Hi Brisee
You go for it.
Go to the home page of FC and splashed in the top right hand corner is their price guarantee, click on it and you will find:
Our price guarantee
"¢ The same holiday - The lowest priced holiday must match the following:
"¢ Offered by First Choice
"¢ Same destination, flights and duration
"¢ Identical accommodation, room type and board basis
"¢ Conditions - The holiday must be offered by an ABTA/ATOL member and be currently available to book
"¢ How to claim - Just provide us with your booking reference number and written documentation of the lower priced holiday
For all holidays we must receive your claim within 24 hours of booking online
"¢ Exclusions - This guarantee excludes group booking discounts, pre-bookable extras and travel insurance premiums .
Also first of all pop along to another Travel agent and see what price they come up with. Collect as much amunition as you can and I think you would be better off dealing direct with FC over the phone. Be very persistant and keep quoting their price guarantee - you have found it cheaper - on their web site. At the end of the day the money is still going to FC. It might take a few calls and letters, but keep at it - don't give up. I did it many years ago, (also, tell them that you are a regular customer) when I first found Eclipse. It took a while and lots of going back with counter arguments to their point of refusal, once I had had time to think about them and a few letters of complaint. Also, now, with the HHS on their case, if all else fails suggest more publicity. But above all don't give up, £'s is £'s after all, and they take 37hours a week to earn, so if they take 37 hours to get back then keep at it.
Keep in touch on this and we will all help you.
Good Luck