Greece and other Greek Island Discussion Forum

Discussions regarding holidays in Greece and other Greek Islands.
can,t wait now 3 weeks to go ,hope this year is better than last.we booked with fc last year and had a bad hol delayed 7 hours going and same coming back ,our hotel was,nt what it was made out,t to be ,so was glad when 2 weeks was over.but i,m posative this years hol is going to be mega,mega ,mega better be (as we only booked through first choice as they gave me a £300 pound voucher ). :hyper this will be my nephew josh at the airport he is so excited.
Still sending those positive vibes though.

:sun :ghug :sun :glynis :fly :arrow: Kos

I keep looking at my tickets. They have come to early now I really am excited :pele
wade how old is josh my son is 10 and grandson 7 :)
Well I must say its good to read todays messages - maybe this will be a great holiday after all!! Cant wait to receive my tickets and then actually get on that plane :D
Does anyone think that we will still have to take our own tools, and tents? :?

Janenmick you will still finish any jobs that need doing before we get there? won't you :lol:
Hi Sukaay,

We won't need tents, we can all sleep out under the Greek sky - plenty warm I should think! :sun (sorry they didn't have a moon...)

See you in a few weeks!

See you on the 8th sarah :)
Hi all again lol, i will be visiting fc tomorow and shall be asking if the works to the kabc is complete b4 i pay the rest of my holiday :?

......i will keep you all informed as soon as i find out Anything!! hopefully it shall be positive :gluck as i'm leaving it quite late to transfer to anywhere else lol

But i'm holding out as kabc sounds Great!! and would really like to go...and my daughter's are really excited now..just hope fc doesnt let them down i shall be furious :argue anyways staying Positive! enuf waffle from myself (Watch This Space) for info

Bye for now :wink:
  • Edited by Debz32 2006-06-15 15:53:31
hi sukkay ,my nephew is 15 ,but he,s watching the forum so thought i,d put a smile on is face .but that is great news that you have a ten year old son ,because mine son is ten .he loves football ,swimming infact any kind of sport ,the only thing he does,nt like is his 4year old brother wade,you will know who we are at the airport if you are flying from manchester .levi my ten year old will be the one laid on the floor and wade the 4 year old will be the one doing a frog spash on is brotheror even a 619.(this is a wrestling move if you did,nt know)can,t wait to meet you . :lol:
Were supposed to b going on the 9th Aug but have booking on hold till i find out more details about the works, :gluck keeping everything crossed for all good news..

should find out more tomorow

watch this space guys.... :sun all round
  • Edited by Debz32 2006-06-14 23:07:20
yes we depart on july 5th(i hope) fingers crossed.what date do you go. i,m sure everything will be done for then theres plenty of time till then.(what am i saying i,m going in july so it better be ready for then).
  • Edited by wade 2006-06-14 23:11:31
Were supposed to b going on the 9th Aug but have booking on hold till i find out more details about the works, :gluck keeping everything crossed for all good news..

should find out more tomorow

watch this space guys.... :sun all round

:whoops sorry posted twice
Hi wade, my son conner says Hi to levi :wave
Good morning Peeps

Well all is good, even look at the brochure last night and reminded myself how great Kos Aqua looks and got all excited again!!!
By the look of this list I will be the last one there, untill some new people join and get added to the September list so all you peeps reports are going to be great to read I will just live through all your holidays so every time you have a drink in Kos have one for me too.

Sun is shining here today

Kelly :wink:
Good morning just got in from work after having 4 weeks off it came hard. Just had a quick check and it seems there still isn't anyone else for 1st July. Not long now 2 weeks and 2 days. People seem more cheery now. So from now on no news is good news and lets hope it stays that way. I can't think that FC would have wasted time and money ringing round everybody yesterday giving positive news if they thought it was not going to be ready. Up, up and away :fly
Hi Sukaay, just read the posts. I think I would make a better foreman so perhaps get Mick on the job of moving the sand onto the beach. He gets a bit bored of just lying around!! My job will be to check the bars and make sure the drink is up to scratch :D
I'm now getting very jealous of all you who are still going to Kos ABC this year. We were supposed to be there 24th May and went to Holiday Village Costa del Sol instead. OK holiday, but would probably not return. I will however be anxiously awaiting the 1st reports back from Kos ABC as really fancy it for May half term next year.

Here's hoping that all those of you who have stayed on this rollercoaster ride over the last few months have the great holidays you'll now all need! :lol:
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