I remember Mama from 9 years ago, no doubt people will remember her from even earlier.
Right the last bit about bars and general observations, the good, the not so good and the downright greedy.
Bar Eclipse - Baga - Great bunch of lads working here, Diphoo, Danno, Singh and Nano, run this year by a lovely English couple, Craig and Karen. As we were staying in the rooms above we spent quite a bit of time here, there are board games, books and 2 decent size plasma screens if you want to watch football, never rowdy with a great bunch of ex-pats who spend their time in here and Diphoo serves some absolute brilliant cocktails from the 80 he knows from memory. This place was a godsend at times and we felt so welcome every time, nothing was too much trouble ever.
Agua Lounge - Baga - used to love this place but boy has it gone so expensive, Honeybee 60rps, large beer 80rps then taxed on top of that making it 94rps for a large kingfisher

The only reason we ever went in was to see the lads who are so lovely, maybe the fact it opens till 4am adds to the prices.
Liquid - Baga - Just a bit further on from Agua, much better, Ash from Shooters is here now and DelBoy from Shining star shack, all the football matches were shown here and fairly reasonable bar prices.
Shooters - Baga - Had the usual good craic with Raj, always called in when on our way out for a drink, great little bar.
There were many others believe me but I thought these worth a special mention.
Having the freedom of the motor bike helped us get away from all the hussle and bustle of the resorts, paid 200 per day for a 150 Pulsar from a lad called Ajit in Baga, the bike was less than a year old and in excellent condition with all the paperwork (I have his number if anyone wants it).
Relaxing on the Northern Beaches with no beach sellers to bother you.
Some absolutely lovely meals thanks to chef Soumyen
The hotel we stayed at, not without problem but everything soon sorted, and it`s great location between Calangute and Baga.
Weekend in Mumbai was a break from the norm, I loved it but Mrs FTV hated almost every minute, I will do a bit more on that later
Rude people from outside Goa who insist on que jumping and barging right through you.
Calangute/Baga road, get some sort of pavements before someone is killed or seriously injured
Beach sellers, please, you see me most days and I still say no thank you, why bother ?
The rise in prices from last season in the resorts, yet they don`t change in Vagator, why is this ?
Taxis, enough said, we have all experienced their greed.
As some people on here know this is(now was) my favourite hang out in Goa, off we set from Baga and arrive at the 9 bar and walk down the cliff to `Sharmilla Shack` just as I did 9 years ago, the look on their faces when they saw me was a picture, even Grandpa managed a very loud " Andy is here" and they all came running over to greet us, lovely welcome and made me feel like I was home.
Spent most of the first week down here, saw some old faces and chatted away for ages. There were lots of new young sellers down here this year and a few older ones missing apparently down to the Goa maffia and their backsheesh demands.
Life was great for a few days until Agnelo one of the shacks family pulled me to one side," Hey Andy my friend please help me out this year, I need a new fishing net, it will cost 2500 rps" here we go again, he was after money last year but I just played him along. Next in line was Sharmilla`s sister, "hey baba, you not bring me gift ?" well I thought she was joking untill she said " when you visit Mapsa you can get some nice gold chain" yeah yeah course I will, what weight you want and any particular design?this went on for a few days. The only gifts I took were small things like cadburys chocs for Sharmilla and some fishing lures for her husband Lou, which I think is enough as a gesture of friendship.
Well it didn`t end there, Sharmilla asked for my mobile phone and our beach towels which we always leave for her, but my phone

We then had a weekend in Mumbai and on our return asked her to order Tiger prawns for Wednesday and there would be 4 of us having them, ok no problem. Anyway Wednesday came and we got down on the beach at a very early 9am so we could have breakfast and chill out for the day before enjoying a lovely meal as our friends were going home on the Friday.
"What time prawns Andy" "4pm would be fine Sharmilla" so 4pm came and so did the prawns looking very yummy indeed and down they went, all vey good untill I went for the bill. She had charged us 1200 each for them
Now before anybody says that I should have asked the price, you need to remember that I have known this family for the past 9 years and even though she has overcharged me in a small way before for some spices she got for me,I didn`t mind as she got them cheaper than I could have anyway.
I said goodbye and strolled off the beach feeling a little peeved, I asked the Mrs if she felt as though we had been done, she wasn`t sure and I didn`t want to believe it. When we arrived back at Bar Eclipse Diphoo was asking about our day and we told him and shown him the picture, now Diphoo used to buy seafood for a restaurant for 4 years before the eclipse so he should know and his opinion was that we should have paid 800, 900 tops due to their size and put his head in his hands when we told him, our suspicions were confirmed.
I`m afraid that Wednesday on the beach was our final goodbye to Sharmilla and family. Mrs FTV has only known them for the last 3 years and could see that I was very upset about the whole thing as I had known them a lot longer, mrs kept asking during the next 10 days if I wanted to go back and confront her about it and sort things out, right till the last day, no it was too late for me the damage was done, so sad to lose so called friends over something so silly but I begin to wonder about it and know I did the right thing in my mind and I hope she realises what she did.
So there you have the `PRAWNGATE SCANDAL`
Gemma I asked Mamma about her teeth and she said they were fine untill a couple of years ago when some Scottish lady kept giving her the caramel toffees