General Holiday Enquiries, Hints and Tips

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391 Posts
I think I may be kidding myself thinking I will have time to read, my friends two kids seem to have plenty planned for me (no doubt their Mum and Dad will be lying sunning themselves) so I'll probably in the white leg brigade too :lol:

I've read 'The Kid' books, really good read.

My case is out and all my stuff is ready to go in but I'm holding off at the moment :lol:
put it this way - if i go home the same colour ive gone - i will be pretty peed off and the kids will be grounded all summer lol.

"mum and dad" will go home looking very very very tanned, and the kids will have had the best fun ever - and you, well..... you will be totally shattered lol!

cant wait to pack - but have learnt from past experiences that if i do everything will have to come out again cos it is either creased or ive forgot what ive packed!
i've just bid on a version of the little prisoner on ebay - 18 minutes until close - keep fingers crossed for me.

ive seen a copy of kaitlyn too so might be on that
horray! i got a brand new copy of little prisoner for the grand sum of £1.20 and £1 p + p - god am i pleased with myself! lol

bidding on kaitlyn now lol
lost the bid on kaitlyn! never mind will keep looking!
I got all mine off ebay, lost out a few times on The Damage Done but got one in the end so just keep trying.
Have just finished reading The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon and all I can say is ............. WOW. Could not put it down. Not my usual type of read - but can really really recommend. The story:

'Hidden in the heart of the old city of Barcelona is the 'Cemetery of Forgotten Books', a labyrinthine library of obscure and forgotten titles. To this library, a man brings his ten year old son, Daniel, one cold morning in 1945. Daniel is allowed to choose one book and from the dusty shelves pulls [/i]The Shadow of the Wind by Julian Carax. But as Daniel grows up, several people seem inordinately interested in his find. What begins as a case of literary curiosity turns into a race to find out the truth behind the life and death of Julian Carax and to save those he left behind.

As I said an excellent read - some romance, some mystery, some murder. BRILLIANT

Ali x
stuff by John Grisham.. and also by Johnny Twelve Hawks.. and i bought a book tonight called "we need to talk about kevin" by Lionel Shriver. Rob bought a book by Clive Cussler..he is the guy that writes all this sea adventure stuff i think.
my holiday list for Thailand July 2006 is----
Extreme - Sharon Osborne

Travelling Light - a compilation of short travel stories by popular Irish women authors like marion Keyes etc

The new Veronica Henry novel which is released on July 6th

Another life inside the Bangkok Hilton true story - sorry the name escapes me at the moment

and I think I will buy the one entitled Kaitlin as quite a few of you have mentioned it on here,
cannot wait to read them all - 6 weeks to go.

I read Sharon Osbournes book when in Tenerife at Christmas - it's brilliant. I couldn't put it down so ended up reading it in the first day and half.

topping this one for partyanne!
Thanks Fiona

I love a good trashy novel by the pool with a beer :D
I also enjoyed Sharon Osbourne's autobiography. Another one I took on holiday and liked was "We need to talk about Kevin" by Lionel Shriver.
I read `Confessions of a bad mother` on my last holiday, it was a really good read and very humerous, my next door neighbour is taking it to Turkey with her.

I know it is really nice to have new books, but have you thought about visiting a car boot sale before you go, you can normally pick up some nearly new books for 50p and £1, as as they`ve not cost you an arm and a leg it doesn`t matter if they get wet, or the pages fall out!! if they are still in good conditon after the holiday then I pass them on to another holiday maker or leave them with the Rep. (I read about 5-6 books per holiday so makes sense to get them a bit cheaper). Weather permitting we might go `book hunting` on Sunday.
A lot of charity shops do second hand books too :D
Shell, I had a look in some local ones last week and they were asking £2.50+ for paperbacks. Its not that I won`t give to Charity but I think it was a bit steep. Sometimes the Cancer charity shop does 4 for £1, but you need to be lucky otherwise they are all Mills and Boons.
Hi Katiesmum, sounds like the carboots the best then for book bargains :D I'm lucky as I get books given me and I do buy them from the book people from time to time as you can get some really good buy's or I swap around with my Neighbour :D
Hi All

Unless I want a specific book that is a new release I go to a market stall for my books. We have a large market near where I live which has a brilliant second hand book stall. A lot of the books have probably only been read once as they look new and they cost 50p each. Also I have a lot of neighbours who read so once we have read half a dozen or so we pass them on.

Regards Jackie
Thanks Jackie, never thought of trying the market. Will go and have a rummage next time I go into town,
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