Egypt Discussion Forum

Discussions regarding holidays in Egypt.
LTI Grand Azure *
1176 Posts
Just found this website - great information - just wondering about trips outside of the hotel we want to visit the Pyramids etc whilst on our stay - any ideas how much these cost?? Anyone got any recommendations??
HI A very nice man Steve (themanxman) posted some interesting information on page 6 of the forum earlier this year which gives info on trips. I hope he doesnt mind me regurgitating it here for new readers.


Last edited by themanxman on Thu Feb 03, 2005 9:51 pm; edited 1 time in total

I cant see their being any problems with an all girls party - we met 2 english women that came on their own. They seemed to like it - they didnt mention any problems when we were chatting to them.

As for getting a Taxi from the airport - it should cost any more than 50LE (We paid 50 from the Naama Bay) Oh and make sure you pay them before you start off and not when they drop you off (we were told they can stop speaking english and then demand more money but im not too sure how true this is)
I've heard of another hotel in the region but i'm having difficulty finding info on it:
"Tropicana Oasis"

I have a choice between the LTI Azure and the Tropicana Oasis, anyone any ideas?


There is a Tropicana Grand Oasis. Would that be what you are looking for.
Hi all
am new to the site and would like to thank you all for the helpful advice which has resulted in us booking this hotel for 13th august for two weeks.
have 3 children ages 11 (boy) and 8 year old twins (boy/girl). Is anyone travelling to the hotel for this period with kids of similar ages as from past experience of A I the kids will only go to the kids club if there are children of similar ages there.
thanks to steve especially for the piles of info he has provided. surely due a couple of extra gold stars soon !!
We will be arriving at the hotel on 8th August and have 2 children, boy aged 8 and a girl aged 4. I am hoping that they will be interested in the children's clubs, but agree that they are more likely to be keen if they know someone else, particularly if the staff are non english speaking. Maybe we can arrange to meet on your arrival? Can I assume from the name that you use that you are a Welsh rugby fan? :D
Is anybody going on the 1st of Sept for 2 weeks to the grand azure, we are taking our 3 children 10, 8 and 2 years.

Does anybody know what the weather will be like, and hours of daylight?

How close is the hotel to the town?
You will find all staff can speak english - from what other people were saying at the hotel the kids clubs were very good so I cant see you having a problem :)
Naama bay is about 10-15 minutes taxi drive (or 5 minutes) - the taxi drivers do seem to have a death wish :?

Thats the one, I was hoping that someone could recommend which one would be best for me, my wife, 12 year old son and 8 year old daughter

Yippee!!! we've eventually booked after some hard bargaining with our Agent but I'm pleased to say that 4 weeks from now I shall be sat at the pool bar enjoying a cool cocktail 8)

Everybody on here at the moment seems to be taking kids with them but seeing as we are child free it will just be me and my fella, do many couples go here or is it mainly families? Not that I'm at all bothered by kids because we are both just big kids ourselves its just that they tend to remember what you got up to the night before even if you don't! :oops:

Don't worry the hotel is adult friendly too.
The hotel grounds are so big you will manage to avoid children and find a quiet spot at one of the three pools. Also it won't be school holidays so there should'nt be too many going about.
I bet you will be going down those waterslides with all the other big kids though!! :glynis
Thanks, it is a relief to hear good reports about the children's clubs, hopefully I will be guaranteed at least a few hours peace. :lol:
Thanks Barbaral, you bet'ya we'll be on the slides, that was one of the many facilities that swung it for us!!

Got 5 films for my underwater camera today, think I'm a bit over enthusiastic!? :roll:
Hello all you can't believe how relieved me and my family are after reading all of the reviews you have given! Mumincharge see you over there, we arrive on the 7th and it's my husbands birthday on the day you arrive (11th)!!! Just look out for the very inhebriated man sat at one of the bars with a birthday boy badge on!!! :roll:

I have downloaded all the information from the links that you have all so kindly put on here!! The photos keep being updated and I am getting very excited about going!!! :D

Thanks again everyone and I will post something when we get back if I can possibly add anything that hasn't been said before!!

Have a great holiady everyone! We will!!!!! 8)
Hi there - just found this site, I'm just after some advice folks please. We are going to the Grand Azure on 14th April for one week. Can anyone let me know any info about visas, the airport, getting a taxi rather than the coach? Also what's the best currency to take with us. How much should we tip the staff to get good service. Also any other useful info would be much appreciated as I have seen some bad reviews of this hotel and am a bit concerned.

Also someone said the beach can hurt your feet. Is it a good idea to get some surf shoes?
Thanks a lot. Mary

Just have a read back - anything from January / February onwards almost all your questions will be answered.

Before Christmas last year it appears that the hotel was undergoing refurbishment and the reviews were poor but from all the reports since January nothing but praise.

Theres lots of stuff on taxi, and visa - theres a separate discussion group on that. Tipping too has been covered several times.

Earlier on this page (13) I copied some info from a guy called Steve which was on page 6 - this is also very useful.


I am dead excited and looking forward to it, even looking forward to meeting the Russians!

I will be tipping small amounts on Egyptian Pounds all the time (for good service)

We booked Thomas Cook Extra so get the transfer from the airport to Hotel.

We bought our VISAs here in UK before I found this site !!!!!!

I have my son's swim shoes from last year (he has grown out of them!) hubby and son have dive boots - but understand swim shoes (or jellies) are available in hotel or the one next door. Its not the beach but the shore line and coral you need to be careful of.

Hope this helps.

We are going on the 11th for two weeks so look forward to meeting you and family.


The hotel will arrange a birthday cake for your hubby for his birthday.
When you book the restaurants with the lady beside reception tell her and she organises it all.
We did it for my husband and the staff were great. They brought the cake out singing happy birthday and then another song in Egyptian.
If nothing else he will be dead embarrassed!!
Hi all just saying its 96 hours (am I desparate or what) until I leave for holiday. It starts the minute I set the alarm and double lock the front door!

Another question but anyone suggest the best duty free options.

Usually buy perfume (I'm a Chanel freak so can only buy it when I go on holiday!) and backy (for family members) and a couple of bottles of Pimms for the summer.

Gatwick on the way out?
On the plane?
Sharm on the way back?

Any previous experiences would be appreciated.

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