....and 6 people employed as look-outs. :twisted:
They are good at what they do and you are being good at being the biggest fool by falling for their S C A M.
They only get away with it because of the volume of people who they can disperse amongst...and the police would need to block off all exit points.

They are one pest that you may not be able to eradicate, but you certainly can and should give them a wide berth...otherwise like some pests, you will get stung. :wink:

besos xxx
I would just wonder though Sanji with this being such a persistant crime, day in day out, why the Police dont use plain clothes personel to arrest these scum! Your safety advice is quite correct, but with such a high volumne of tourists in Beni they will always catch out someone, I really do feel the Police should try to be a Tad more proactive. You are quite right that a lot of the time its the victims own fault through stupidity, but even stupid people deserve protection from Scum.

PS On my way to Chimneys after Tea, so will check out your Vids then, am looking forward to it! :D

Regards Taggy
I really do feel the Police should try to be a Tad more proactive. You are quite right that a lot of the time its the victims own fault through stupidity, but even stupid people deserve protection from Scum.

Personally....taking into consideration the size of the resort and the manpower needed to catch these tricksters, then I would imagine that the police resources are already stretched catching criminals perpetrating more serious crimes and these are "small fry" in relation to other crimes.

The same applies to pickpockets anywhere .... is the metropolitan police in London bothered about pickpockets in comparison to crimes like hard drugs, illegal immigrants, credit card f r a u d, bank robberies ?...I think the answer would be...whilst they would like to catch and stop these petty crimes, manpower is spent on the crimes high on their list of priorities.

I think there are some people who need protecting from themselves :roll:
Besos xxx
Perhaps they should consider employing street wardens. Crime in our city centre has reduced drastically since they were introduced a few years ago. The elderly especially feel much less vunerable and the streets are much cleaner due to on the spot fines for litter louts. Well it's a thought isn't it :?:

Sue :) :)
I'm not quite sure how this thread has attracted the notorious 'Pea Men', but somehow it has and I'd just like to say that I am in total agreement with Sanji.

I think it would a good idea if the Resort Reps (for those on package tours) were to spend some warning their guests about the Pea men, ('Potatoe men', 'Shell Men') but the fact is they don't. Advice like that does not make them any comission, and although I appreciate they are busy enough I still think the Tour Companies should take some responsibilty and train their Reps to warn holiday makers about these pests.

I also agree that Street Wardens or Undercover Police should be deployed throughout the Resort.....or at least in the 'Hot Spots' where these vile people ploy their henious trade. But sadly, logisically I don't think that will ever happen.

You just cannot help some people and some people will not be warned. No matter how much advice you might give.

Anyway, where were we?.......oh yes where is everybody?
I think if the Police wanted to they could do something about it!! as they as far as I know always ply their evil trade in the same place, by the "park" you mentioned Sanji.
When the look-outs shout and warn them they hide their cardboad box behind the wooden wall on the beach. I actually got it from under there once and squashed it!
The Police seem to come and make it look like they are trying to do something about it!! but I'm sure even I could catch them!!!! as Taggy says why not use plain clothed Police.
I saw them arrest one the year before last, he didn't look 'bovered' and in no time he was back, make of that what you want!!

I feel very strongly about this as we saw them making an absolute fortune and saw lots of very unhappy holiday makers as our apartment overlooked them, they even had an elderly British scumbag of a woman working for them.

We first saw this scam in Salou 20 years ago, and my Brother-in-Law sussed it straight away, he let them think he didn't know how it worked and waited till it was quite a lot of Pesatas and beat them at their own game, he put his hands on two pots without the pea so they couldn't distract him and move it, they were not too happy and started shouting, but he asked them to move the third pot and they actually gave him the money!! as they didn't want to 'give the game away' he's never tried it in Beni as there are so many of them and they look like they might get violent.

Well thats my take on the Peamen and every year hope they have disappeared as I think they are probably worse than the "normal" pickpockets.

BenidormHereICome, no offence but are you having a laugh love :?: Resort Reps are as rare as rocking horse :swear these days they wouldn't be available to warn people about the perils of the potato men they're too busy meeting folk at the airport in between selling expensive tours, forget it mate your on your own these days.

Sue :) :)
Anyway, where were we?.......oh yes where is everybody?

Being only ickle, I'm under the middle spud! :rofl

Regards Taggy.
Well this is just MY view on it...some of you may disagree.
The police just haven`t got the manpower or more importantly the finances...Valencia Communidad have already over spent what the national yearly budget allowed them.
Considering the length of the 2 promenades and considering that these scumbags jump into a van/car and pee of further down the prom, then you`re gonna need quite a few plain clothed policemen.

When they catch them, all they can do is fine them for illegal trading and have them up in court...that`s if they turn up. :roll:
Unlike having your pocket picked, nobody makes you participate in their activities...that`s your choice to take a gamble at street gambling...and gambling is what it is. end of.!
Ask yourself this...would you participate in street gambling in your home town, I don`t think why do it with a stranger in a foreign country.?

I`m sorry, :oops: but I have absolutely no sympathy for anyone who even gives these people a second glance.
I have seen them set up shop on the Avda Mediterraneo walking towards the old town, where there is a clothes todo shop on the corner and the big tabacas a few doors up...wish I could remember the street names :oops:
besos xxx
BenidormHereICome, no offence but are you having a laugh love Resort Reps are as rare as rocking horse these days

Sue, :D
PMSL here.

sanj xxxx
Sanji, with all due respects, you and I are seasoned travellers and in particular feel very comfortable in Benidorm. There are lots of people who visit Beni for the first time and are very naive about things. On our first visit I remember been memorised by the potato men wondering how they won every time and now I can't believe that I was so stupid. I've been thinking about this and I think that the best way to make people aware would be by getting bars to put up posters about this kind of thing also the flower "robbers" and the like. When you are relaxing in a bar, you take time to take in notices What do you think :?:
Sue :) :)
BenidormHereICome, no offence but are you having a laugh love Resort Reps are as rare as rocking horse these days they wouldn't be available to warn people about the perils of the potato men they're too busy meeting folk at the airport in between selling expensive tours, forget it mate your on your own these days.

No offence taken :) and I am certainly not laughing Sue. I do not think that the Pea Men are a laughing matter, :tut but of course I do know what you mean. I know Resort Reps are a rarety these days but they are still about, because I am not a DIY'er and even though I know what is going to be said, I always attend every 'Welcome Meeting' thinking how much better I could do it.

I understand the role of the Resort Rep has changed and is still changing, (mainly as a result of DIY holidays now) but at the moment there are still a handful of Reps in resort, and these Reps should make an effort to warn their guests of the dangers associated with the 'Pea Men'. Until reps are phased out completely, what little reps there are remaining, even those at the Airport could hand out leaflets warning of the dangers. And they don't. Thats my gripe. Perhaps the Hotels themselves could help by displaying Posters in their Foyer's etc.

Sorry, we have gone :offtop again, but it does make for an interesting discussion.
On our first visit I remember been memorised by the potato men

I bet they give you a wide berth now then Sue!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Regards.... a Mesmerized Taggy!!
They most certainly do Taggy, They put word around that i'm in Beni and to avoid me at all costs. :lol:

Sue :) :)
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