good to see some familiar names still on here.

Its good to see that some of you are getting crusies at long last. Those that have been told to wait and those that are still trying, just be careful that you don't run out of time that would prevent you from taking court action. 6 years in England and I think it is only 5 years in Scotland. I knowe it seems like a long time, but already a lot of that has been eaten into.
My situatuion is this;
Having spoken to certain people at a certain newspaper, they tell me they do not even have my details for my other cruise. Aparantley they should have been passed over by a certain travel company, but have not done so. I am not too sure where i stand with this one as I only have the original letters i sent chasing up my applications of which not all I recieved replies to. Even though speaking a certain gentleman at a certain travel company, he saw my name on the system for each of the cruises.