As much as I love Goa, if we hadn't have already booked and paid for our air-flights and apartment this year, I am afraid that I would be in two minds about going.
But there is one of the agencies appointed by the Indian consulate, that have on there website, details of obtaining a postal visa through them, They state that the visa will be dispatched back to you within 3-4 working days after receipt of your passports, they are charging 50 pounds per passport, payable by cheque made out to them, in my mind, this is being made far easier, because we haven't got to queue up at a post office to get the postal orders, or send the special delivery envelopes that are needed to send them back to us, on my reckoning they will only be making about 10 pounds per passport, which I think they deserve, as it will save a lot of us making a trip to a surgery.
I live in Newport Wales, so visiting a surgery would have been a tremendous struggle, I think I will use this companies services this year, and then decide wether it will be worth booking again for next year.
I am sure that most of us, will go through this, because we love Goa, and we will be back again next year.