Hi All, here's the latest news from our friends at the Conrad:
Alrite pal,
Thought id email you and tell you everything there is about this place.
Theres an internet cafe in the complex and it was dead cheap for half
Theres plenty to do mate so i'll give you an idea of what to expect.
The all inclusive is dead easy. The check in may take a while on the Thursday night and its not exactly organised. So you'll probably only get settled around ten o clock. But hopefully, like they did for us, they'll leave the restaurant open so you can grab something to eat when you arrive.
The restaurant is buffet service so you basically just grab what you
want and find a table. Food is good, but recommend trying the room service at least one night. Its dirt cheap, you charge it to your room, and then you can pay it whenever you want.
As for the most important thing/ The bar is open all inclusively only
until 11 o clock, and its only a small bar, so there might be trouble fitting
all ten of you in there. But theres some cracking cocktails in there. they
are all named after footie players.
Theres plenty to do, although like i expected entertainment is a bit of
a let down. Theres a singer in the bar every night (average) and the
occasional dinner next to the pool with a guy who spins around in a
dress for an hour. Seriously, you'll know what I'm talking about when you get here, but this isnt all inclusive so youll have to pay.
Dont bother with the italian restaurant. Theres a lot of italian people
here, they keep themselves to themselves and they are the only ones who
use this restaurant. And yet again, its not all inclusive. Just stick to the
If your going naama bay, theres a shuttle bus at night every hour from
7 until 12, with the last one coming back at half one i think. Dont book a
taxi. Theyre useless and overcharge you. Do not let anyone drag you into
their shops. They are a nightmare mate. They literally sweet talk you in the shop and wont rest until you buy something. We found out the hard way and ended up buying some perfume that he'd just concocted in the bathroom. JUST SAY NO TO THEM!!! AND KEEP WALKING.
Bring plenty of dosh. Theres loads of excursions to do. Dont miss cairo,
its an experience and a half. The pyramids are great though, and recommend the 2 day one by coach. Its tiring , but cheaper.
Oh, and some people went snorkelling the other day and had to be pulled
back to the boat. Too many sharks in the red sea. Seriously pal. I am not
kidding. I am not going scuba diving hahahahahahahaha
Right im playing footy tonight against the restaurant staff. Hope this
is enough info pal. Its all easy enough, the hotel is massive and amazing and you'll have a cracking time.
Hope this is enough to get you all excited.... only 4 days to go for me and I'll report back when I'm there for you all, so anything you need to know you'll have to ask me so I know what to find out when I get there! :-)