talkin of the coffees!!! hilarious, i met Debs16 and O/H last night, lovely couple, but she said to me on the quiet...'I thought none of you drank as you keep talking about drinking coffee...I did think it a bit strange'

anyway last night was really good, sorry to say my camera battery ran out

before i could take any pics!!) but there were a lot of us there , i will see if i can remember them all...

samtheboater (being very mischievous!! you know why Steve!!!) and Vanda, Roma and O/H, mikerichradson, debs16 and O/H Queenb,

i mean Linb, Beryl (honorory member) goangirl and O/H, corinnelyn and o/h, mollycat17, juju, (honorory member) maxsmum and friend,(max is the cat!! hehe) split and O/H, KJF and 3 friends, myself and o/h, and a few others who have joined the throng!! i apologise if i have forgotten anyone.... we had a good laugh and i think everyone enjoyed it... I know i did but am shattered today as didnt get home till late!!