Greece and other Greek Island Discussion Forum

Discussions regarding holidays in Greece and other Greek Islands.
IreneJ please, please keep up the good work of keeping us informed, your input is valuable. You can be assured the last people we find any information from are going to be FC, therefore all information we can gain founded or otherwise is important to allow us all the freedom to make decisions. Some will react others will dismiss it and carry on with their own individual plans of dealing with this situation. I think most of us left now are of the same mind FC have got their hands well and truly on our footballs, we stand to loose too much money if we change our holidays at this stage of the game and we will have to play with the cards we are dealt. We have come this far and we've only got a couple more weeks of "hanging-in-there" and we will be home and dry, or you could look at it as being "away-and-wet" (inside and out). Above all we must keep talking to each other, the support we can give, positive or negative can and in many cases, will mean the difference between making the right or the wrong decision - without this our choices would be limited.

Welcome new members, glad you've joined in. Like Firebird says, FC are up to their necks in this one. They ARE suffering cancellations and are going to return very poor results in the light of their "new build" plans going tits up for the season in such a huge way. Just consider the returns they are going to provide for their shareholders, not only this year but with the national publicity they have received, it may have adverse effects on new builds they have planned in the forthcoming years as people don't forget bad reports in a hurry and the good reports do not even feature. If they pull the plug on this one, someone high up in FC has got their head on the block.

Firebird, I think these are kosher members, (or you and the Wizard would have seen them off by now), so back on page 55 I have a VIP list, I will add your names and dates.

I go on the 19th July and like one of you, we are a party of 12, and been through all the fears of re-allocation just the same as you are now. I have a short list of 3, where we can all be accommodated in 4* AI (other than Turkey) and if C Day comes, it is going to cost FC an arm and a leg to re-holiday us, as it is with everyone else - but hey that's their problem. Again after all it is in their best interest if they want to keep their customers to provide us with an alternative we are SATISFIED with and we should not loose sight of this, which is what happened in a lot of cases with the early cancellations, again likewise with people who have cancelled and are now wondering if they made the right decision or not. Just sit tight with the rest of us for a while longer.

Back to the football, FC are in goal, we are all lined up for a penalty shoot out, our supporters behind and I know naff all about football, so I think it's time for one more chorus of our anthem (could someone remind us of which page it's on please) ALL TOGETHER NOW....We're all going on a FC holiday!

PS by the time I go on the 19th July, I will have mastered the art of popping on, posting one line, and popping off again, without leaving you with War and Peace!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nite Nite :ghug
Hi CTaylor, when all this reared its ugly head on 10th May, I rang FC and they wanted another £100 to change our accomodation. I told them they were not getting another penny of our money and would stick it out as we are doing. To change now it is going to cost them £600 to £800 more depending on what is available. Another c*** up on FC.
Janenmick, I too think you 1st July'ers are going to get the full red carpet treatment, you lucky :evil: . We went to Blue Bay Escape the first year it opened and it had had such a slaughtering from opening, they bent over backwards to make sure we had a good holiday, asking us daily if we were having a good holiday? anything they could do for us? even "have a drink" and I mean from the the top shelf - you know the stuff you have to pay extra for - branded spirits, bottles beers, so my advice is "get on that TOP SHELF" and don't forget to text us with your TOP SHELF red carpet wall to wall sucking up reports of your blue sky, fantastic holiday.
After all they have had the slaughtering before the first :fly has landed.
Can't wait I love a bit of suckering up!

We're all going on a First Choice Holiday
Given the choice we wouldn't want to
Never again will I choose a holiday
With First Choice, it will be someone new.

We're going where the builders start early
We're going to a place that's new
We just hope that it's finished
Will we have a loo?

Everybody loves a summer holiday
Doing things they always wanted to
But will we do them on this summer holiday
I'll let you know when its through.

Were going where the sun shines brightly
Were going where the sea is blue
We've seen it in the brochure
So lets see if its true

Altogether now
Its good to see that Sukaay is in fine voice this morning. Hopefully we will hear this when we go to KABC. :D
Janenmick have you got you tickets yet, when you get yours then we

know our's will not be far behind :)

Getting really excited now, leave the red carpet down for our arrivel please :)
Firebird, If you join me then I will sing with you. :lol:

Oh yes Buzz has not cancelled they are still going on the 5th.
Sukaay, tickets have not arrived yet, guess it will be sometime after the weekend. Will let you know as soon as they get here.
Hi all just catching up on the reading :wave has anyone phoned that holiday program to revisit kabc if not does anybody know the number and i will ring :?:
I was in E-mail correspondence with Mat just recently actually (on something else!) and he said that the final programme in the series was either last week or this week, and that it was a shame that they would be off air when Kos ABC opened as they could have done a follow up.
hello to all, we had this very same problem last year with the pegasos palace, but this one at the moment is slighly worse, at least that did open in the may allbeit not ready but was open, the one thing I can say is that all the people like yourselves who are interacting on here got things changed for the better, we travelled there on aug 01/05 and it was about 95% ready, lots of people got together over there to discuss actions and we all wrote and complained as it was not as described in the brochure and that some things were not ready at all, we all got 10% back which ammounted to £300 so all do the same if it is not fully finished, before we even went last year we had already booked to go to the KABC in the may 05, how I wished we hadn`t now with all the hassle last year, however I paid the remainder for our holiday to the KABC last week and remain upbeat and keep my fingers crossed for you all that this will be ready for july, my family and I don`t travel till the 16th august, please post as many pictures to the site as you can all you early birds, as this helped a lot last year. :D
Hello Everyone

I'm still alive :lol: and still going on the 5th July , been busy at work for a few week getting in the extra hours and all that as my dog cost me $140 pound dont need that right before my hol but never mind.

Just been reading to see what as been happening and the mood seems to be a lot less positive than the last time i was on here whats happend to you all :(

Its less than 3 wks before me and my family go and i cant wait made a list of things that i stiil need, i do feel positive about this holiday it will be open on the 1st for janemick to get there 5 star treatment :lol:
so come on everyone cheer up until fc phone and cancle then i'm not listening to all these chines whispers that are going round the dutch site etc.

Hi Buzz thought you had left us :)
Hello Sukaay

I'm still here just been busy lately you know how it is . :sun
Thanks mrsgaz yes it is a shame hi :wave to the locket family we to a going on the 16 august where are you flying from :fly hi buzz
Hello Lorna

When do you go to kabc
Good News!! Our tickets have come! Yippeee :lol:
Janenmick yours should arrive any day now i guess.

Cant quite beleive it but they are here. has anyone else got them yet?
Wow your tickets have arrived this seems a very good sign all is well!!
Must admit had a few more jitters last few days but now I think were alright. :wink:
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